I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 644

Li Xiu didn't hide his goal of this mission, he briefly said it, and then looked at Ying Shanren who was still slurping noodles, as if saying that the orphanage would be handed over to him during the time he left.

"Don't worry..." Ying Shanren said vaguely.

I already told the boss!

Of course, Jin Yingshan did not say the latter sentence.

Tao Su smelled the protozoa on Kiba Yuji, which proved that Li Xiu's task this time was not so simple, but if even the boss is a little concerned about this matter, then there must be no problem.

Li Xiu, who wanted to reply, nodded, then turned and left, which made Tao Su suspect that Li Xiu didn't take her reminder to heart at all.

"Don't worry, Li Xiu is just not good at expressing himself." Ying Shanren said.

Tao Su was still not at ease, but walked away muttering, as if trying to prevent Li Xiu and this strange guy from leaving.

But after pushing open the door of his room, Tao Su's body froze suddenly.

She smelled a strong smell of protozoa in her room.


She saw a girl she didn't know sitting on the computer chair in her room.

The undisguised aura was telling Tao Su that the girl who suddenly appeared in her room was a protozoa!

Tao Su's teeth began to tremble continuously, and she was about to leave here, but...

"You don't need to be afraid of me because I'm a protozoan, because even I hate this identity myself." Yun Yuyang who appeared in Tao Su's room turned around and looked at Tao Su and said calmly.

Different from the respectful expression when facing Qianqiao and Saitama before, the expression on Yun Yuyang's face is indifferent at this moment.

"You...what do you want to do?" Tao Su swallowed her saliva, her eyes kept rolling, she was thinking if she could hold out until Ying Shanren rushed over if she called for help now.

"Calling for help will only make the situation worse." Yun Yuyang said calmly, this sentence also made Tao Su's heart stiff.

How did this guy guess what she was thinking? !

"Your body told me the answer."

Mind reading?

"It can be understood in this way." Yun Yuyang stood up, pulled Tao Su into the room and closed her door at the same time.

"You bastard, what exactly are you trying to do?" Tao Su looked vigilant, "If you want to use me to threaten others, you will definitely not succeed!"

"Just to avoid some misunderstandings, I came here to tell you that I don't have any malice towards Mr. Li Xiu, lest you do some strange behavior."

"No malice?" Tao Su looked disbelieving, "I can't see any signs of malice in your current behavior. Believe it or not, I'll call Uncle Ren and Brother Li Xiu up now!"

Tao Su started to bluff, as if I have two Kamen Riders sitting here, you'd better be honest with me, but the words that came out of Yun Yuyang's mouth in the next second made her body stiff.

"Because you are just a zerg, there is no need to take a respectful attitude towards you." Yun Yuyang's eyes became cold, "Or a guy like you who is clearly a monster but treats himself as a human being will let you down." I feel sick, but for the sake of your efforts to protect humans, it's a useful bug."

The cold eyes seemed to be looking at a bug that could be crushed to death, which made Tao Su shrink his head suddenly.

Tao Su was terrified and wronged at the same time.

You don't hit someone in the face, and you don't expose your faults when you swear! Aren't you a bug too?

Tao Su never denied her identity as a Zerg, she just wanted to continue living as a human, but was mercilessly ridiculed by the other party.

Being hanged and beaten on the Internet, and even being mercilessly ridiculed in reality, Tao Su was extremely wronged, but this strange protozoa did not stay in her room for long, as if it was just Come over and warn her not to do unnecessary things.

Tao Su originally wanted to tell Li Xiu about this, but the moment she had this idea in her heart, she could feel a chill in the air that made her hair stand on end, as if if she was going to do this, then the The molting protozoa would not hesitate to take action to get rid of her.

This made Tao Su very anxious, but this feeling of being stared at did not disappear until Li Xiu and Kiba Yuji left. She wanted to notify Li Xiu immediately, but she was worried that doing so would bring danger to Li Xiu.

But just when Tao Su ran out of the room in a panic, Ying Shanren's voice sounded, which made her calm down.

"What's the matter, you look panicked."

When Tao Su hurriedly opened the door and walked out of the room, he saw Ying Shanren leaning against the wall of the corridor.

This reminded Tao Su that in the orphanage, there was such a professional pest killer as Ying Shanren! Although the two 'worms' are not the same creature.

However, just when Tao Su was about to tell Ying Shanren that she was threatened by the protozoa in the room not long ago, Ying Shanren took the initiative to say: "If it is the protozoa, there is no need to worry about it for the time being. It seems that she is right. Humans don't seem to have any malice."

This sentence stunned Tao Su.


The reason why Ying Shanren seemed to have expected the appearance of the protozoa and waited outside Tao Su's room in advance was because of Jon's reminder.

After hearing Ying Shanjin say that Tao Su smelled a trace of protozoa on Kiba Yuji's body, Jon raised his vigilance.

Although the protozoa didn't mind exposing itself before, who can guarantee that she will tolerate Tao Su's behavior? After all, protozoa and zerg are natural enemies.

As Jon expected, the protozoa came to Tao Su, but the news from Ying Shanren surprised Jon.

Contrary to the respectful attitude when facing Qianqiao and Saitama, Yun Yuyang's attitude when facing Tao Su can be described as bad, but it is not because of Tao Su's identity as a zerg, but because he feels that Tao Su is obviously just a Zerg, but trying to live as a human.

Even through the information conveyed by Ying Shanren, Jon seemed to be able to hear the infinite yearning for human beings from Yun Yuyang's tone, and he also expressed his appreciation for Tao Su's behavior of protecting human beings as a zerg.


Isn't this even weirder for you? !

The last protozoa still hoped to transform all human beings into protozoa! How come you have become the invisible patron saint of human beings?

Perhaps it was because the expression on Jon's face at the moment was so unbelievable that Qianqiao couldn't help but lower his head to look at the little figure carrying a schoolbag in front of him, and asked cautiously.

"Boss, did you find something wrong?"

"It's a big problem." Jon gave an answer that made Qianqiao's face ugly.

The problem is really big!

Jon wondered what caused the molting protozoa to become what it is now. If it was defeated by human will, then she shouldn't find out that she is a protozoa.

She understands that she is a protozoa, and admits that she is a protozoa, but she yearns for humans.

Could it be that some powerful human being subdued that protozoa, which made her look like this? But why did Yuji Kiba...

A trace of doubt flashed in Jon's mind, but then he realized another possibility.

Orfino belongs to the evolution of human beings, which means that Kiba Yuji and Ganqiao still belong to human beings in Yun Yuyang's eyes! That's why he didn't show a completely different attitude like he did with Tao Su, but it was the same as Jon's previous thought. If he was curious about how far Orfino could grow, then it would be fine to snatch Kiba Yuji away.

In addition, this time Kiba Yuji received the task of going to other cities to find a possible third Orfino, which made Jon have to be suspicious.

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