I Want To Be a Rich Man on Hong Kong Island

Chapter 238 [The concept of container ocean transportation]

In mid-February 1954, the Lunar New Year had just passed.

The Jeddah agreement has brought fame and profits to Global Shipping. Many employees of Global Shipping will even brag everywhere, saying that their boss almost taught Lao Mei a lesson.

Because of this, Wu Guangyao has another nickname on Hong Kong Island, Sha Danyao.

In the conference room of Universal Building, Wu Guangyao grandly introduced a new vice president to shareholders and management.

"This will be John Rich, the new vice president of Global Shipping. He graduated from the Finance Department of Cambridge University and once worked for Zim Shipping Company. Everyone welcomes him!" After Wu Guangyao finished speaking, he took the lead in applauding Rich.

Under everyone's warm welcome, John Rich was very excited. From the beginning, he was tempted by the high salary, and then he knew the competitiveness of global shipping in the industry. This high-end talent in London secretly admired his choice.

With the rise of shipowners in Greece, Japan, and Hong Kong Island, Europe and the United States are no longer the world's shipping hegemony. This is what John Rich felt deeply during this period.

John Rich stood up and said to everyone: "Hi everyone, my name is John Rich Global Shipping is in the process of modernization and group transformation. How to maximize the use of corporate resources, information and financial control methods to maximize shareholder value Sustained growth, continuous optimization of organizational capabilities, corporate risk management in line with needs, and invincible corporate development are the things I will prepare for next. I hope that I will live up to the great trust of all shareholders and the expectations of my colleagues. ,thank you all!"

John Rich officially became Wu Guangyao's second deputy in Global Shipping. Wu Guangyao naturally hoped that he and He Yuanzhang would complement each other, one focusing on business and the other on finance, while he focused on a general direction and delegated power again.

There will only be more and more companies under Wu Guangyao, so Wu Guangyao doesn't have the energy to take care of every detail in each company, so he needs these right-hand men to share the part of the work that he unloads.

For example, Wu Guangyao used to run business in person and negotiate prices, but now, Wu Guangyao will leave it all to the two deputies and let them handle it.

In this way, Wu Guangyao has more things to think about what to do next!

"I have an idea that I want global shipping to be promoted all over the world. You can refer to it! Shipping takes Tokyo Port to Victoria Harbor as an example. Medium-sized cargo ships are used to transport dry bulk cargo. The freight is US$3 per ton. I think the freight is very Expensive, so what is the reason?" Wu Guangyao said calmly.

"Even a shipping layman like me knows the answer. The bulk cargo ships are placed in bundles, bags, and boxes. The most important thing to waste space is that bulk ships cannot hold the full load of the cargo ship at all, so the price is naturally expensive. Yes!" Sanders said with a smile.

"In addition, bulk cargo requires a lot of manpower to load and unload, which is also a considerable cost!" Wu Guangyao added.

When the people in the meeting room heard what Wu Guangyao said, they all began to guess what new innovation Wu Guangyao had made. They were very excited and curious!

What kind of person is the boss? Is there any reason why the management in the conference room don't know?

In everyone's mind, every idea of ​​the boss has improved the global shipping a lot and brought a lot of wealth.

Wu Guangyao continued: "My idea is to develop container ocean transportation. My concept is not the one that has appeared in Europe and the United States. The concept of putting a few boxes. Ports, ships, cranes, containers, trucks, trains and crews The operation methods must be changed. The so-called port is a container terminal specially built. This container terminal refers to the water area including the harbor basin, anchorage, approach channel, berths, etc. , a well-defined site capable of accommodating complete container handling operations”

Wu Guangyao said everything he understood. Anyway, there are special recorders, and the management has the habit of holding a pen in meetings.

Everyone was stunned by Wu Guangyao's big plan,

If this plan is successful, it will definitely set off a wave of enthusiasm around the world.

"Boss, this method involves too much technology and knowledge. The design of the container, the design of the tower crane, and the gantry crane you mentioned, etc., all of which require technical personnel to develop, so I suggest that a special container transportation department be established. The company is responsible for this matter." He Yuanzhang said.

The people in the meeting room also echoed, the business of global shipping is already busy enough

And this plan is too big, and the current global shipping can't handle it at all.

"Okay, then Li Ming will be in charge of this subsidiary." Wu Guangyao nodded. Li Ming is a cadre trained by Global Shipping, and of course he is also a university graduate.

After the meeting ended, Li Ming came to Wu Guangyao's office.

"I don't know much about the structure, structure, and interior design of the container, but I think the standard size should be 8 feet wide and less than 8 feet high. For the specific structure, after you prepare the company, send someone to the United States to study. In terms of machinery, for the matter of going to Dongying to find a partner port, you first select the site on both sides, and I will lobby the official to agree." Wu Guangyao told Li Ming alone.

In terms of professional knowledge, Wu Guangyao may not know more than these people, but in terms of general direction, no one in the world can compare with himself.

Containers are the future development trend and have been popular in the United States since the late 1950s

It is precisely because of this that the general policy proposed by Wu Guangyao will not go wrong, because it has been tested by history.

Li Ming changed from the original department manager to the president of a subsidiary company. Although it was only a small promotion, his power has increased a lot. Of course, his responsibilities have also increased a lot.

"Well, I will definitely do my best to complete this thing that is beneficial to social progress. I will also ask the boss and the two vice presidents for advice at any time." Li Ming said modestly.

"Do you know why I attach so much importance to this kind of container transportation?" Wu Guangyao asked suddenly.

Li Ming didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "Influence! If we are the first to advocate this container ocean transportation for global shipping, we will increase a lot of influence."

"Haha, it seems that you understand me quite well! Well, let's go down and prepare for the new company."

After Li Ming left, Wu Guangyao had a smug smile on his face. As a time traveler, there are too many benefits!

Once this plan is implemented, the cost of dry bulk cargo transportation from Hong Kong Island to Dongying will be reduced by more than 80%

Not only will it bring a lot of profit to global shipping, but it will also bring great fame to global shipping.

Of course, if Global Shipping wants to promote container ocean transportation, it must invest in container terminals, which will cost a lot.

Fortunately, shipping in Europe and the United States can earn a lot of profits for global shipping!

Moreover, this terminal is long-term. If others want to develop container transportation in the future, they will definitely come to their own terminal, which will be a huge profit.

Maybe the profit from just one container terminal will make global shipping a lot of money

Of course, the cake is too big, and it may be shared with others, especially the official, so as to achieve win-win cooperation.

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