I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 996

These words made Tan Zhengzong's face flushed red, and he grabbed Tan Lidou's arm desperately with both hands, but what made Tan Zhengzong desperate was that even if he tried his best, he couldn't get rid of Tan Lidou's shackles!

"I will not allow you to play with Tan Yingzi's life!!!" Tan Zhengzong roared at Tan Lidou, but...

"Yeah, will I play with Tan Yingzi's life? I really want to know, but Tan Zhengzong..."

Tan Lidou raised Tan Zhengzong's body high and laughed wantonly.

"You don't even have the right to know whether I can play with Tan Yingzi's life! Repent to me! Repent for what you have done! Then even after death, the soul will fall into wanting to know whether I will play with Tan Yingzi's life In the unknown hell! But before that, let me, a mediocre person like you, take a good look at the place that can perfectly carry my talent."

As Tan Lidou's voice fell, the purple energy far surpassing before gathered on Tan Lidou's right hand, and then he punched Tan Zhengzong's body fiercely, smashing it into the sky, and the direction...

Exactly where the square moon is!

How could this monster... have such power? !

This is the thought in Tan Zhengzong's mind at the moment, who feels that his body is about to fall apart.

The knight slot that was almost bottomed out under Tan Lidou's punch told Tan Zhengzong that if he couldn't get rid of Tan Lidou's power, then death would greet him!

Death is not scary, but...

Only Tan Yingzi's life cannot be desecrated!

With Tan Zhengzong's will, Reset's ability was once again driven to the extreme, allowing Tan Zhengzong's knight slot to begin to recover, but the next second Tan Lidou's voice rang in his ears again.

"Did you see it? Tan Zhengzong..."

Tan Zhengzong subconsciously punched behind him, but his fist was as weak as a baby in front of Tan Lidou.

Then he saw it, saw the square moon behind Tan Lidou, and even the craters were square.

"This is the universe. Compared with the truth of the universe, my current achievements are too small, but now I am facing a test that is even more challenging than the truth of the universe. This is not a problem for me, who is talented in God, even if the universe... No, you should have discovered that the rules of the universe have been changed partly."

At this moment, Tan Lidou's image in Tan Zhengzong's eyes was like a demon!

"Dan Lidou! You stinky brat should never have been born in this world from the very beginning! Dan Lidou!! You monster!! Dan Lidou!!!"


Without giving Tan Zhengzong a chance to finish speaking, Tan Lidou punched Tan Zhengzong again, and then stretched out his fist towards the moon.

"At that time, even the universe will be conquered by my talents! Tan Zhengzong, you should be honored to know this."

Moon Punch!


When people saw Tan Zhengzong being punched into the sky with a punch, and Tan Lidou wearing a huge reinforced armor gushing flames rushed towards the sky, and then the moon in the sky seemed to be pulled and changed by an invisible force When its own trajectory is smashed in another direction.

They all know.

People are already standing at the fork in the future!

Because not only players in the game field saw this scene, people outside the game field can also observe the change of the moon's trajectory!

And what's weird is that they obviously observed a sudden change in the orbit of the moon, but it didn't have any impact on the earth, and they quickly returned to the normal orbit.

Compared with the huge moon, Tan Lidou's figure is so small, but the shock he brought to all human beings can be said to completely shatter the cognition in their hearts.

Tell them times have changed!

But did it all end with Tan Jeongjong being defeated?

For all players, not yet!

Because the wish of the talented player Kyoko-sama before disappearing has not been fulfilled!

They haven't played the most perfect ending yet!

Baosheng Yongmeng also thought so, and smiled at Kujo Kiriya who was walking towards this side.

"Mr. Kujo, you have lived up to your expectations."

"Although it's a little different from what I expected, it's obvious that Yongmeng you did better." Kujo Kiriya smiled, and then changed the subject: "But there is still a game administrator who has not resolved it."

After finishing speaking, Kujo Kiriya looked at the place where Sakura Kyoko disappeared just now, and with his action, other players also cast their gazes here.

Only then did the players realize that the last game administrator had appeared on the battlefield at some point, bending over to pick up the Magical Girl Chronicles game cassette on the ground.

After noticing the players' eyes, Jon turned the game cassette in his hand and smiled at them.

"So now, can you give me an answer? But there seem to be too few people now."

As Jon's voice fell, the AT force field evolution bottle appeared in his hand, and then a dazzling golden beam of light burst into the sky.

After climbing to the apex, such a golden beam of light began to turn into a hexagonal barrier and spread towards the surroundings.

Not only the players in the game field, but even ordinary people outside the game field can see the golden energy barrier that cuts through the night, and even people in the daytime position can see that it is more dazzling than the sun the brilliance!

Such brilliance is covering the whole world!

And after being shrouded by such a golden energy barrier, both players and ordinary people find that their will seems to be brought into this battlefield that is determining the fate of mankind.

They seem to be able to hear other people's thoughts, but the thoughts they can hear are all related to the game world.

Some people are looking forward to the coming of such a world, some people are afraid of the coming of such a world, but most of them are looking forward to this world and at the same time have worries in their hearts.

They saw these players who had been fighting, and they could clearly hear their inner will.

Then, a voice rang in everyone's ears.

"It's okay now, so tell me your decision."

This voice silenced everyone.

This ability to gather the thoughts of people from all over the world has shocked people far more than that punch of Tan Lidou before.

This kind of ability has even far exceeded the scope of their comprehension!

So what should they choose?

Perhaps because the performance of the previous players was also very dazzling, many people subconsciously focused on these players, waiting for their choices.

If possible, they hope that these players who have experienced the game in person can make a choice that meets everyone's ideas.


"Is...is that what everyone thinks?"

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