I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 819


In the area of ​​​​Meta.

Kazali fell silent after hearing Hino Eiji's words.

Did he die in the hands of Hino Eiji in the original world? Was the core coin that carries consciousness smashed?

"What an amazing answer..." Kazali looked down at Eiji Hino, "I didn't expect the other me to die in your hands after I was copied into this world."

Kazali's figure descended from the air.

The violent wind completely lost its voice at this moment, but no one would think that the next battle would be easy. This was just the last silence before the storm.

"At this time, I should feel humiliated..." Kazali shook his claws, "Obviously he has become a perfect body, and he has even obtained many core coins from other departments. If he can successfully become a "coin container" If you do that, you might be able to get everything the "Desire Maker" wanted, but in the end you were killed by Eiji Hino. "

Kazali changed his previous address to Hino Eiji as "Anku's fancy boy", and started calling Hino Eiji by his name directly.

"Yes, I should be humiliated, but..."

The sharp mane horns on Kazali's head began to extend, twisting in the air like a group of snakes.

At the same time, eight sharp golden claws spread out completely from behind him.

And this scene undoubtedly tells everyone that Kazali will use his full strength next.

The "parasitized" and ordinary people who were trying to help Eiji Hino from outside the Meita domain subconsciously swallowed their saliva, but the words that came out of Kazali's mouth immediately stunned them.

"But I don't feel anything, as if the person who died is someone who has nothing to do with me, I still only have the feeling of greed...Eiji Hino, if I can feel the humiliation now, I think I will be very happy ..."

This monster... wants to feel humiliated?

Kazari's words made people stunned.

No one would think that humiliation would be a good thing, but this monster who has brought misfortune to so many people is actually eager to feel humiliation?

People couldn't understand why Kazhali said this, but the words that came out of Kazhali's mouth immediately made them guess.

"What about you? Eiji Hino, since you have also become a "Desire Messenger", will you feel humiliated that you have already killed me, but now you are about to be taken away by me? What a lucky guy, who obviously possesses everything a human being has, and has gained such a powerful power. "

Possesses everything human beings have?

When people heard this sentence from Kazali, an incredible idea popped up subconsciously in their minds.

Regardless of Kazali's ability or the name of his existence, he also has desires, so what is his desire?

Nothing but a feeling of greed?

Could it be that the existence of "desire maker" is like a literal meaning, and there is nothing but the feeling of greed?

Is it because you don't have everything that is human, so you long for it?

The cell coin born from human desire constitutes the other party's body, that is to say... what they are dealing with now is the concept of "desire" itself?

People were thinking, but the answer from Hino Eiji in the next second gave them the answer.

"Yeah, I can see the world clearly, I can hear voices from every direction clearly, I can taste food of all kinds, I will be sad that my underwear will be accidentally burned tomorrow, and I will help you succeed. People are happy, so..."

"You can't allow the future of such a beautiful world to be destroyed by you."

[Scanning Charge! 】

It is precisely because of this experience that Hino Eiji knows how terrifying a monster like "Desire Maker" is.

Their desires, which are incomplete in themselves, cannot be satisfied! Even if it becomes a perfect body, it will only be satisfied by cannibalism!

So you must not let the other party continue!

The O scanning ring swept across the imitation core coin on the driver again, and the strong light and heat flow swept towards the surroundings along with the roar of the lion.

The ground began to crack and become sandy, and then it was lifted up by the powerful roar of the lion and swept towards Kazali.

But such an attack is obviously impossible to have any effect on Kazali, just being waved casually by the opponent manipulated the strong wind to defeat Eiji Hino's attack.

"Do you want to use an imitation to defeat me, the genuine one? You really have it..." Kazali also showed his paws towards Eiji Hino, and then a more violent tornado erupted centered on his body, plus his head The sharp mane horns on his body have been extended to the extreme, making it impossible for other knights to get close to Kazali for a while.

The gravel left after the cracking of the earth was rolled up by the tornado, and under the blessing of the strong wind, it turned into a terrifying sandstorm that could easily tear steel. Golden Claws!

But Hino Eiji has no fear at all! Even if only imitation core coins are used now, the roar erupting from him is not weaker than that of Kazali.

And with Hino Eiji's roar, three golden energy rings appeared in front of him, and the direction...

Exactly where Kazali is!

The golden mane danced wildly in the strong wind, and Eiji Hino ran towards Kazali without hesitation.

When passing through the first golden energy ring, the cheetah's legs became stronger, and the sharp claws that could not be retracted even became longer than the forearm of a normal person.

The sharp barb-like claws allowed Hino Eiji to firmly grasp the ground even though he was advancing against the strong wind blown by Kazali, and then passed through the second energy ring.

The golden light began to flash on the ferocious tiger claws!

Then there is the third energy ring!

When passing through the last energy ring, the golden mane on Hino Eiji's head stood up, and a huge golden lion's head condensed in front of him!


It is unbelievable that the terrifying sandstorm that could completely keep the other knights out was actually torn open by Eiji Hino's roar, revealing the incredible Kazali inside the tornado.

"Hino Eiji, you bastard... Is power just something you can throw away?"

Kazali could see that after Eiji Hino burst out the roar of the blow that tore apart the tornado around him, there were already some cracks on the three cat imitation core coins in the OOO drive!

Eiji Hino's blow was completely gambled at the price of completely shattering the counterfeit core coin!

"No! Power is to me... just a tool to satisfy my desires!"

The ferocious tiger claws slashed towards Kazali in a gust of wind, and collided with the eight sharp claws spreading from Kazali's back.

It is obvious that they are only using imitation core coins, and it is obvious that Hino Eiji can't do it with all his strength, but at this moment, the situation of being suppressed before has changed, and there is even a faint tendency to suppress Kazali!

The strong light erupting from the body made it difficult for people to open their eyes, and the heat flow that was enough to evaporate everything surged on Hino Eiji's body, and even had a tendency to melt the raised gravel!

Cracks had gradually appeared on the ferocious tiger claws, but Eiji Hino was still frantically extracting the energy from the imitation core coin.

"So as long as it can satisfy my desire, then such things as power can be completely discarded!"


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