I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 865

Dazzling golden energy entangled Katoyashi's body and bombarded the huge gun of Cassius's gun. The huge force even pushed the No. 6 machine suspended in the sky to keep retreating.

But it's not enough!

[Attack Ride! 】

[Clock Up! 】

The figure of Monyashi who kicked Cassius' spear disappeared again, but this time, at a speed that ordinary people could not detect!

In an instant, he had already appeared on the shoulder of No. 6 machine.

At the same time as he appeared, there were already two jade hammers burning with strange purple flames in his hands.

"To deal with a big guy like you, it is more appropriate to use this kind of thing."

[Final Attack Ride! 】

【Hi-Hi-Hibiki! 】

Ring ghost power?

Jon, who was in the No. 6 machine, watched the huge ghost sound drumming that appeared from the waist of Katoyashi, and then attached to the side armor of the No. 6 machine, with an expression of interest on his face.

But it's impossible to restrict the No. 6 unit just by relying on such power.

Although the power transmitted from the drumming of the ghost sound was trying to interfere with the No. 6 machine, it only caused a little hindrance to the No. 6 machine's actions.

Of course, this little obstacle is enough for Men Yashi!

Hit the sound and dance with fire!

Kato Yashi, holding a sound baton, turned into a glimpse in the air, dodged the punch that No. 6 machine threw at him, jumped onto the back of No. 6 machine's hand, and jumped up in the next second, and then As if turning into a flame top, the whole person rushed towards the sound drum located on the side of No. 6's face, and then smashed two sound sticks hard on it.


When the sound baton in Mon Yashi's hand hit the ghost sound drum on the side of No. 6's face, the dull sound seemed to become the main theme of the battlefield at this moment.

Even the NERV fighters that were far enough away from the battlefield were affected by this sound wave, and their flying posture became wobbly, and there was a risk of falling at any time.

And this is just the aftermath of the attack!

"This kind of power..." Katsuragi Misato stared blankly at the figure of Katoyashi who once again avoided the attack of No. 6 aircraft after he succeeded in one blow.

Compared with the huge body of the No. 6 aircraft, Katoyashi's body size is no different from ordinary people's, and he has an absolute advantage in this distance of fighting, especially with the blessing of flying ability, he is avoiding While the No. 6 machine counterattacked, it appeared at the shoulder position on the other side of the No. 6 machine!

The sound baton was smashed down again, and at the moment when Kadoyashi's attack was about to hit Unit No. 6, the Hibiki sound drumming located on the side of Unit No. 6's face shifted to this position instantly.

Boom, boom, boom!

Accompanied by the roaring sound created by the continuous bombardment of the flame-burning sound baton on the Hibiki sound drum, people saw the purple flame bursting out from the center of Kadoyashi's body, killing part of the body of the No. 6 unit. are all enveloped in it.

But can such a flame really work on Unit 6?

Misato Katsuragi had such doubts in her mind, but the next second the voice of Ritsuko Akagi, a doctor of NERV Technology Development Department, made her stunned.

"It's not fire! It's sound!"

Ritsuko Akagi glanced quickly at the data detected by the NERV fighter, and let out an exclamation.

"Monya, he is pouring the power of sound into Unit 6!"

As a technology developer, Ritsuko Akagi certainly knows that sound also possesses terrifying power, and sometimes it is even more terrifying than other weapons!

In her eyes, Kato Yashi's judgment was not wrong. That kind of flame alone cannot defeat the No. 6 unit, and the power of sound injected into the No. 6 unit through this method that they currently cannot understand can indeed cause Destruction, but absolutely not now!

"Misato! Stop Katoya! He'll destroy the restraint on fuselage number six!"

Ritsuko Akagi roared, trying to get Misato Katsuragi to stop Monyashi, but...

It's too late!

Katoyashi, who appeared on the chest of No. 6 machine, held the sound baton and blasted out again, and this time the sound drum transferred from the shoulder of No. 6 machine to the chest was suddenly enlarged, so large that it almost occupied the sound of No. 6 machine. The level of the machine chest!

"If you want to suffer less, hand over the power of Wudai, Gan and Tiandao! Evol!"

The type of sound hit and burst hit!

Two sonic sticks burning with purple flames bombarded the No. 6 machine's chest at the same time, and they were also hitting the drums burning with flames. The clear sound injected in one breath was even more clear than the clear sound injected by the previous blazing dance. Let's detonate together!


The blood-red sea water began to resonate, and then...


The sound of metal shattering was heard for a while, and at the same time, it also made Monyashi smile with satisfaction when he saw that the armor on the No. 6 fuselage began to shatter.


"Monya! Stop!"

When Katsuragi Misato's belated and anxious voice sounded on the radio, Katoyashi froze for a moment, and then...

He saw the golden energy body exposed after the No. 6 armor was broken!

"You seemed to be having fun just now? Decade."

The golden energy arm stretched out, holding Monyashi in his hand like a bug. over...

When Akagi Ritsuko and Katsuragi Misato saw the figure of a giant of light shown by certain parts of the No. 6 fuselage after getting rid of the restraints, and when they held Monyaji in their hands like a bug, their hearts jumped Tremble.

Especially Katsuragi Misato who had a special experience, when she saw the body of Unit 6 made of pure light energy, her body was trembling with fear!

Then she heard the anxious report of her subordinates. Ikari Shinji had already entered the insertion plug despite the dissuasion of others, and was about to drive the first machine to rescue.


is there time?

Katsuragi Misato looked at Katoyashi who was held in the hands of the No. 6 machine, and closed her eyes a little bit unbearably.

As for Ding Yuantang, his face was as usual.

He has already guessed a lot of things.

In the previous reincarnations, he had no memory of Men Yashi at all, but this time such a person suddenly appeared in NERV.

At first, he just thought that this was some butterfly effect that appeared in the process of the world's continuous reincarnation, but now it seems that Men Yashi should have an identity automatically after coming to this world.

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