I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 878

Why can he feel the No. 1 machine moving?

all of these...

"What the hell is going on?! Father!" Ikari Shinji tried to re-operate the No. 1 machine, but what he saw was still a strange dark red color and a strange screen in front of him.


Ikari Shinji was calling his father loudly, but the man never responded to him, only...

"Relax, boy, I will take care of all this."

Interesting decision!

This was Jon's first thought when he saw Machine-0's eyes turn scarlet, and even the restrained mouth opened.

But this did not exceed Jon's expectations.

If Ikogentang didn't even realize that the world might not restart again after Jon and Douzhen intervened, then he wouldn't be Ikyuantang.

So after Jon has noticed the particularity of EVA and has shown a tendency to wipe out all the apostles, he will inevitably choose to cooperate with Menyashi, and when he starts to respond passively, the initiative is already gone His hands are up.

Even though he now claims that Unit 6 is the first apostle, the purpose is to get in touch with the second apostle Lilith, but the seed of doubt has been planted after all!

Maybe Unit 6 is really the first apostle, but...

Don't forget that this is made by humans themselves!

Even though it was made by SEELE, judging from Ikari's knowledge of this matter, it is clear that both SEELE and NERV have unknown purposes!


The play still has to go on!

"What surprised me, human beings..."

Under the control of Jon, the No. 6 machine, holding the gun of Cassius, walked towards the position of the first machine step by step.

"Obviously I have helped you eliminate all the apostles, but don't you know how to be grateful? But it's okay, most people are like this."

This sentence made Monyashi silent, and even Shinji Ikari, who had lost control of the No. 1 machine due to the existence of the puppet system, subconsciously refuted after hearing this sentence.

"No! That's not the case!"

Ikari Shinji wanted to convey his thoughts, but at this moment he couldn't convey his voice outside the cockpit!

Even if the NERV people heard his shout, they didn't give any response!

He could hear the heavy panting of the No. 1 machine, and could feel the No. 1 machine running wildly on the ruined Third New Tokyo City, as if it had grabbed something.

But all of this has nothing to do with him!

Obviously he is the pilot of the first machine, but Shinji Ikari feels excluded from this world at this moment!

Battle Plan Five...what the hell is it? !

Unit No. 1...what the hell did it grab? !

Shinji Ikari, whose sight has been replaced by dark red, can't see the outside world at all, while the members of NERV can clearly see that after the armed building was raised, the No. 1 machine controlled by the puppet system emerged from it Take out the outline of the weapon.

It is a pole weapon wrapped in gray cloth!

And this is something that even Misato Katsuragi, the head of the war department, never thought of!

"The Spear of Longinus..."

Before that, she didn't know the No. 5 battle plan at all!

It seems that before the arrival of Evol, Ikariyuantang has already prepared everything, and these NERV members only need to carry it out!

Katsuragi Misato's lips trembled slightly, and she subconsciously looked at the location of Ikari Gendo, and then got an answer that surprised her.

"It's not the gun of Longinus used to seal Lilith, but another one, so don't worry about the situation in the central dogmatic area."

Katsuragi Misato was silent.

She has realized that she has stepped into a quagmire called conspiracy.

Turning around in silence, she forced herself to focus on the No. 1 fuselage that had been controlled by the puppet system.

And when she saw the scene where the No. 1 machine roared and tore off the gray cloth wrapped around the gun of Longinus, and rushed towards the No. 6 machine, she subconsciously grabbed the guardrail in front of her.

She remembered what Monyashi had said to her in the central dogma area before.

Not only her, Men Yashi was also used.

Also tell her that she should trust Evol more!

But now she can't do anything!


With the deafening roar, the No. 1 machine holding the gun of Longinus was smashed by Jon, and the huge body kept rolling in the ruins, clearing the ruins out of a passage.

When it stood up again, the members of NERV discovered with horror that with just one shot, the armor on the No. 1 fuselage had already appeared densely packed with cracks, as if it would be broken in the next second!

And most importantly...

The umbilical cable has been severed!

And once the connection with the external power source is lost, the built-in energy can only support EVA activities for five minutes!

This may be nothing, but after seeing the body exposed under the armor smashed by Cassius' gun, the eyes of the NERV members were constantly trembling.

Is Commander Ikari's judgment really correct? Once Unit 6 touches Lilith, it will trigger a third impact, but if this happens...

What are the first machine and other EVAs?

At this time, they seemed to have lost all their functions, and could only watch the No. 1 machine roaring and rushing towards the No. 6 machine again.


"Is there only wildness left?"

Looking at the No. 1 machine roaring at him in a disorderly manner, Jon just controlled the No. 6 machine and slammed the scarlet spear in his hand at the Longinus spear that was stabbing towards him.

And when these two spears of destiny with completely different appearances collided again, the power that erupted wiped out the building wreckage in the area where the two EVAs were located, and even the special armor layer underneath was cracking. Cracking and breaking!


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