I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 307 Formal Alliance

Harold also had doubts about elves in the forest of elves, and he also distrusted elves—especially the high-level elves. But at that time, he was able to keep the sun scepter. elf.

Of course, the dwarves have enough confidence and strength to question the elves. The dwarves are now the main force against the orc army and the demon army, and they are the enemy's top priority.

The invasion of demons is a crisis for the entire continent. What do you mean by watching a show without doing your best? Although it was not the Dwarf King himself who asked the question, it must also represent the opinion of the Dwarf King.

The three archmages looked at each other, and finally the archmage explained the reason, "After the demons invade, the priority attack target must be the world tree. You should be aware of the importance of the world tree. No matter what, they cannot be allowed to succeed. !"

"In addition, the east road was tampered with by the enemy, and many evil things broke the seal. The queen brought more than half of the clan's combat power to deal with it. Because we were worried that the enemy's intention was to lure us away on purpose, we opened the knot to make up for the lack of strength. World defense!"

With a short reason and a simple description, the archmage did not add any embellishments or quibbles. What he said were all facts, and he only concealed that it was the first-generation elf "Sauron" who was doing something wrong on the East Road.

The two legendary dwarves didn't know much about Dongdalu, nor did they understand the importance of the World Tree, so they turned their attention to the Dwarf King.

The dwarf king thought for a moment in silence, and then slowly said: "It is not wrong to guard the World Tree, and it is also correct to deal with the problem of Dongdalu. It is more important than supporting other races! I understand your reasons, indeed. It happens for a reason! But."

"This is all your one-sided opinion, and the sacrifices of people of all races are real. Sorry, I can't trust you all because of your simple explanation! I am willing to formally discuss with you after signing the contract!"

The dwarf king's words did not surprise the archmage, and he didn't expect the other party to say "It's okay, I understand!"

The dwarf king was able to express his thoughts sincerely, and he was already very satisfied without being angry and chasing people away.

"Don't worry, we are here to support with sincerity. The three of us are the top mages in the elves, second only to the elves queen!"

The dwarf king nodded. Although he was not very satisfied and could not fully trust him, it was a good thing to be able to come to support, especially now that the dwarf kingdom was under tremendous pressure, and it especially needed the assistance of elves who mastered powerful magic.

"No matter what happened before, as long as you are willing to stand up against foreign enemies, it is good. Then we will sign a contract and form an alliance. No matter whether the enemy continues to attack us or turns around to attack you, the other party must actively provide support!"

"No problem!" X3, Iacosta, and Aphelios did not remain silent. They are not Iltilan's bag-carrying brothers. It is definitely not enough to just watch such an important matter without saying a word.

The elf queen gave the three of them full authority to make any decisions on behalf of the elves, and the signing of an offensive and defensive alliance with the dwarves was something the queen herself was very happy to see.

Among the biggest weaknesses of the elves is the lack of low-end combat power, there are no ordinary soldiers, while the average combat power of the race is strong, and the dwarves, which have millions of years of male clansmen who can form a large-scale army at any time, can well make up for this.

And the dwarves can also get powerful magic support from the elves, whether it is against demons or orcs, the effect is outstanding. Of course, the elves must benefit more from this alliance.

Magic only consumes magic power, and the elves can recover after resting, while the dwarves have to pay blood and sweat to fight desperately, using the lives of their clansmen to fight the enemy.

It is not troublesome to sign a contract. Both dwarves and elves have ancient documents from ancient times. They are not disposable and can be used repeatedly. Those who violate them will be exiled from the mainland forever. If it is signed on the basis of the entire race, The heavier the price, the more irreversible it is.

Symbolizing the union of the strongest forces, there is not even a single witness around. The dwarves have already started to drink loudly, and the Twilight Brigade can't resist the temptation of getting top-level equipment for all members, and they are talking about each other excitedly.

It was also intentional that the dwarf king did not draw attention to the alliance ceremony. He did not want the tribe to rely on the elves. Fighting with their own strength is the reason why the dwarf tribe has grown stronger from ancient times to the present.

The dwarves thousands of years ago were really not a powerful race, and their growth process was extremely difficult after being independent from the giants.

"Okay, since we are allies now, can you tell me the details of what happened today? Especially your injuries, according to intelligence, you should have been injured by the broken Abyss Gate!"

"All of this is thanks to the reminder from the Twilight Brigade. They have dealt with a demon lord named Talimore. They know the enemy's cunning and strength. They can easily cast extremely powerful spells and accurately strike the opponent's vitals! "

It was in the battle with humans that Talimore attracted hundreds of thousands of cannon fodder with a puppet magic that was against the sky, and almost broke through the giant fortress directly, and the dwarves would definitely suffer unexpected attacks.

"We made a lot of assumptions, and felt that it was most likely that the enemy would directly attack and kill me. Based on his suggestion, we set up an ambush early on, and waited for more than ten days to finally wait!"

The dwarf king's tone was excited and his expression was excited. Obviously, he couldn't be more satisfied with this astonishing victory. Even though the number of enemies he killed was only a few hundred, the worst ones were all middle-level demons, among which were comparable to legendary powerhouses. It even reached double digits, not to mention the abyss lord who is the overlord of that side.

The result of killing these demons is no less than defeating an army of 100,000 orcs. The loss is only a palace and a hundred ordinary soldiers.

The archmage asked curiously: "How is your injury well? We haven't heard any news. After learning that the devil is going to attack the city of steel, we were scared into a cold sweat!"

The dwarf who complained that the elves came too "timely" replied: "If you want to deceive the enemy, you have to deceive your own people first. Besides, you may not be considered as your own people at that time. Of course, there is no reason to specifically notify you!"

These words were thorny and made people feel uncomfortable. After all, they have already formed an alliance. Although the dwarf king didn't scold his subordinates, he still smiled and said in order to maintain the relationship:

"I'm not wary of you, it's just that you had already opened the barrier at that time, and the halfling scouts we sent didn't know you well, so they couldn't pass on the news. Groot, don't be so hot, others are kind enough to help!"

The legendary dwarf was still a little dissatisfied, but was completely blocked by the dwarf king.

"Okay, it's a rare dinner, let's have a big drink! Is there anyone who can challenge my banquet champion for three consecutive years? You two, don't be afraid to compare with me!"

"Come and come! You are the one who shouldn't be too complacent. Last time I was just a little sleepy and fell asleep!"

"Who is afraid of whom! If I hadn't been busy teaching my son to forge some time ago, it would be your turn to win the championship?"

The three dwarves challenged each other to compete for wine at the main table, leaving behind the three elves who were already allies.

The waiters had indeed served exquisite food, all the masterpieces of the halfling cooks, but the dwarves, who had no drink at all, and the dwarves, who were bound to enjoy the banquet, did not serve wine to the elves.

Serving food means that everyone is an ally and will no longer be hostile to you, but the meaning of not serving wine is also very clear: From the perspective of the overall situation, we dwarves do want to unite with your elves, but we are not friends, and we can fight together. Forget drinking and talking!

Aphelios tasted the food, and the taste was actually pretty good, but the expression on his face was uncomfortable, "It's really an uncomfortable celebration feast, if only I could come earlier and join the battle as soon as possible!"

"However, the bad impression is not only caused by the bad timing of playing today. Judging from the fact that the dwarf king deliberately concealed the healing of his injuries from us, I am afraid that he has long been dissatisfied!"

Iacosta said meaningfully: "If you know the news that the dwarf king has recovered from his injury, will there still be a sneak attack by the devil today?"

"Don't make me repeat it all the time, I have no collusion with the devil!" Aphelios narrowed his eyes and let it go without being slapped on the face by the dwarf's cold ass. This group was still finding fault, a little annoyed.

"Okay, okay, let's think about how to restore the evaluation. This inaction almost made the whole continent distrust us. We were originally feared because of the powerful magic. If we can't do our best to prove our innocence this time, I'm afraid it will be a disaster. After the disaster of the sub-continent is over, it will be the disaster of our elves!"

The Archmage's worries are very real. The most embarrassing thing about the elves is that although they are strong, they are not strong enough to completely rule the entire continent. The sparse population is their eternal weakness.

Once the attitude of other races in the mainland towards elves has changed from fear and awe to fear and suspicion, they can be ready to open the enchantment 365 days a year.

This is really not as free and easy as the orcs. The orcs are openly challenging the whole continent, and they will invade the south every now and then, wishing someone would start a war with them.

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