I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 694

The Angel of Water put away the scepter, and this action was also telling Ba Mami.

"So it seems that Jon's side succeeded..." Ba Mami breathed a sigh of relief, then stretched her body, but then became angry again.

"But he actually fit with other girls without saying anything!"


Hou Liang's body was trembling slightly.

The Faiz blade filled with instruction memory has pierced Meng Qi's chest, and the pierced...

And Yuji Kiba! All of this happened so fast that even the people in the countermeasure team didn't react! In other words, they never thought that Hou Liang would kill Kiba Yuji without hesitation in order to kill Meng Qi! I never thought that Kiba Yuji would do this.

This is not necessary at all!

Meng Qi, who has taken away the vitality of other Orfino, has indeed become stronger, so strong that it is dangerous for Hou Liang and Kiba Yuji to join forces, but as long as the time is delayed, the countermeasure team can come to help!

But Yuji Kiba made such a choice without hesitation! Perhaps in his eyes, a freak like Meng Qi should be killed by Orfino!

So he created a chance for Hou Liang, who had entered the acceleration mode, to kill Meng Qi!

【Time Out! 】

The sound of the end of the timer sounded, and Hou Liang also exited the acceleration mode.

【Deformation! (Status released)]

The unfolded breastplate began to close, allowing him to change from the accelerated form back to the normal form, but he remained motionless with the Faiz blade that pierced Meng Qi's chest, as if he had fainted from the overloaded battle just now.

But Meng Qi didn't die completely, he still breathed a sigh of relief, and the face of the image in the shadow was full of resentment.

"You guy, you really can do it..."

Meng Qi knew very well that if that stupid Maorfino hadn't used his own life as the price to entangle him just now, and then both were penetrated by the opponent's special attack, then he would never have been defeated so easily!

He turned his head with difficulty, and looked at Yuji Kiba, whose body was burning with blue flames, and who had begun to turn into sand, his tone was full of sarcasm.

"You're just an idiot!" Meng Qi knew that he had lost, but it didn't mean that he wouldn't insult Hou Liang with the most vicious tone before he died, but Hou Liang ignored him and lifted the change instead. body state, and then step by step towards Kiba Yuji's position.

"After killing the other party, are you pretending to be hypocritical again?" Meng Qi taunted viciously, but then he saw Hou Liang change from a human state to an Orfino state, and then move towards Yuji Kiba's dead body. The fine sand under the ground stretched out his palm, and this scene also puzzled the people in the countermeasure team. They just looked at Hou Liang quietly, and then...

"It's just... I just want to return the borrowed things to him." Hou Liang turned his head and glanced at Meng Qi, and said calmly.

Hou Liang already understood what his abilities were, but such abilities made him uncomfortable because he failed to save Mr. Qiao.

Following his words, a scene that made Meng Qi unbelievable appeared.

The sand left by Kiba Yuji's death began to gather again under Hou Liang's ability, and then formed the body of Maorfino, which also told Meng Qi that Kiba Yuji...


"You guy...how could you have such abilities?!!" Meng Qi struggled angrily, trying to stand up, but the Faiz sharp blade that still pierced his chest and nailed him to the ground made him I felt terrible weakness, and it became extremely difficult to even move my palms.

He couldn't believe that this stupid guy had such abilities!

"Because... I'm a doctor..." Hou Liang stood up after reviving Kiba Yuji who was confused about the situation, but it seemed that the use of such abilities was too exhausting for him. He staggered and almost fell to the ground, then walked towards Meng Qi step by step.

He grabbed the handle of Faiz's sharp blade, pulled it from Meng Qi's chest, and pointed it at Meng Qi's head.

And this kind of action made Meng Qi feel extremely unwilling and fearful. He stared at this Orfino with tiger elements, and he couldn't understand why Orfino, who was obviously so wild, would have This ability does not match the appearance at all!

"We should join hands!" Meng Qi stared at Hou Liang.

For the first time, he developed resentment towards Le Kangde!

He felt that it was because of Le Kangde that such an important companion was left home!

If Hou Liang had joined the company from the very beginning, he would have the confidence to change Hou Liang's mind and make him his most loyal subordinate! Then the two of them will lead this group to prosperity! Instead of being subservient to humans like this now!

"I can absorb the vitality of human beings... and then replenish it to you to revive the dead companions... We should be the most tacit companions!" Meng Qi said angrily, "Our abilities complement each other! In this way, you will not Will die because of constant use of abilities, and our companions will not die! We are an invincible combination! Why?! Why do you choose to stand on the side of humans?!"

"Why?" Hou Liang's tone was also full of confusion, "Maybe I chose to do this from the moment I saw Mr. Qiao..."

"I'm even very fortunate that my father wants me to live as a human being, otherwise my ability will definitely be used by you now..."

Hou Liang's tone became cold, and then he grabbed the Faiz sharp knife, and under Meng Qi's unwilling gaze, pierced his head, and then looked at the dilapidated top floor of the company.

He could feel that there was also a patient who needed his help as a doctor, and it was also the place where he had completely severed his relationship with Orfino.

Has he reached an agreement with Mr. Qiao?

I made a promise to pick up my original dream, but it's a pity...the people who made a promise with him can't see this scene anymore.

After throwing the Faiz driver to Yuji Kiba, Hou Liang walked towards the building of Kant Healthcare Company step by step under the complicated gaze of Yuji Kiba and other Orfinos who had accepted their human identities.


He turned his head, and in Xia Yi's hesitant expression, calmly said:

"But I will never join you. Unlike you guys who joined humans halfway through, I have... been a human from the beginning. The person who guards this sky will also not doubt my identity !"

What happened in Xingxia City is over, but neither the countermeasure team nor other human beings who are paying attention to this matter are silent.

The reason for the silence of the countermeasures team is that they never thought about it. At first, this was just a problem caused by the new Orfino group, but in the end it involved such a terrible thing.

They still don't know what kind of battle happened on Mars. They can only know through observation that after the last battle between Evolto and Mr. Fifth Generation Yusuke, Mars once again suffered terrible devastation.

Whether it's Dou Zhen's terrible attack that sliced ​​through a part of the planet in one fell swoop, or the bloody cobra that seems to be able to devour the planet, they are not forces that they can get involved in.

Just as if they didn't know why a seemingly ordinary thing would involve Dou Zhen, they also didn't know whose victory the battle ended with.

But judging from the performance of the sacred and wild figure who chose to give up in the end, Dou Zhen should be persuaded by the dragon girl, which made them breathe a sigh of relief.

But then the problem came again!

Where did that ugly bald man come from?

If it seems very reasonable to say that Evolto can freely shuttle between the universes by virtue of wormholes and Douzhen’s superpower of teleportation, then Saitama’s way of going to Mars undoubtedly broke everyone’s cognition.

First jump from the earth to the moon, and then from the moon to Mars, is this really what humans can do?

The key is! ! !

Why do you need to practice holding your breath before doing this! ! !

The countermeasure team is eager to know who Touzhen and Saitama are, but the dimensional website that has brought them a lot of information does not appear because of their information after the end of the war. The only thing that appears is A film and television drama called Kamen Rider 555.

but the name...

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