I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 647

Yuji Kiba was taken aback by the unceremonious words. From Hou Liang's tone, he could hear that the other party seemed to distrust the countermeasure team very much.

However, Kiba Yuji has a gentle personality and will not get angry because of such things.

"Because we found some new clues about your father's death, we came here specially from other places." Li Xiu said bluntly, "Although we have learned the cause of this incident from intelligence, but I still want to ask myself, before your father had an accident, did you bring up some strange topics with you?"

It is true that Hou Liang lived alone and belonged to a divorced family. Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that Hou Liang's father is a well-known doctor of medicine.

What happened at that time, the countermeasure team's eyes were darkened, and they couldn't find any useful clues at all, but now Li Xiu has thought of some possibilities.

Since it can be ruled out that the monster did not do it for no reason, then Li Xiu felt that he could start from this aspect.

Before finding this place, he also specifically asked Jiang He whether it was possible for ordinary medical institutions to find the abnormality of Kiba Yuji's body. At that time, Jiang He replied that the probability was not high, but it was not impossible.

In this way, Li Xiu had a guess. It is very likely that Hou Liang's father discovered the abnormality of the target's body, so he was silenced.

"Strange topic?" Hou Liang looked at Li Xiu suspiciously, and then couldn't help but sneer, "Let me tell you, why did the people in your countermeasure team become more and more strange? Obviously there was nothing at the time. Find it out, and now come to ask my father if he mentioned anything."

Having said that, Hou Liang shrugged.

"Even if there is, I guess I've forgotten it long ago. You guys are late."

"It's a pity that I interrupted you." After receiving this answer, Li Xiu stood up and was about to leave. Yuji Kiba was a little astonished by his unhesitating appearance. He glanced at Hou Liang who was also astonished, and comforted him: "Although I don't know you Why don't you trust the countermeasures team, but if you really remember something, please contact us."

After leaving Hou Liang a phone number, Kiba Yuji caught up with Li Xiu.

"Senior Li Xiu, is it really okay to do this?"

"That kid just lied." Li Xiu glanced at Kiba Yuji, and explained: "Obviously because of his father's death, he has become so decadent and slovenly. Judging by his appearance just now, it is very likely that he has not slept for several days. There are also various opened snack bags on his body, but his hands are very clean, as if there are no snack crumbs on them, but they are only limited to his hands, and the rest of his body is not so carefully taken care of. "

"Senior Li Xiu, do you mean that even in such a state, Hou Liang is still subconsciously taking good care of his hands?" Yuji Kiba was stunned, and then asked.

These discoveries of Li Xiu are things that he didn't notice at all just now.

"Yes, so if his father had said anything strange to him before he was alive, he would definitely be able to recall it."

"Wait!" Kiba Yuji became even more confused, "If this is the case, shouldn't we continue to ask Hou Liang for clues?"

"That may bring him danger." Li Xiu said something that Kiba Yuji couldn't understand, and under Kiba Yuji's puzzled gaze, he continued to explain: "The trash can in the living room is very clean, but I don't I think that kid will deal with such a trivial matter, and there are other people's slippers in the entrance."

The message revealed in this sentence made Kiba Yuji show an expression of disbelief, "Senior Li Xiu, you mean that..."

"It's just a guess, so when the other party may come back at any time, we'd better not alert the other party first."

Li Xiu glanced at the sky, it was almost time to get off work, if he and Yuji Kiba stayed there, it was very likely that he would bump into that person.

There were some problems with the information about Hou Liang, and now he was not living alone at all, which made Li Xiu subconsciously feel that there was something wrong, but he could only choose to do so when he was not sure.

"But he might be in danger." Kiba Yuji stopped, ready to go back the same way, but Li Xiu grabbed his shoulder.

"Don't underestimate that kid, he will never be so stupid." Li Xiu said calmly, "Sometimes a person's eyes can explain a lot of things, and he has already understood what I said before."


On the other side, after Li Xiu and Kiba Yuji left, Hou Liang stared blankly at his palm.

He didn't trust the countermeasure team, because the countermeasure team couldn't find out the real culprit who killed his father at that time, so the countermeasure team was synonymous with incompetence in Hou Liang's eyes, but it was also because he trusted the countermeasure team too much at the beginning, so Only after getting that result will they report a distrustful attitude towards the countermeasure team.

He thought that things would pass like this, until the image of that person in his own heart became blurred, but the arrival of Li Xiu and Kiba Yuji once again opened the scar in his heart.

"This kind of thing... how can I forget it..." Hou Liang wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, and then found that the back of his hand was stained with oil.

This made him frown, and then he took out a wet towel and wiped it gently until it was clean, then stopped.


"I'm back, Xiao Liang, did you have a good meal today?" Xia Yi, this is the name of the woman who opened the door and walked in. She was wearing a black work attire and looked older than Hou Liang, but judging from her appearance, She should not have any blood relationship with Hou Liang.

"They said there's no need to come here." Hou Liang looked impatient, as if he was very tired of the other party's appearance.

"If you don't come, Xiaoliang, you will definitely continue to eat those unhealthy foods, and the teacher will definitely be sad."

This sentence made Hou Liang silent, and then he heard Xia Yi's doubtful voice.

"Any guests here today?"

"It's just a courier." Hou Liang said perfunctorily, and then went back to his room.

Because of Li Xiu and Kiba Yuji's sudden visit, Hou Liang was in a very bad mood, and he had no intention of talking about it with Xia Yi at all.

After returning to the room, Hou Liang was going to sleep, but when he remembered what Xia Yi said just now, a trace of struggle appeared on his face.

After thinking about it, he chose to take a shower first.

When the hot water sprayed from the lotus head and poured on his face, Hou Liang found himself calm down rarely.

"Do you really want to trust those useless guys?" Hou Liang, who closed his eyes, remembered Kiba Yuji's smile not long ago, and suddenly hesitated.

He already had no hope of catching the real culprit who killed his father, but the two people who suddenly appeared today seemed to force a glimmer of hope into his heart.

"Strange topic? Is this really a clue?"

Hou Liang began to try his best to recall the scenes of his father's life, but his memory was so long that he couldn't recall any important clues.

After taking a bath for himself indiscriminately, Hou Liang returned to the room.

He didn't rush to sleep, but turned on the computer.

Hou Liang felt that he needed to vent. For example, it would be a good idea to spread a wave of negative energy to those idiots on the forum.

Worship Kamen Rider? These guys will not happen to appear around you when you are in danger, the lucky ones are only those guys in Guishi!

Magical girl?

Come on! Ordinary people would have died long ago when they met a witch!

In the past, if Hou Liang was in a bad mood, he would come to this current hottest forum to vent his anger.

After posting a few phishing posts, Hou Liang took another look at the Dimensional website, found that there was no updated video, and forked the page.

Switching back to the forum, Hou Liang unexpectedly found that all the fishing posts he posted had sunk, and no one responded.

"Tsk, that vegetable dog is not here."

Hou Liang clicked his tongue, then closed the page boredly, and closed his eyes tiredly, but the second he closed his eyes, the words of Li Xiu and Yuji Kiba rang in his mind again.

"Strange topic? What counts as a strange topic..." Hou Liang scratched his head and looked mad.

When his father was alive, the topics of their conversations were mostly medical oddities.

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