I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 680

【Ready Go! 】

"So..." the dragon girl raised her head, staring at Yun Yuyang's figure standing there.

In the next second, her figure followed the roaring black dragon towards Yun Yuyang.

【Over Flow! ! 】

"As long as we take this punch, we will be friends!"

[Yabeel! ! ! 】

From the moment she saw the black dragon appearing behind the dragon girl, Yun Yuyang knew that she would definitely be defeated by this blow, but she had no intention of hiding at all.

After all, she has been completely grasped the 'weakness'!

And if it was the person in front of him, maybe he could really change Lord Douzhen's mind.

The iron sand began to condense on Yun Yuyang's palm, and it vibrated violently like a high-frequency vibrating knife. There was no doubt that if a person's body accidentally rubbed against such iron sand, would he be crushed in an instant? end!

Even a heavy tank full of armor will probably be torn in half in front of such an iron sand cannon!

The countermeasure team has no doubts about this. If they saw a molting protozoa with such terrifying destructive power and the ability to read minds before, they would probably be trembling with fear, but now...

But they didn't regard Yun Yuyang as a monster at all.

She received an order from Toujin whom she served to destroy all Orfino, but because she still regarded part of Orfino as human beings, she did not choose to do it immediately, but waited for someone to stop her.

Then this person is a dragon girl, a human being who also thinks Orfino belongs to human beings!

So can Dragon Girl succeed?

Defeating Yun Yuyang has become a foregone conclusion, so can Dragon Girl really stop that Douzhen?

At this time, the countermeasure team suddenly became curious about the existence of Douzhen.

From the current point of view, he does not seem to be malicious to humans. Although he wants to promote the peaceful coexistence of Orfino and humans, he wants to eliminate the Orfino group after realizing that it is impossible.

So now that humans are against him, will it arouse the anger of the other party?

It can easily deprive the dragon girl of the ability to transform into a magma dragon. People in the countermeasure team don't think that the dragon girl who transforms into a dangerous dragon lock can convince the other party, but why... even Yun Yuyang thinks that the dragon girl can succeed?

Reason told the people in the countermeasure team that the dragon girl should be stopped now, but no one said this, and indeed they were unable to stop it.

An iron sand cannon almost the size of a person was fired from Yun Yuyang's hand, but at this moment such a terrifying blow was facing an enemy that it could not tear apart at all!

The dragon head made of black mist roared and tore off the golden chains bound on its upper and lower jaws, as well as a large number of golden chains on its body, but these chains did not turn into dust and disappear into the air. After being torn off, it turned into a complete chain and spread towards Yun Yuyang's position, locking her body tightly.

At this time, the huge iron sand cannon officially collided with the dragon girl's fist.

The iron sand vibrating at a very high frequency tried to tear apart the black dragon blocking it, but the final result was that it couldn't even slow down the black dragon's progress for a second!

Accompanied by the deafening explosion, the iron sand cannon was directly torn into iron sand in the mouth of the black dragon, and the dragon girl remained undiminished, and appeared in front of Yun Yuyang who was already bound by chains.

But in the end, this punch that could tear Yun Yuyang's body into pieces still didn't land, but hit her head lightly.

The black dragon dissipated, and Yun Yuyang turned back into a human form.

"The weakness is too obvious, so... I won!"


the other side.

Although it was the first time for Hou Liang to transform into Orfino to fight, it was much easier for him to fight with this ugly posture than to use the Faiz drive.

He just needs to use his sharp claws to tear Orfino who appears in front of him!

And the first one he found was the rabbit Orfino who wanted to kill him before.

"You seem to be surprised?" Hou Liang tore a few huge cuts on the rabbit Orfino with his claws, and then cut off his unrecovered right arm that had been twisted by Saitama in the next second!

Seeing Orfino the rabbit lying on the ground in great fear and kicking his legs back and forth, Hou Liang suddenly felt that these guys seemed to have forgotten to bring their brains when they turned into Orfino.

He moved forward step by step, while Orfino the rabbit kept retreating. At the same time, the image of Li Hao's upper body also appeared in the shadow, with a terrified expression on his face.

"Forgive me...forgive me...it was Lao Chen who asked me to do it..."

"That's not right..." Hou Liang moved his sickle-like claws on both hands, and said sarcastically, "I remember that you said arrogantly that you didn't want to bury your powerful strength?"

"I'm joking...I'm joking..." Li Hao explained tremblingly, but what greeted him was Hou Liang's merciless claws.

The claws pierced Li Hao's abdomen, causing him to let out a scream, but the next second Hou Liang jumped back vigilantly.

Almost the second after he made this action, a few off-white tentacles shot towards this side, piercing the ground where he was standing before, and Li Hao, who was seriously injured and unable to leave, was directly caught in this way. The tentacles shot through the body.

Li Hao, who was seriously injured, thought that Meng Qi was going to use this method to help him repair his injury, but immediately after that, a frightened expression appeared on his face in the shadow.

He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but in the next second his body was completely carbonized and turned into sand.

Seeing this scene, Hou Liang clicked his tongue in disdain.

"That's what companions are for, Orfinos, it's getting uglier."

Not only Hou Liang, but even the other Orfinos were taken aback when they saw Meng Qi's behavior, but Meng Qi was already prepared.

"Old Chen was killed because Li Hao ran away alone, and he was seriously injured. He can't be rescued. He will only drag us down and rush out! Only by rushing out can we have a chance to survive! People like Li Hao There is no need to keep people who will directly abandon us when they are in danger."

The words were extremely cold-blooded, but at a critical juncture, the other Orfinos could only let go of their suspicions and continue fighting.


"If you continue to procrastinate, it seems a bit bad..." Ganqiao took a deep breath, and reached out to remove the acceleration memory on Faiz's watch on his left arm.

And this scene made Hou Liang's eyes widen even more. He knew what this scene meant. Just launching an ordinary kill had already pushed Qianqiao's body to its limit. He couldn't imagine that once Qianqiao used that In this form, how bad will the physical condition be!

"Mr. Qiao! Stop fighting!" Hou Liang yelled at Gan Qiao, "Leave the rest to me!"

"But don't you want to be a doctor, kid?" Ganqiao embedded the accelerated memory into Faiz's phone without hesitation, "Since you are a doctor, just watch it obediently."

[Complete! ] Meng Qi, who had just personally executed Orfino's companion, felt his heart sink when he saw Qianqiao's actions. Although he already knew that Qianqiao's body was too bad to fight, he still didn't completely let go of his vigilance .

Although two companions have died, there are still nineteen companions who choose to follow him! And unlike Li Hao, who chooses to keep up with the weak Orfino because he knows he can't stay on the other side, those who choose to follow him after his scheme is exposed are all addicted to Orfino. The type that promises great power and frequently uses abilities.

Such thoughts brought them stronger power, but it also made their lifespan precarious!

So... these talents are the main force!

Although I was shocked by the scene of killing the rhinoceros Orfino with a clever blow, as long as we continue to join forces, we can definitely escape from here!

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