I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 890

"I can't...fall down here!"

Ikari Shinji clenched his teeth, trying to control the first machine and stand up again, but...


The No. 1 machine, which had just put its palm on the ground and tried to stand up, was stepped back on the ground with one foot, which made Shinji Ikari feel the pain as if his ribs had been broken.

"No, you're worthless Shinji, it doesn't matter if you fall down."

Jon controlled the No. 6 machine and stepped on the chest of the No. 1 machine, and said coldly while pulling the Longinus gun from the No. 1 machine.

"I don't need you to drive EVA anymore, you can get out."

This sentence seems to echo what Ikari Gendo said to him when he first came to the NERV headquarters in Ikari Shinji's ears.

Because I needed him to drive the EVA, I called him over.

Then he is not needed to drive EVA now, so let him roll.

If it was him in the beginning, he would definitely go back in despair.

Shinji Ikari thought to himself.


"The me now...is no longer that cowardly guy who you call to come and go!"

Even though the foot on Unit 1's chest made it extremely difficult for Ikari Shinji to breathe at this moment, he still stretched out his hands and grabbed Unit 6's right leg.

This kind of action caused the cracked armor on the hands of the No. 1 machine to break because it had reached the limit, exposing the skin underneath, and at the same time made Shinji Ikari feel more pain, but at this moment the pain seemed to be It became the source of strength to support Ikari Shinji, and let him roar out the words that had been entrenched in his heart for a long time.

"Maybe the original me was driving EVA because of your needs, but now I... am no longer!"

The insertion plug began to go deeper, and even Ikari Shinji himself didn't realize that when he said this, his eyes had turned a strange red!

What changed at the same time was the eyes of machine No. 1!

"The me now! Like Ayanami, I drive EVA for bondage! Not with you, a scumbag! But with Mr. Katoya! With Ayanami! With Asuka! And everyone's bond!

Ikari Shinji was constantly venting his anger, but what greeted him was the spear of Longinus stabbing at him without hesitation!

This scene made people close their eyes unbearably, but what immediately surprised them was that the spear of Longinus stabbed down was like a replay of the previous scene, and it was firmly grasped by the palm of Unit 1 and moved in mid-air. no.

What's even more unbelievable is that - they saw the arm exposed after the broken armor of the No. 1 machine began to exude a golden light, and the halo spread over the head of the No. 1 machine!

"I will knock you down! I will protect everyone! That's why I drive EVA!!"

Following Ikari Shinji's words, the golden AT force field flashed on the No. 1 fuselage, and instead of appearing as a hexagonal energy wall in people's impression, it became a continuously rotating three-dimensional shape, and then bombarded the No. 6 fuselage!


When such a strange AT force field bombarded the No. 6 aircraft, the huge roar that erupted even sent the No. 0 and No. 2 aircraft flying away, which were fighting in the distance!

The gunpowder smoke caused by the violent explosion showed a huge cross mark, and the No. 1 machine that came out of it immediately made people tremble subconsciously when they saw each other for the first time.

The scarlet eyes look like a demon, but the white energy halo above his head makes him look full of divinity!

There is also the body that is changing towards the posture of golden energy, as if it is questioning everyone.

EVA...what the hell is it? EVA...what the hell is it?

The answer to this question can be said to be what everyone in NERV wants to know the most. They can clearly see on the screen that the insertion depth of the No. 1 machine into the plug has exceeded 180!

This is a very dangerous depth, but the halo above the head of the No. 1 machine, and the exposed body has gradually changed to the same posture as the No. 6 machine. No doubt, everyone has been told.

The EVA they know and the real EVA are two completely different things!

If machine No. 6 was really transformed from the body of the first apostle, then what happened to machine No. 1? !

Ikari Shinji is obviously an ordinary human being, why did he let the first machine change into such a posture?

The only person who knew was Ritsuko Akagi, but at this moment she was covering her face and trembling.

She knows exactly what will happen if Ikari Shinji is not stopped!

She opened her mouth, wanting to remind Ikari Shinji that he would lose his human form if he continued, but the words he had prepared were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't speak them at all.

Ikari Shinji's state is very dangerous now, but the powerful power shown by the No. 6 unit that has been controlled by Ikari Gendo is undoubtedly reminding them that if they want to defeat No. 6 unit now, they can only rely on the power of No. 1 unit!


This is the dirty adults.

Such thoughts not only appeared in Akagi Ritsuko's mind, but also in Katsuragi Misato's mind.

Her hands that were tightly gripping the guardrail were pale from excessive force, and at the same time, blood was slowly oozing from the corners of her mouth.

She remembered what Monyashi had said to her earlier in the central dogma district.

According to Menyashi, NERV letting these children drive EVA is just allowing these new lives to maintain the survival of their old lives.

Now that statement seems to have been perfectly embodied.

If you continue to fight, Ikari Shinji will be very dangerous, but these adults need this child to continue to fight!

How disgusting!

It's really disgusting!

Katsuragi Misato let go of the palm that was gripping the guardrail, and then rubbed it on her arm continuously.

She wants to help too, wants to work with the kid who is saving the future of humanity, but...

She can't do anything at all!

She can only watch!

Just like these people around me, now they can't do anything except staring at the screen that keeps popping up alert windows in a daze!

She could see the reminder that Ikari Shinji's body was still getting deeper into the plug, she could see the scene where the first machine violently tore off the umbilical cable that hindered his movement, and she could also see the scarlet color of the first machine There was a dazzling light in the eyes like a devil, and then two terrible rays were shot out, and they were bombarded towards the No. 6 aircraft.

Such a light beam directly swept over the No. 6 fuselage with the movement of the No. 1 machine's head, and also swept the metal armor layer on the ground, as well as the only black that survived the shock wave created by the No. 6 machine before. pyramid.

But no matter which one it is, it was easily torn apart under the attack of Unit 1!

The only one that survived was Unit 6 holding the gun of Longinus!

At this moment, aircraft No. 6 has left the ground and is floating in mid-air.

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