I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 409 Analyzing Information

"Take all the gold to the king's capital for safekeeping. Remember to ask Rand to send heavy troops to guard it, especially to guard against the infiltration of individual masters!"

Harold is mainly worried about Sunflower, but although her strength can easily get rid of the guards, it is impossible to escape the pursuit with a few tons of unrefined gold ore. Although the strength of well-trained soldiers is not as strong as Legendary But Sunflower won't tear her face open and grab it without a win-win situation!

Carriages are holding gold mines and driving towards the capital, Yacosta and the archmage are bickering with each other, it seems that Acosta mocked the archmage's ancient war tree is too weak to light the archmage In short, it is impossible to talk about serious business without letting them vent.

On the other side, Aphelios was busy tinkering with Harold's scroll of heaven, instead of raising his head to look at the huge mini sun.

"It's strange, the speed of the world's restoration is too slow. Obviously there is the first-level god body of the sun god, how can it be slower than my restoration of hell? The sun god has almost gathered the beliefs of the entire continent!"

"The most important thing is the soul. None of them have sublimated in. The functions of heaven are not being played at all. Is my hell stealing souls?"

The doubts in Aphelios' heart became more and more serious, he stopped the work at hand, and entered the hell world with the purpose of exploring. When he came to the black hole of reincarnation, his pupils dilated instantly, and his body froze in place because of surprise.

The black hole that originally had an endless stream of souls passing through it became dead silent, like a pool of stagnant water without any waves. There is no doubt that something changed when he didn't notice it.

Heaven and hell are originally one, and their functions cooperate with each other. It is only possible for one to prosper and one to suffer. There is no way that hell will hinder the formation of heaven when it develops well. The current situation only shows that these two spiritual worlds are separated Affected by common obstacles!

"Where is the soul!!!!" Aphelios roared angrily. The picture scroll of hell and the hell world it leads to are his painstaking efforts for hundreds of years. The only expectation, a big problem happened at this time, it really cut a piece of meat in my heart.


After settling in the gold mine, the three of them found a secluded place and began to discuss. Mainly, Iacosta kept talking about his investigation and research on the monsters in the desert during this period, as well as speculation about the hidden dangers in the water. .

Even a well-informed legendary mage was shocked by the terrifying monster of the "Desert Overlord". The archmage who had never seen that thing with his own eyes almost doubted his ears.

"Are you sure it's not due to fear that caused the error in judgment? Many people who were attacked by wild beasts would describe ordinary cheetahs as terrifying creatures that almost reached the legendary realm. Are you exaggerating the monster's strength a bit?"

Iacosta scolded angrily: "That monster is stronger than any creature you've seen in your life, put away your arrogance and ignorance! I recorded its appearance with a video ball, you'd better do something psychologically." Prepare to watch it again, lest you faint from fright!"

The archmage stared at him, blew his beard, and was about to explode. Harold hurriedly stopped them. The two should stop arguing. He was in a hurry to discuss how to deal with the monster.

"Archmage, that monster is really terrible, Crom, you know, even Crom, who was able to single-handedly defeat Balor, is helpless against that monster, no, it should be facing that monster. It’s just a stronger bug! That kind of thing is no longer at the level of a mortal!”

The archmage still showed some face to Harold, the benefactor. He snorted and didn't care about Iacosta, but thought in his heart: If you want to talk about monsters, I also saw one, that huge storm of 100 meters The giant spirit can be released alone. After knowing each other for so long, I still can't see the strength of the elf queen!

After the archmage became serious, he watched the video ball and listened carefully to the information introduced by Acosta and Harold.

"In addition to the terrifying volume of nearly one million tons, there is also an amazingly powerful magic cannon. If the release is not too rough, as long as it is processed casually, it will be comparable to legendary magic!"

At this time, the image ball happened to be the scene of the "Desert Overlord" breaking out of the ground and erupting wantonly.

Magic power is just energy. The lethality of a pure magic power cannon is several grades lower than the magic condensed by magic power, but it can't hold back the "Desert Overlord". gun.

The archmage frowned, monsters with powerful magic power were much more difficult to deal with than simple brute force monsters.

"That monster can split and combine without limit. It is essentially composed of trillions or even more tiny worms. After attacking and injuring the prey, it can inject its own flesh and blood into the prey, parasitize and reproduce!"

The "Desert Overlord" in the image ball continued to wreak havoc, and the surrounding terrain of several kilometers was easily rewritten.

The corner of the Archmage's mouth began to twitch. It stands to reason that the stronger the basic strength of the monster, the more unpretentious and powerful it should be. The "Desert Overlord" is at the top of the continent in terms of strength and magic power. Why does he have such disgusting moves? This kind of skill should not Is it a perverted trick that only creatures with weak foundations have evolved?

Besides, this kind of monster that can split its body at will, change its shape, and easily hide underground when it encounters danger. Even the sun god can't do anything about it sounds a bit immortal.

Harold and Iacosta were still revealing desperate information, the archmage touched the sweat on his head, interrupted the two of them and said: "Okay, okay, I probably understand what is the abnormal existence of that thing. , no matter what, you can’t confront it head-on, stop emphasizing how powerful it is, talk about its weaknesses!”

That's right, it doesn't matter how strong the monster is or how perverted its moves are. Only its weakness is the key to deciding whether it can be solved. If there is no weakness, even if the monster is weakened ten times, it cannot be resisted by manpower , and as long as there is a fatal weakness, a miraculous reversal can be achieved!

"It is confined in the desert and cannot go out!"

"It has no intelligence! It is driven entirely by instinct!"

"Slow speed!"

"Do not expose to the sun for long periods of time!"

The archmage nodded, seeing that there were indeed many weaknesses, the three of them began to analyze and discuss.

No intelligence is the foundation of all plans. If a monster can think rationally, it is useless to play; and slow speed is an inevitable weakness of a large body. Although it is a weakness, its almost infinite vitality and regenerative ability make it almost immune to this weakness. coming impact.

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