I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 802


"I didn't expect to come here with such a body." Ying Shanren licked an ice cream, looked at Tox who seemed to have reached an agreement with Jessica not far away, sighed, and then asked Bugarati, who closed his eyes and took a nap behind him.

"Brother Bugarati, you have done this business before, can you tell me how easy it is to quit that thing?"

"I've never been involved in this kind of transaction." Bugarati opened his eyes and looked at Tox not far away with the same complexity, "But I have heard people say that unless you rely on other people's help to use coercion means, otherwise it is basically impossible.”

"Oh~~~" Ying Shanren showed an interested expression, "Then it seems that the little brother is really good in some aspects, and he has already started to try for the second time... But if you think about it carefully, I I should have felt a similar feeling before, but compared to the real Amazon, the desire should be much lighter."

After a few bites, Ying Shanren ate the remaining roll, and then patted off the crumbs in his hands.

"After being saved, did you decide to help other companions in hell without hesitation? It's hard to believe that such a person would be infected with that thing, but..."

Having said that, Ying Shanren raised his eyebrows at Bugarati.

"Don't you think our current identities are a bit embarrassing?" Ying Shanren showed a distressed expression. He first pointed to Bugarati and said, "Brother Bugarati, you are a stand-in messenger, and then..."

He pointed to himself again, shrugged, and regretfully said:

"Now that the real Kamen Rider Gatack has come, no matter how you think about it, Gatack won't come to me. It seems that the next thing I can do is to trouble you, Brother Bugarati, to protect me."

Bugarati didn't answer, but just nodded silently. Although he didn't believe Ying Shanjin's words that he had no ability to resist at all, for those who knew the truth, the purpose was not for people to understand As seen on the face.


With the "parasites" drawn into Cyprus by some invisible force and the arrival of the Kamen Riders, even ordinary people can feel the undercurrents in this city, not to mention the turmoil in the city. The branch of the countermeasure team that cannot enter the state of full operation.

Even though it has already received support from other branches of the countermeasure team, in the face of tens of thousands of "parasites" who have gathered together, the combatants of these countermeasure teams dare not do anything that will cause misunderstanding.

But what puzzled them was that the "tools" for producing cell coins had all been gathered together, but neither Evolto nor Killbus responded to this, as if they didn't care about such things at all.

But do you really care?

No one would put their hopes on this infinitely close to zero possibility, and at the same time they also knew that the reason why the surface is still calm now is because the time has not yet come!

Whether it is Evolto or Killbus, they are patiently waiting for the cell coins to be produced. For them, the Kamen Riders seem to be just bugs that can be crushed casually, and it is not worth their special shot for this.

And the Kamen Riders seem to be waiting for an opportunity as well!

At this moment, no one will doubt the awareness of these Kamen Riders, especially when the second-generation knights who have received gifts from Kamen Riders choose to 'exit' the countermeasure team and come to Europe as 'private'. Everyone knows that they are ready to fight and die here.

They are destined to be unable to defeat Evolto and Killbus, but even if there is a slight possibility, they will not let go of the opportunity to kill the "Desire Envoy".

Ordinary people may be able to continue to retreat and choose to compromise with these monsters, but only these Kamen Riders cannot retreat!

They were not coerced by public opinion, nor received orders they could not defy. They made such a decision only out of their own heart.


"If the heroes all take a step back..." Yun Yuyang sat at the desk in Jiang He's office, playing with the ends of his hair, and said with a smile: "Then as the object of their protection, they must take a step back Have you stepped back? They may die, but they will try their best not to let the protected people back down, to prevent them from finally falling into the abyss, what a pity..."

"What a pity?" Jiang Hekou dryly looked at Yun Yuyang who suddenly appeared in his office.

"Unfortunately, I'm not human." Yun Yuyang smiled.

This answer made Jiang He silent.

Of course he remembered the other party, he was very active in the Orfino incident in Xingxia City, and later he gave the abandoned belt to the dragon.

Judging from her series of actions, it seems that she has a very high affection for human beings. Of course, the most important thing for Jiang He is the attitude of the young man in black standing behind him.

Long called him Douzhen, but Jiang He didn't dare to do that in front of Yun Yuyang, because at the moment Douzhen appeared in front of everyone in Xingxia City, Jiang He felt as if he had seen the real God!

It had nothing to do with the opponent's subsequent battle on Mars, but after seeing the opponent for the first time, he had such a feeling.

Since Yun Yuyang appeared, does it mean that Douzhen will not sit back and watch such a thing happen?

"Maybe it's a bit over the top, but I want to ask, why didn't Lord Douzhen choose to attack at the beginning?" Jiang He couldn't help asking.

He felt that if Dou Zhen really loved humans as Long said, then he shouldn't watch the "Desire Messenger" wreak havoc.

Then Jiang He got the answer.

"Because desire itself is something that human beings possess, and Master Douzhen is a god."

Yun Yuyang spoke earnestly and earnestly. "Because desire itself is something that humans possess, and Toma-sama is a god."

Even after Yun Yuyang left, Jiang He still didn't react for a long time, and Yun Yuyang's words kept echoing in his mind.


He understands!

Just like Orfino in the Xingxia City incident, when Dou Zhen thought Orfino was human, he would try to integrate Orfino into human society, and when Orfino gave up When he thought of becoming a human being and trampling humans under his feet, he made the decision to destroy all Orfino without hesitation, even if not all Orfino had such an idea.

Because Douzhen is not a human being, but a god! He has his own set of criteria for judging! It's like the countermeasure team can't use the eyes of ordinary people to deliberate on Evolto and Killbus' practices.

Although the "Shadow Envoy" is parasitic in the human body, it will not bring other effects except infinitely amplifying the host's desire, and even the production of cell coins can reduce the number of disasters.

Perhaps in the eyes of that Douzhen, the existence of the "Darkness Envoy" may have helped human beings.

But why change the decision now?

Is it because of Evolto and Killbus?

And is this the reason why Evolto and Killbus didn't act recklessly?

There was a flash of understanding in Jiang He's eyes.

"In the eyes of that god, perhaps it is human beings who hurt human beings from the beginning to the end. Whether it is the negative emotions that pollute the spiritual power and cause disasters, or the cell coins generated by desire... then where do the positive emotions of human beings go? Is it? Positive emotions brought guests from another world to this world? But Evolto..."

A trace of struggle flashed in Jiang He's eyes.

If it is really the positive emotions of human beings that bring guests from other worlds, then Evolto will be a hurdle that cannot be overcome.

With hesitation, Jiang He blocked the inherent impression brought by the dimensional website and the transformation form, and carefully thought about a series of actions of Jon.

From the first appearance in Guishi to eliminate the slammers, to giving the dragon Build driver and full bottle, and then to solving the symptoms of the dragon's whole body spiritization.

Even the incident of alien beasts descending in Lujiang City, everything was caused by human beings themselves!

If you don't look at the process but just look at the result, isn't it all solved perfectly? The fear lingering in the hearts of the people in Lujiang City was swept away, and the degree of disaster that could easily destroy a city was also easily erased in the fight between him and Mr. Wudai Yusuke.

In addition to making people feel the power of the star destroyer, his fight with Mr. Yusuke Wudai did not cause any damage to the earth at all, not even Lujiang City!

Only the moon and Mars are destroyed!


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