I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 834

Kazali thought that he was not lost by Hino Eiji, but by these Kamen Riders who had no intersection with Hino Eiji at the beginning, and then he got an answer.

"So you don't understand anything, Kazali."

Eiji Hino embedded two bird-type core coins into the OOO drive, and other individuals also took the same action.

They all use different core coins though.

Some used three aquatic-type core coins, some used three cat-type core coins taken from Kazali, and some used three gravity-type core coins with a silver-rimmed imitation core coin and some cracks on it , There are also individuals who seem to feel that it is not good to stand dry, so they take out and reinsert the three worm-type core coins.

Of course, there are also individuals who use the three core coins of the Eagle Tiger Locust, which is the most well-known in the world.

They each inserted two of them into the left and right ends of the OOO drive.

But no matter which individual it is, it is Hino Eiji!

"It's not that you and we came together to defeat Kazali, but..."

The last core coin is all embedded in the OOO drive.

"Because we all have a common desire, and Kazali, you just stood in front of us, so your failure is doomed!"

This sentence made Kazali stunned.

Then he seemed to realize something, and looked up at where Jon was, but before he could see clearly, the core coin carrying his consciousness had fallen from his body, and then shattered into dust.

But until the end, he still couldn't understand.

At the same time that the core coin was broken, Eiji Hono had already picked up the O scan ring and swiped down on the driver!

Even though the blizzard and the terrifying cold were raging, making it impossible for people outside the Meta domain to see the appearance of the knights, the voices from various creatures still penetrated the blizzard and reached their ears!

The first one is the most familiar gesture to people!

[Taka! 】

[Tora! 】

[Battle! 】

The second one is the bug system!

【Kuwagata! 】

[Kamakiri! 】

[Batta! 】

Next, cats!

[Lion! 】

[Tora! 】

[Cheetah! 】

Gravity system!


[Gorilla! 】

【Zou! 】

Aquatic system!

[Shachi! 】

[Unagi! 】

[Tako! 】

Finally, there is a group of birds that people have not seen in this world! It is obviously different from the core coins of several other departments. The three core coins of the bird department are mixed with a silver-edged imitation. In theory, they should be weaker than the other several forms, but with the blessing of Douzhen's power , this imitation core coin has completed its metamorphosis!

The gushing red fire plume appeared along with Eiji Hino's O-scanning ring sweeping down, even making the surrounding temperature warm up!

And even the sound from the drive is different from the other forms! It was as if a man's consciousness had occupied the drive in Hino Eiji's waist, fighting side by side with Hino Eiji!

[Taka! 】

The eagle's neigh sounded again, resounding in everyone's ears.

[Kujaku! 】

This one is a peacock!

The colorful energy condenses into a large number of peacock tail feathers behind Hino Eiji like a peacock spreading its tail. Even before Hino Eiji's transformation is completed, these colorful peacock tail feathers are already aimed at the wings that are roaring towards this side The horned tyrannosaurus turned into a stream of light and shot towards the opponent.

The seemingly light and harmless peacock tail feathers broke through the blizzard, tore apart the frozen earth, and at the same time constantly bombarded the pterosaur that had been swallowed up by desire in this world in the form of disaster.

"Tear you to shreds—!" A hoarse roar came from the mouth of this crazy monster. In a state of madness, he seemed to have not realized that he was copied to a brand new world, but was roaring crazily: "This is The power that can conquer everything! "Desire Envoys", get out and help me! Take this whole new world into our hands! "

(ps: In the stage play, the soul of the mad king captured the body of Hino Eiji)

While roaring up to the sky, the pterosaur membrane wings on the crazy king's back unfolded again, and the storm that was set off made the peacock's tail feathers explode in the air!

And as the right leg with the Tyrannosaurus element stomped on the frozen ground, the ravaged Cyprus in the Meta domain completely collapsed!

Without using other abilities, just stomping his feet, terrifying power began to spread in this Cyprus, causing the entire city to collapse!

The broken ground and the wreckage of various buildings were shaken up by the power of the Mad King, and then frozen in the air by the cold air.

Countless icicles filled with the wreckage of the building shot up into the sky, turning Cyprus in the Meta Domain into a purgatory of ice.

"Kazari! Get out!! Uva! Get out!!! And...Mezel! Gamel! Just use this world as my soul's celebration of getting this body after wandering around for so long!"

The giant ax named the Holy Emblem Violent Biting Dragon was chopped off by the Mad Dynasty in the air.

This ax seemed to tear apart the space!

"Then... Summon Anku's useful tool to this brand new world!!"

The mad roar was speaking of the madness of the monster that descended on the Meta Realm, but was suppressed by another calm word.

"Ankuta... is no longer the tool you use to conquer the world."

[Condor! ! 】

As if responding to Eiji Hino, the voice from the OOO driver became more determined!

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