I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 816

Reaching out to grab the Great Dragon self-discipline component that was already on standby, the dragon girl directly embedded the Great Dragon evolution bottle into it.

【Kakusei! (Awakening)]

Jon was also a little surprised by this.

"You should use the magma form."

The dragon girl shook her head.

"I remember Wanzhanglong said that he wanted to use the power given by Kiryu War Rabbit to create the future, but in my case, this is the power that Uncle Blood Dive really gave me..."

After saying that, Dragon Maiden inserted the self-discipline component into the Build drive.

【Great Cross-Z Dragon! 】

The high-speed factory deployment device in the drive started to operate, and this time, before the armor condensed from the material extracted from the great dragon evolution bottle covered the dragon girl, the special energy conduit had already burned. One red and one blue flame!

It seems that the device used to restrain the dragon element has reached its limit at this moment, unable to completely suppress such violent power, and the elements in it began to overflow.

【Are you Ready? 】

"So, this time I will use such power! henshin!"

[Wake Up Cross-Z! 】

[Get Great Dragon! 】

The armor was closed, and the burning red and blue flames completely merged into the dragon girl's body at this moment, and then overflowed along the gaps in the armor, soaring into the sky!

The terrible red and blue flames entangled with each other like a swimming dragon and turned into a pillar of fire to light up the sky again, and when the red dragon wing-shaped component that was also burning with fierce flames unfolded from the dragon girl's back and closed on her chest Finally, the entangled pillar of fire merged into one, and then changed its trajectory and hit the dragon girl on the ground.

The dragon girl formed by condensed red and blue flames engulfed the dragon girl, but no one doubted that she would be injured in such flames.


The flame has completely integrated into her body!

Two distinct flames began to burn on the Dragon Maiden, blue on the right and red on the left.

"This time, I will never fail!"

The dragon girl was the last one to transform, but she caused the biggest commotion!

Even when the red and blue flaming twin dragons entangled and rushed towards the night sky, everyone's eyes were attracted by the movement here.

But they were equally silent.

The reason for the silence was naturally the strange words that came out of the dragon girl's mouth. It was obviously a language that none of them had learned, but for some reason, they could fully understand what the knights were saying at this moment.

They knew that the Kamen Rider Cross-Z in this world was created by Evolto just like the Kiryu Sento in the Kamen Rider Build world.

Is she a false hero too?

No one would think so!

So, as the first knight to charge towards Evolto, what is the image of Evolto in her eyes? Do you still want to trust the other party even though you have done such an excessive thing?

If it was normal, people might feel that the dragon girl was stupid, but at this moment, all they felt was doubt.

They were wondering, and then the dragon girl began to charge.

Obviously the same size, and there is not much difference in speed, but it is different from the thick and destructive power brought by the magma dragon form, but the great dragon form gives them the feeling of sensitivity and...

The power to burn everything!

"My desire is not as great as Brother Yingsi and Youxiang, who want to save everyone in this world! Because this is not something I can do alone!"

The blue flames and the red fierce flames entangled again, causing the dragon girl to burst out with even more terrifying power, turning into a flaming meteor and heading towards Jon's position.

The horrific temperature distorted the air, and even ordinary people who were outside the Meta domain, who should not feel the aftermath of the battle, had the illusion that the temperature around them was rising sharply!

But the strange thing is... While having this illusion, they also felt cold, and the reason was the bloody flame that was also surging on Jon's body.

Compared with the red fierce flame burning on the dragon girl's body, it is deeper, but it brings the completely opposite feeling to people!

Even if he had already guessed that the other party is not using the transformation smoke system to transform into the blood submerged form, but the behavior of not using the Kamen Rider system to face the dragon girl's great dragon form has made people subconsciously wake up.

Evolto, is it really something they can beat?

The fists burning with flames began to collide, and the terrifying flames burst out melted the ground where the two were standing. The flying gravel also turned into magma in the air and fell like raindrops, but they were in the center of the magma pool. The two of them were not affected at all!

Even if the magma keeps falling from the air and falls on their bodies, it's still the same!

Betting on the dragon girl's full punch, Jon couldn't even take a step back! The blood flame, which is deeper and more intense than her body, has completely suppressed her at this moment!

Even though she has been growing, the power she possesses is getting stronger and stronger, but there is always a mountain in front of her that can never be crossed, just like she thinks her will is not as good as Hino Eiji and Wuma Yuka .

But she didn't choose to escape, but said it openly.

"It's all about working together!"

After saying that, she punched Jon's body again, but Jon easily blocked it.

"So what are you working on alone now? Do you think you can defeat me just by relying on your own strength? Save the world?" Jon said calmly.

He knew what this muscular idiot wanted to do after being amplified in his desire, but the suppression of his IQ made Jon worthy.

The absolute suppression of power made the dragon girl understand how big the power gap is between her and the blood dive uncle, and even the blood dive uncle who has not entered the transformation state can defeat her!

"I'm just doing what I want to do!"

With a kick at Jon, the dragon girl barely let herself out of Jon's oppression.

The blue flames began to disappear from her body, replaced by fierce red flames and gradually spread to her whole body.

In the next second, the dangerous trigger appeared in the hands of the dragon girl.

"If you fail this time, you will never have another chance in the future!"

【Max Hazard On! 】

The danger trigger was inserted into the Build driver, and the sharply increased danger level made the fierce flames that had spread on the dragon girl's body condense again, flowing over her body as if it had turned into substance.


The joystick of the Build drive starts to spin.

"This time...I won't give up!"

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