I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 862

"So slow compared to those old boys, Mr. Ray."

[Invisble! 】

The driver was turned on, and the next instant, Yashi's figure disappeared into the air, allowing Li Angel to stab through the air.

But this is far from over!

[Kamen Ride! 】

"Continue to use this." Katoyashi, who showed his figure again, tapped a knight card lightly with his fingers, and then inserted it into his belt again.

【Kuuga! 】


[Form Ride! 】

【Kuuga Amazing Mighty! 】

"Then..." Katoyashi brushed the golden horns on the helmet lightly with the back of his hand, "Just use this method to protect the smiles on the faces of those children..."


Cassius' spear streaked across the air with a scarlet afterimage, descending from the sky and piercing through the core of Angel's head and chest ribs.

Obviously with a terrifying impact, even the blood-red sea surface was torn apart before it came, but it stopped strangely in place after penetrating the Angel of Power's body.

And this also made Men Yashi's next words stuck in his throat. Without any fancy pictures, the spear of Cassius fell from the sky and penetrated the head and core of the Angel of Power.

If you look at it from space, you can see that the atmosphere on the earth seems to have been torn out by Cassius' gun to create a huge gap!

This kind of kinetic energy alone is enough to easily tear everything in front of it, just like the AT force field that cannot be destroyed by several missile interception operations after the Angel of Force appeared. At this moment, Cassius The front of the gun is as fragile as a piece of thin paper, and then it is directly penetrated!

But the body of the apostle is so powerful? The spear of Cassius, which was so powerful that it could easily penetrate the AT force field, was stuck in its body, and even its huge body didn't drop at all due to the terrifying impact?

Obviously impossible!

The apostles absolutely do not have such power!

That is to say...

Everyone subconsciously looked up at the sky.

A huge full moon hung high in the sky, and the bright moonlight projected from it illuminated the blood-red sea, and also illuminated the Angel of Power who had lost its breath of life, but still hovered strangely on the sea.


Ka Ka Ka——

People seemed to hear the sound of something breaking.

It's the sound of the Angel's core breaking!

At the same time as this crackling sound, people once again heard a deafening roar.

When the scarlet blood gushing out from the body of the body-collapsed Angel of Strength strangely condensed into a blood-colored cross hundreds of meters high under the guidance of the invisible force, it then crashed down and merged with the blood-red sea surface, creating When there was a roar that could almost tear the eardrums, everyone was stunned.

that's all...


They recalled the information they had heard before setting off.

The No. 6 unit located in the Taboga base on the moon went berserk and tended to attack the earth.

But judging from the current results... has Unit 6 really gone berserk?

It was clearly located at the Tabga base on the moon, but this shot accurately pierced the Li Angel that was heading towards the NERV headquarters and wiped it out.

No matter how you look at it, it can't be said to be a runaway!

Such confusion appeared in the minds of NERV members, and the same was true for Ikari Gendo.

He has already begun to speculate on the possibility that SEELE directed and acted this incident.

In the eyes of Ikari Gentang, Monyashi's appearance can be said to have no flaws at all.

In the face of the apostle who fell from the sky, he directly showed his ability by taking action. Originally, this situation would make people wary of the identity of the sect priest, but because of the apostle who attacked again and the first machine that could not be dispatched in a short time The reason is to gain the trust of other people in NERV.

Ikari Gendo knew very well that after this encounter with the apostles, even if he was the commander of NERV, it would be difficult for him to take action against the disciples.

Although most of NERV are ordinary people with no use value, at least NERV as a whole is needed before his plan can be achieved.

"Just finished the sixth machine...you can't wait to weaken my strength?" Ikarimoto muttered to himself, looking at the broken Li Angel on the screen.

"But how did they judge that this apostle would wake up without giving humans any chance to breathe? Is it also part of the Dead Sea documents?"

It can be said that Ikogendo has already characterized this incident, and regarded it as a script directed and acted by SEELE, in order to allow Men Yashi to subtly weaken his power in NERV.

But just when he closed his eyes and was not going to watch this farce, the exclamation from other NERV members interrupted his thoughts again.

"It's EVA! Reports from the Moon and Taboga bases! Unit 6 is flying towards Earth!"

Ikyuantang's pupils shrank again.


over the Pacific Ocean.

Men Yashi and the people in the NERV fighters also haven't woken up from the fact that the powerful Li Angel was pierced through the body by the spear of Cassius that fell from the sky.

Even though Li Angel's huge body had collapsed, they were still immersed in the scene just now and couldn't extricate themselves.

Only when I personally saw the powerful apostle directly pierced by the spear falling from the sky without any resistance at the scene, can I understand how terrible the impact of this scene is!

For a while, the radio was silent, and just when their lips were trembling and about to say something, the pilot of the fighter seemed to notice something out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly raised his head.

Then he saw it!

I saw a huge figure slowly falling towards this side!

It's EVA!


"This... is this really EVA?"

The palm of the pilot of the fighter plane holding the joystick of the fighter plane was shaking constantly.

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