I Want To Be a Rich Man on Hong Kong Island

Chapter 354 [Real estate rises! 】

In July 1962, the real estate market on Hong Kong Island was gaining momentum and rising sharply;

In particular, the well-equipped large private housing estate developed by Cheung Kong has become the favorite property of Hong Kong Islanders.

Phases 1, 2, and 3 of "Xingang City" developed by Cheung Kong have all been sold out, with an overall average transaction price of HK$44 per square foot;

In other words, the subsequent transaction price was higher than HK$44 per square foot, and reached HK$47 per square foot;

Compared with a year ago, it has appreciated by about 15%, which is the result of Cheung Kong's dislike of real estate speculation;

Because of Cheung Kong's resistance to speculation in uncompleted properties, the price is not as high as that of other real estate properties.

And Cheung Kong's next three real estate projects - Scenery Garden Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 will also be launched in turn;

Cheung Kong's "Three Musketeers" got together to discuss the opening price, and then prepared to report to Wu Guangyao.

"It must not be lower than 50 Hong Kong dollars. The property prices in Kowloon generally rise to more than 46 Hong Kong dollars. Our three real estates are large private housing estates, with all kinds of living facilities and high-end properties for kindergartens. The price is low, and it looks high-end. A little lower." Shi Jun took the lead in expressing his opinion.

Since its establishment, Cheung Kong has been developing high-end real estate, and the citizens of Hong Kong Island know this very well.

What is a high-end real estate?

First of all, it has to be in a prosperous location. Cheung Kong has always been a development project in Kowloon, and the poor New Territories have not thought about it yet;

Secondly, there are public facilities in all aspects. In this regard, Cheung Kong can be said to be the originator of large-scale communities on Hong Kong Island. With the experience of Wu Guangyao’s later generations, it is natural to create a historical precedent for real estate on Hong Kong Island (PS: Cheung Kong’s development at this stage real estate, focusing on convenience for shopping, there are many shops and wet goods stores.);

In the end, it was naturally the quality of the real estate. Needless to say, with Wu Guangyao's wealth, it was impossible for him to do such immoral things.

"That's true, but it can't be too high. I think it's about 50 Hong Kong dollars. If the price rises gratifyingly in the later period, we can adjust accordingly." Xiu Yanbing said.

Soon, the three people unified their opinions, and the opening price was set at 49.98 yuan per square foot;

Cheung Kong always likes to set the price at the last two decimal places, which is naturally influenced by the boss Wu Guangyao;

For example, the price of 50 Hong Kong dollars per square foot,

Cheung Kong will definitely offer a price of 49.98 per square foot;

The reason for this was that Wu Guangyao asked his subordinates to figure it out by themselves, and everyone must understand the reason now;

To put it bluntly, it is just to use the customer's psychology!

The three of them were having a meeting when a nervous manager walked in and said, "Vice presidents, there is a long queue outside the sales office of Scenery Garden Phase I. Manager Wang from the sales office persuaded these people to leave. , these people not only did not leave, but the queue was getting longer and longer, and the citizens refused to leave."

When the three of them heard this, they were really shocked!

The Sceneway Garden has not confirmed the opening date yet, why are these people queuing up?

"It can't go on like this. If there are more and more people and we don't open the market, something will definitely happen! Let's go, the three of us go and have a look." Shi Jun was the first to react.

The other two also knew the urgency of the situation. If something happened, it would be a good thing and a bad thing!

The three rushed to the sales office of Phase I of Scenery Garden and looked around, there was a long queue of nearly a hundred people outside;

Some people in the queue even held stools in their hands and carried backpacks, looking like they were preparing for a protracted battle.

I learned from the sales manager that the first phase of Huijing Garden will open tomorrow;

So some citizens plan to queue up in advance, waiting for tomorrow's snap-up.

The three couldn't help but wry smiles. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

The reputation of the real estate developed by Cheung Kong is really good, coupled with the management in the later stage, it has always had a good reputation in Hong Kong Island;

The important thing is that in recent years, the citizens of Hong Kong Island seem to like this kind of large private housing estate and feel that living in it is convenient, so they will choose this kind of real estate when buying a house;

It is just that no other developers are willing to try this kind of real estate except Cheung Kong;

It is indeed popular, but the risk is also great. Hong Kong Island itself is a small boat in the sea, and the environment is fluctuating;

Once the previous property plummet occurs, most developers will choose to go bankrupt or liquidate because they cannot repay their loans.

Therefore, everyone thinks that it is better to develop small-scale real estate!

Seeing more and more long queues, the three of them decided to call the police for fear of accidents!

No way, the three of them also went outside to persuade them, but the citizens in Changlong chose to ignore them.

"You sell your house, I'll line up for me, if you don't sell it tomorrow, you have to sell it the day after tomorrow!" One person said dissatisfied.

As soon as the three of them heard this, they knew that this was a real estate speculator, but they didn't say anything.

A real estate speculator is a real estate speculator, and a real estate speculator is a real estate speculator. They are different in nature. There is no difference between a real estate speculator and a normal buyer.

However, this kind of real estate speculators have some backgrounds. If they don’t open the market every day, or the day after tomorrow, these people might make trouble;

Therefore, only by waiting for the police to come, persuading and driving away, will there be no trouble!

Fortunately, after the police arrived, the long queue finally started to disperse.

Wu Guangyao couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard the report of the three. Is the real estate situation so good?

I soon realized that Hong Kong Island itself is the trading center of Asia, and it is easy for foreign capital to come in and go out;

The hot money from Southeast Asia and the capital from Japan like to invest in Hong Kong Island;

Even European and American businessmen feel that Hong Kong Island is a golden mountain and want to take a share;

Because of these reasons, it is easy to cause real estate boom;

However, because Hong Kong Island is on the opposite side and is easily affected by the political environment, real estate can easily plummet;

The ups and downs of the real estate industry is naturally a paradise for speculators.

After hearing the opening price of 49.98 Hong Kong dollars, Wu Guangyao didn't say anything. The Three Musketeers knew much better than himself, so he didn't need to worry about that.

Soon, the opening date was also set, and July 20 was chosen a week later.

The day to watch the market is not simply to look at the almanac, but to ask a feng shui master to determine it;

In line with the principle of preferring to believe what is there, and not to believe what is not, Wu Guangyao maintains enough respect for these, according to the general environment of Hong Kong Island.

On July 20, the first phase of Scenery Garden of Cheung Kong Industrial Co., Ltd. was launched for sale, and the scene showed the most popular situation in the history of the real estate developed by Cheung Kong Industrial Co., Ltd.;

The first phase of Sceneway Garden has a total of 1,680 residential units, and 1,300 residential units were sold on the same day. Wu Guangyao found it incredible.

And what makes people dumbfounded is that according to a newspaper report, after a speculator bought a house in the first phase of Sceneway Garden, he found a buyer within two days and made a profit of 1,800 Hong Kong dollars.

Based on an area of ​​800 square feet, a house costs 40,000 Hong Kong dollars. This speculator earned a 4% profit in just three days, which is comparable to picking up money!


With nothing to do, Wu Guangyao asked Fang Fang and his son to come to the Heaven and Earth in Wanchai for recreation.

Hong Kong Island is known as "prosperity moving eastward", and Wan Chai is located in the east of the Central District, adjacent to the Central District;

So from the 1960s, Wan Chai began to prosper;

In addition, the Hong Kong government has reclaimed a large area of ​​sea in Wan Chai, which has laid the foundation for the prosperity of Wan Chai.

To the east of Wanchai is Causeway Bay, which gradually prospered in the 1970s after the island and the Kowloon Submarine Tunnel were opened.

On the contrary, the west side of Central District - Sheung Wan and Sai Wan are behind, not as well developed as Wan Chai and Causeway Bay.

Wanchai District was the location of the famous Spring Garden in the early days of Hong Kong Island, so Wanchai has been known as a red light district for a long time;

Speaking of the red light district in Wanchai, there is another allusion:

[In other words, before the 1930s, "chicken" was rampant in Hong Kong and Kowloon, and the voices of Chinese and foreign people to ban prostitution were increasing; 'For entertainment, sailors are unwilling to sail to Hong Kong Island, and merchants are unwilling to go to Hong Kong and Kowloon for business.

Is the Hong Kong government really not determined to ban prostitution?

Yes, and very firmly!

In the early 1930s, the world economy was in the Great Depression, many British unemployed women fell into the dust, and even some "foreign chickens" came to the Oriental Paradise Hong Kong Island to make a living.

Although 'foreign chicken' meat is expensive, the rich Chinese enjoy it all and open up foreign meat to vent their hatred of being discriminated against by the British in the past.

Where is the dignity of the British Empire?

The British government urgently passed an anti-prostitution law, and the governor of Hong Kong ordered that all foreign courtesans must stop operating after one month; because of the large number of Chinese courtesans, they should be cleared within three years.

Therefore, after 1935, there were no legal brothels on Hong Kong Island.

This is also the most stringent ban on prostitution in the history of Hong Kong Island. 】

The legal ones don't exist, but the illegal ones go underground.

Things that have existed since ancient times are naturally not so easy to destroy.

Therefore, Wanchai is full of nightclubs, bars, dance halls and other entertainment venues.

Especially in the generation of Lockhart Road and Jaffe Road, there are five steps to the first floor and ten steps to one pavilion, becoming the distribution center for night tourists.

Heaven and Earth Nightclub is known as the "Imperial Palace" of entertainment venues, with luxurious and stylish decoration, and impressive performances, it is the best choice for rich men.

Wu Guangyao and Fang Geer sat at the best table to watch the stage. The entertainment venues of this era are not too noisy, because the music is not the style of later generations.

"Wu Sheng, would you like to ask the two hostesses to accompany you for a drink!" Zhu Yuan greeted, Zhu Yuan is the boss of Heaven and Earth, but holds less than 5% of the shares, which is equivalent to a professional manager supported by Leidun Security.

Wu Guangyao waved his hand and said with a smile: "That's not acceptable! Let Madam know later, I may not be able to go to bed!"

This sentence is naturally just a joke, to establish a good reputation for myself on Hong Kong Island!

After chatting with Brother Fang for a while, Wu Guangyao invited Zhu Yuan to sit down for a while.

Wu Guangyao said, "Boss Zhu, I remember that heaven and earth have cultivated some of their own singers, right?"

Zhu Yuan immediately replied: "Yes, our Heaven and Earth Nightclub has been cultivating our own singers from the very beginning, and there are currently 38 singers under our banner. Do you want to see their profiles, if you have photos, I will give them to you take?"

MD, do you look like the kind of person who uses power for personal gain?

Wu Guangyao couldn't help asking himself in his heart, Zhu Yuan's words obviously meant that Wu Guangyao wanted to be with these singers.

"No, you recommend two or three good candidates, and then terminate the contract with them; then let them go to the music department of Hong Kong Island Commercial Radio, there is a shortage of talents in this field."

"No problem, I'll take care of this!"

Wu Guangyao nodded. Judging from Zhu Yuan's attitude, Zhu Yuan can still recognize his position and is not arrogant;

The leaders of the four halls in the heaven and earth only listened to Lei Dun'an's words, which was a means to check and balance Zhu Yuan, so as not to take the heaven and earth for themselves.

After staying in heaven and earth for two hours, Wu Guangyao found that there seemed to be very few Cantonese songs, which obviously did not match Wu Guangyao's impression of Hong Kong Island songs;

Could it be that Hong Kong Island has not yet opened the era of Cantonese songs, Wu Guangyao couldn't help thinking!

It is very possible, after all, this era is influenced by Shanghai Bund, Mandarin songs are the mainstream, even in Hong Kong Island!

Cantonese songs should have developed in the 1970s after the screen (television) became popular.


This is a hot spot of Oriental Media's entry into music entertainment, which is to vigorously develop Cantonese pop songs.

After staying with Brother Fang until ten o'clock in the evening, Wu Guangyao couldn't hold it anymore, and was about to get up and go home to find his wife and lover to calm the fire!

Sure enough, people like Zhu Yuan really carried forward the words "heaven and earth" to the fullest, making men linger and forget to return.

That night, Lin Yueru and Li Cui also noticed something unusual, that is, they felt a passion from Wu Guangyao that they hadn't had in the past few years;

Obviously, Wu Guangyao was catalyzed by something!

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