I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 871

Just like the revelation I got when I met this god for the first time, don't trust anyone easily!

Now, he is applying what he has learned.

"Of course, my lord." Zhu Kaoru said respectfully.

He has seen the power of wisdom, so now he should work hard to learn this thing, so that he can bring happiness to Shinji.

At the same time that Jon started to act, Makibo was also long overdue to prepare to go to the NERV headquarters.

Because of the arrival of Jon and Douzhen, she also changed her plan a little bit, and she didn't need to sneak in as originally planned.


"Ah...the commotion is really big." Makibo browsed the internal information of NERV, raised the frame of the mirror and said to himself.

It has to be said that the degree of shock that that battle brought to NERV was quite great.

For ordinary NERV members, EVA is regarded as the hope of saving mankind, but in that battle, EVA possessed the aura that should only appear on the apostles.

Coupled with the body of the giant of light that was revealed later, it undoubtedly exposed some of NERV's secrets to the eyes of ordinary members.

"Mr. World Destroyer..." Makibo closed the profile page, showing a confused expression, "And what is that old fox thinking? "

Compared with SEELE, the man Ikari Gendo is more mysterious. From his tenure as NERV commander to the present, everything he has done seems to be saving mankind, but Makibo is not confused by such appearances.

Whether it's SEELE or Ikyuantang, the reason why they can reach a cooperative relationship is because their respective plans have a premise, that is, to eliminate all the apostles first.

"Counting the tenth apostle who was shot through just after waking up, only the second apostle is left alive now, and the ninth, eleventh, and twelfth apostles who have not yet awakened. The existence of the first apostle is according to what they said It has already been wiped out."

Makiha's fingers kept moving on the tablet, calling up one interface after another, and then she was taken aback for a second.


According to the information just received, the African branch of NERV detected the AT force field fluctuations of the awakened apostles. This time, the ninth and twelfth apostles were awakened, but they were wiped out shortly after awakening!

And it was the No. 6 machine holding the gun of Cassius that wiped them out!

In other words, there are only two apostles left now!

Perhaps it was because the apostle died so fast that even Mahipo felt astonished.

"Mr. Store Manager, what are you going to do..."

There was a puzzled expression on Mahiba's face, but the second she said this, she received the latest information again!

The Eleventh Apostle has awakened!

And not far from NERV headquarters!


"I suddenly have a feeling..." Jon controlled the golden energy arm of Unit 6 and pulled Cassius' gun from the ground.

Although the Twelfth Apostle is a bit special, with the core all over his body, it just feels interesting to Jon.

"It feels like it might be interesting what happens next..."

The armor that was damaged during the previous fight with Monyashi has not been repaired, making the battle-damaged version of the No. 6 machine at this moment look like a combination of science and theology.

At least in the eyes of the NERV members who observed the battle not far away, that was indeed the case.

They didn't know what attitude to use to face the No. 6 pilot at this moment.

Every time the apostle awakened in the past, it could bring huge damage to mankind, but the last two times were directly wiped out shortly after awakening.

Under normal circumstances, they should be grateful to the pilot of the No. 6 aircraft, but at this moment, the halo on the head of the No. 6 aircraft made them feel afraid again.

But Jon didn't care what these people thought.

After the ninth and twelfth apostles were eliminated by him, there were only two apostles left besides Kaoru Nagisa, and the eleventh apostle was heading towards the NERV headquarters.

"Zhu Kaoru, do you think the future of human beings should be determined by individuals or by groups?" Jon turned to look at Zhu Xun who was sitting on the shoulder of No. 6 machine, and asked.

This question is still full of confusion for Nagisa Kaoru.

If he thinks that it should be decided by the group, then his way of wanting Ikari Shinji to be happy is undoubtedly to let Ikari Shinji decide the future of mankind.

If you think it should be decided by the individual, then it is obviously refuted by Ikari Shinji's idea.

So Zhu Xun couldn't give an answer for a while.

Jon didn't take the initiative to solve Kaoru's doubts, but said calmly:

"After you figure out the answer to this question, it's probably time to have real wisdom."

With that said, Jon controlled machine No. 6 and left the place.

Next stop, the third new Tokyo city!


At the same time, the people in the NERV headquarters are in a state of full operation because of the appearance of the eleventh apostle.

"Target location 627, accelerating, expected to land at location 309!"

"Report! The target AT force field has deteriorated!"

"The Pacific Fleet sent a message that the anti-submarine torpedo lost its target!"

"The radar detected a huge flying object, and it was determined to be the eleventh apostle!"

It's like a repeat of the previous apostle's attack, but after the first machine and the zero machine and the second machine have completed their preparations, the sense of urgency brought by the attacking apostles to the NERV headquarters this time is not as heavy as before.

Of course, this is the view in the eyes of ordinary NERV members, and Ikarimoto doesn't think so.

The script he had prepared had undoubtedly been torn to shreds.

It is obviously not normal for the four apostles to wake up one after another as if they are not going to give humans any respite! It was also something that had never happened in his memory.

"Did that Evol do it? What's his purpose?"

Ikogentang stared at the huge figure on the screen that had drilled out from under the sea and soared in the sky towards the NERV headquarters.

It looks like a bird, and it looks like a fish.

After leaving the ocean, the huge body was undoubtedly revealed, and it also caused shocking expressions on many people's faces.

This size is even bigger than two heavy aircraft carriers connected end to end!

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