I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 813

Luck is indeed on his side, as long as he can successfully capture Hino Eiji's body, then he will be able to truly experience this joy!

Countless cell coins surged on Kazali, making him change from the human form back to the "desire maker" form.

The streamlined body covered with explosive muscles is covered with black stone thorn armor, and elements of lions, tigers and leopards can be found in every corner.

In appearance, Kazali is inconspicuous compared to other monsters that descended on this world, but even the "parasites" and ordinary people on the side of the normal world will be shocked after seeing Kazali's true form. Feeling the fear of the hair standing on the ground, as if being caught by the other party, their bodies and souls will be swallowed up by the other party!

The same scene made Hino Eiji also feel the pressure. The cell coins surging on Kazary just now have told Hino Eiji that the Kazary who appeared in this world is definitely not the same as the perfect Kazary he defeated. A level!

How many cell coins did this guy collect? !

The desire of "Desire Maker" is destined to be unsatisfied, so "Desire Maker" is a natural "coin container"!

As a person who has absorbed a large amount of cell coins, Hino Eiji naturally knows how terrible it will be once the cell coins accumulate to a certain level.

At the same time, Dou Zhen's voice sounded in his mind, which told him to do what he wanted to do.

Not only Hino Eiji, but also those who chose to act with him also heard Touma's voice.

"Do what you want to do?" The dragon girl subconsciously read the words that sounded in her head, and then her eyes became firm.

"Brother Eiji, can I leave the "Desire Messenger" to you first? "

"Of course no problem." Hino Eiji smiled, and then slapped the OOO drive on his waist.

In the next second, three imitation core coins, red, yellow and green, popped out of Hino Eiji's body, and were actively embedded in the OOO drive.

"Just do what you want to do."

The O scanning ring was held by Hino Eiji in his hand, and then he swiped down diagonally!

"Isn't that our purpose? Henshin!"

[Taka! 】

[Tora! 】

[Batta! 】

Five-color energy coins appeared again, spinning rapidly around Eiji Hino's body!

The hissing of an eagle! The roar of the tiger! The sound of jumping locusts!

[Ta To Ba! 】

[Ta To Ba! ! 】

[Ta To Ba! ! ! 】

Unlike before, who could only get to know Hino Eiji through the battle video released by the countermeasures team, this time the people gathered at the cell coin collection point can be said to have really witnessed Hino Eiji's transformation up close.

This feeling is completely different, not only this special sense of participation, but also they hope to help Hino Eiji in this way!

The wild figure full of wildness and weird anti-joint insect feet appeared again, but this time it brought them a complete sense of peace of mind!

At this moment, no one would doubt the words that Hino Eiji said before his transformation!

The blue thunder flickered on the anti-joint worm's feet, causing Eiji Hino to turn into an afterimage and rush towards Kazali. The flames began to ignite on Eiji Hino's eagle head covered with red feathers! The lingering gust of wind was even more enveloping on his ferocious animal claws! (ps: Feeling the power of manipulating elements is part of the ability of the core coin itself.)

Different from the well-known tech-style Kamen Rider, at this moment Eiji Hino only has wildness!

But even with such a hideous appearance, it is so gentle in everyone's eyes!

Just like those gentle "dark angels" who emerged from these knights!


The figure surrounded by flames, gusts of wind and thunder officially collided with Kazali. The ground was shattered, and the scorching gust of wind rushed towards the surroundings crazily, causing people who had no choice to leave subconsciously to cover their faces with their hands. , but they didn't suffer any harm!

The flames, strong wind, and thunder just swept past them without causing them any harm, and at the same time, they could clearly hear Hino Eiji's voice, no matter how far away it was.

"So I'll beat you again and grab the palm of everyone in need! Kazari."

What responded to Eiji Hino was the terrible tornado set off by Kazali and the golden claws that spread out from behind him!

"No, I will take your body, the kid chosen by Anku, maybe I should thank Anku for letting me find a way to be satisfied."


Unlike the side of the normal world that will not be affected by the aftermath of the battle, everyone in the Meta field can clearly feel the damage caused by the confrontation between Eiji Hino and Kazali.

The ground was torn apart, the air was distorted, and the gust of wind caused the buildings not far away to be crumbling and might collapse at any time.

This is Cyprus, which has been folded by the Meta-Ta domain, and there are no other humans and creatures except them. Everything around it is also full of decay, as if it has experienced the devastation of years and has become decayed.

But what Wuma Youxiang cares about now is not this weird battlefield, but the dragon girl.

She was confused, since the most important thing now is to help Hino Eiji defeat this powerful "Desire Maker", why the dragon would make other choices.

Don't want Evolto to interfere with them?

"Because, this is my desire." The dragon girl smiled, and then walked towards Jon's position, "I want all the heroes who work hard for love and peace to be recognized, You Xiang, don't follow me here , this is my business."

This time, she didn't want to make trouble for Uncle Blood Diver, but was controlled by such desire! She can't help it either! So Uncle Blood Dive will definitely forgive her!

And this sentence made Wuma Youxiang astonished.

She understood why the dragon girl made such a decision, because even at this level, the man not far away is still the hero in the dragon girl's heart!


Obviously the other party has expressed his attitude!

Wuma Youxiang couldn't understand for a while, and then she heard the voice of Shijima Takeshi.

"Because if you don't get to the bottom of some things, you may never find out the truth in your whole life."

Wuma Youxiang turned her head subconsciously, and then saw the scene where Shidao just shook the signal motorcycle in her hand and put it into the drive.

[Signal Bike! 】

"I remember You Xiang you said that you want to drive everyone out of hell, remind you in advance, it's not as simple as you imagined, but before that, I think we need to help that reckless guy Yingsi .”

Shi Dao just raised an eyebrow at Wuma Youxiang, and then...


[Rider! 】

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