I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 670

"Maybe at this time that guy is already telling others that this squid Orfino came to reconcile with me, the 'Kamen Rider', and then he was killed." When he mentioned the word Kamen Rider, his tone There seemed to be a hint of sarcasm in it.

Immediately afterwards, Hou Liang stood up, picked up the box containing the Faiz drive at the same time, and then smiled at Qianqiao.

"Mr. Qiao, you told me that Kamen Rider exists to protect ordinary people, right?"

Nodding skillfully.

"So now I am going to fight to protect ordinary people, Mr. Qiao, you will definitely not stop me, right? Don't you think the area where all ordinary people have left is a good battlefield? That guy. ..It should be forcing me to go over."


On the other side, Meng Qi was pacing back and forth with a 'panic' expression on his face. Xia Yi saw this and came up to ask him what's wrong.

Meng Qi wiped the sweat from his forehead, then pulled Xia Yi aside, gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle Lin said he wanted to reconcile with that kid who got help from Kamen Rider, so he passed by alone, but arrived Haven't contacted me yet."

This sentence made Xia Yi's eyes widen in disbelief.

"Why didn't you discuss such an important matter with us from the beginning?!"

Meng Qi looked flustered and tremblingly said, "Uncle Lin said that he didn't want this to affect everyone's emotions, but he just said that he would bring back good news."

"I'm going to tell the chairman about this!" Xia Yi turned and left immediately, but was grabbed by the shoulder by Meng Qi.

"How about...wait for now?" Meng Qi hesitated, "I don't think that kid will do it directly, after all, Uncle Lin went there with good intentions."

All the people in the area around where the Kangde Healthcare Company is located have run away, only the countermeasure team is still surrounded here in a vigilant manner.

"I said, Old Chen, the countermeasure team is really planning to accept these guys, right?" A combat member standing by the armored vehicle chatted with his teammates through the radio.

It has been several days since the existence of these monsters was revealed, but the countermeasure team has not issued an order to destroy them, coupled with the previous decision to release Orfino, these fighters thought of such a possibility .

"I don't think it's possible..." His teammate's voice came from the radio, "It's not like you haven't seen the news before. Some monsters did not hesitate to attack humans after their identities were revealed. I think it might be I feel that the number is too much, so use this method to paralyze them, and wait until the support from other cities arrives."

The voice from his teammates made the combatant subconsciously take a look at the brand-new weapons mounted on the armored vehicle beside him, and then complained in a low voice: "I thought it would be enough to have such a new weapon."

"Perhaps it's just to be on the safe side." His teammate said this, but after a long time, he didn't get a response from the other party, so he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"I seem to have seen someone jumping from that building just now..." The combatant who suddenly fell silent subconsciously said, but the next second he sensed something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted: "No! It's a flying species ! It's the flying Orfino!"


Xia Yi's face was extremely ugly, she didn't expect that Uncle Lin who always likes to make colorful jokes on weekdays went to see Hou Liang alone.

If it was before, she wouldn't be too nervous, but it's different now!

After getting the Kamen Rider system, Xia Yi had no doubt that Hou Liang would destroy Orfino who appeared in front of him without hesitation, just like when he eliminated Mu Wanman before!

Xia Yi knew very well why Uncle Lin did this, it was precisely because Hou Liang was not a member of the countermeasure team, so even if Orfino and the countermeasure team reached a settlement, Hou Liang might still attack them, but...

Things shouldn't be like this at all!

Xiao Liang is obviously also Orfino! It's all just a misunderstanding!

Now this misunderstanding has brought terrible consequences, and Xia Yi even regrets why she followed the teacher's will before and didn't tell Hou Liang about it.

Xia Yi felt that her companions would definitely accept Hou Liang and would not make him feel lonely.

So...don't be like that!

Jumping directly from the company window, Xia Yi's eyes were filled with gray and white in mid-air, and facial lines representing crane elements began to emerge on her face.

In the next second, Xia Yi entered the Orfino state. Compared with other Orfino individuals, her whiter body and the wings growing from her waist endowed her with a terrifying flying speed, which turned into an afterimage. The fighters of the countermeasure team disappeared in place before they could react.

In less than two minutes, she came to Hou Liang's residence, but when she followed the wall that was knocked down by the rabbit Orfino before entering Hou Liang's house, all she saw was piled up on the sofa The pale white sand was slowly falling on the floor.



"Next, you may die." Ganqiao looked at Hou Liang seriously, hoping that he could dispel such thoughts. Although the Faiz system can bring powerful power to users, it cannot defeat hundreds of opponents head-on. Orfino!



【Standing By! 】

Looking at the screen of Faiz's phone, Hou Liang was in a daze for a while.

He was also a little surprised that he would make such a choice, obviously not long ago he was just a decadent guy who stayed at home.

"Mr. Qiao, when you handed me the Faiz driver at first, I thought you wanted to laugh at me after seeing me fail in transformation, or succeed in transformation but unable to fight because my body hasn't exercised for a long time."

In fact, Hou Liang himself was also a little strange, wondering why he was able to use such a Kamen Rider system to fight when he looked like a waste before, but this is not important now.

He desperately wants to avenge his father, but also wants to abide by the agreement with Qianqiao, but judging from the current situation, the two do not conflict.

Orfino, who planned all this, wants to use this method to make all Orfino unite and fight against mankind. If he chooses to back down, other people will definitely be injured, and he has no doubt that he will do it when the time comes. Qiao will come instead of him.

Gently closing the flip of Faiz's phone, Hou Liang spoke calmly.

"Compared to continuing to live in a daze before, I think it's not bad to do this...Mr. Qiao, remember what I said before?" Hou Liang looked at Qianqiao and said seriously: "But if I have If we have the ability to destroy Orfino but let them go because of pity or other reasons, then who should be responsible for the people who are hurt by these monsters?"

"Mr. Qiao, you are right. What I did at that time may indeed bring danger to other people. I will not refute this. As an ordinary person, that is the best way I can think of, so... ..”

Hou Liang raised his mobile phone high, and walked step by step towards the countermeasure team fighters who became vigilant because of his appearance.


Plug it in!

[Complete! 】

No one would believe him. Even if he went to tell the countermeasure team that Orfino died at his home because his life span had reached the limit, those people would definitely have doubts. This was caused by his previous actions. The backlash brought about, not to mention that Orfino himself does not need to care about the ideas of the countermeasure team.

When Orfino the squid chose to use this method to tear up the relationship that the countermeasure team released Orfino to ease, it has been proved that Orfino, as he imagined, should not exist in this world!

"Now I will also do my best to avenge my father, and then tell others that Orfino cannot be trusted!"


Hou Liang's approach undoubtedly exceeded the expectations of the countermeasure team. In their eyes, as long as those Orfinos are released, there will be no more conflicts between the two sides in a short time, but now Hou Liang's appearance directly disrupts the situation. The plan of the countermeasure group.


"I believe he wouldn't do such a thing for no reason. Something must have happened." Li Xiu stood up from his seat, ready to go to the scene.

Li Xiu chose to believe in Hou Liang, because a person's eyes cannot deceive others. He had said before at his home that he would only use the knight system to eliminate Orfino who wanted to harm humans, so Li Xiu chose to believe it.

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