Wu Guangyao brought Lin Yueru to Shau Kei Wan. At this time, after a month of renovations, the factory building had undergone major changes and was completely new.

Five-story factory building, the first and second floors are used for zipper factories, and the third and fourth floors are used for garment factories;

The fifth floor is divided into two sections for the offices of two companies.

Both companies still have only five management members, and are currently preparing for the company.

Company procedures, office equipment, drafting of the articles of association, development planning, market research, these are the preparatory work explained by Wu Guangyao.

Looking at the iron shelves lined up on the roof, Lin Yueru asked curiously, "Guangyao, what are these used for?"

Wu Guangyao said with a smile: "The one who installed the electric light!"

"Installing electric lights? Electricity is so expensive, why waste it? Isn't it very bright inside?"

"Electric lights are mainly used for working at night. Think about it, I bought such an expensive machine, why should I let it rest at night, and the machine does not need to rest. So I plan to implement two shifts in the factory, one shift during the day People, one shift at night. I want to ensure that people rest and machines don’t rest, so that it will be more efficient.”

Wu Guangyao said boldly, why not three shifts, but two shifts?

That's because workers in this era work more than 11 hours. Why should I stand out from the crowd and implement the 8-hour system.

Even in later generations, 10-hour working hours abound.

I directly arrange a 12-hour shift, which counts as one hour of overtime work, and then divides it into two shifts. Isn't it equivalent to starting work 24 hours a day?

Shau ​​Kei Wan belongs to the main island of Hong Kong Island, and it is also an industrial area, so electricity has always been guaranteed.

So Wu Guangyao is very confident that this plan can be realized.

After hearing Wu Guangyao's words, Lin Yueru's eyes lit up, her husband is really a genius!

When I came to the office of Uniqlo on the fifth floor, there were only a few desks at this time, and everyone was busy writing plans and preparations.

After greeting each other, Wu Guangyao called Fu Hongru and four department managers to discuss the layout of the factory.

Wu Guangyao said: "Since it is a modern factory, we must implement the 5S management system."

After Wu Guangyao finished speaking, he was not in a hurry to continue, and waited for everyone.

Fu Hongru was the first to react, and immediately asked everyone to prepare pens and paper, write it down, and refer to it afterwards.

"Mr. Wu, what is the 5S management system?" Fu Hongru asked humbly.

Satisfied with everyone's attitude, Wu Guangyao cleared his throat and prepared to speak at length.

"The so-called 5S management system is to standardize the site and items through the system, create a clear and tidy factory environment; cultivate good working habits of employees, and the ultimate goal is to improve the quality of people. The environment should be distributed in an orderly manner. The raw material area, cutting area, The sewing area, ironing area, and finished product area are all independently separated; workers also need to work on the assembly line and perform their duties; workers need to keep clean and tidy every day, work hard, be civilized and polite, and consciously maintain the environment... ..."

The more Wu Guangyao talked, the more vigorous he became. The people below were listening and writing down the content, and digested it later to form a company system.

Don't underestimate these five management talents, they basically represent the highest level of Hong Kong Island at this time.

Because Wu Guangyao has used the radio, newspapers, and posters, and he is selected from all the talents in the city!

"Mr. Wu is really a great talent. If we can really carry on like this, I'm afraid that Western factories will not be as good as us." Fu Hongru flattered him.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this flattery. Originally, this kind of system is the secret to the company's success in later generations.

"What I'm talking about is just the ideal transformation of the factory, and our management may not be able to achieve it in the future. After all, the quality of the current workers is very low. If it is too strict, it will be counterproductive. This will test our management level.

"Wu Guangyao said cautiously to everyone.

The current workers don't even know a few big characters, and their quality is even worse.

Therefore, we must manage fierce, light punishment, and focus on education.

If it doesn't work, he will be fired, and the fine should be kept as small as possible, otherwise he may cause trouble. Of course, Leidun Security is not a vegetarian.

After continuing to discuss the layout of the factory building and the management of the factory with everyone, Wu Guangyao left.

Starting from New Year's Day in 1948, the Uniqlo factory will start small-scale recruitment.

Recruit some people first, use the equipment available on Hong Kong Island, and conduct training, small-scale production, and research and development first.

Otherwise, when the advanced machinery arrives, everyone will be in a hurry.

Wu Guangyao came to the PG zipper company next door, and gave another explanation and discussion.

This made Wu Guangyao a bit regretful, why didn't he gather the two groups of people and give a speech together just now!

I was smart for a lifetime, but I was confused for a while!

After all the saliva was dry, Wu Guangyao finished his work.

The same is true for the PG zipper factory. After this month, that is, on New Year's Day in 1948, it began to recruit workers on a small scale and organize people to produce zippers by hand.

At this time, in the zipper industry, Huaxia is not poor and white. There are already 20 zipper factories in Shanghai, and 1,000 workers are employed.

So for this reason, the marketing manager of PG Zipper is about to go to Shanghai to hire some skilled workers with high salaries.

If you don't have a lot of money as your backing, these preparatory work alone will be enough to wear you down.

The initial plant investment, executive salaries, employee training, market research, and purchase of machinery are not affordable for ordinary people.

Unless you know this line yourself, and then open a manual workshop, it is not too stressful.

Wu Guangyao was different. From the very beginning, he was positioned to be a modern factory, so the investment was naturally huge.

Fortunately, most of the 300,000 Hong Kong dollars from the future father-in-law have already arrived;

Coupled with Lao Fengxiang's monthly profit of more than 70,000 Hong Kong dollars, Wu Guangyao can be said to have sufficient funds.

However, the big purchase of machinery has not yet begun.

At this time, the Hong Kong dollar was pegged to the British pound, and 16 Hong Kong dollars were exchanged for 1 British pound.

And 1 British pound can be exchanged for 4 US dollars, so 1 US dollar can be exchanged for 4 Hong Kong dollars.

This trip to the United States may cost more than 300,000 Hong Kong dollars. Fortunately, I have Lao Fengxiang, a laying hen.


Back in Central, the two went to the Hang Seng Bank to get back the money they had placed to sell gold, a total of 126,000 Hong Kong dollars.

For more than two months, Wu Guangyao has earned more than 30,000 Hong Kong dollars.

It's time to rest for a while, because I'm going to the United States soon, and naturally I can't speculate in gold.

"Isn't this money too easy to earn!" Lin Yueru said.

With eagerness in Lin Yueru's eyes, she told Wu Guangyao that she should be educated in time to prevent this woman from speculating in gold privately when she goes abroad.

"Is it easy to make a profit? Do you know how many people in that hall are still losing money! There is a saying in gold speculation that 'one gain, two draws and seven losses'. Those who can make money are gold talkers like Hang Seng Bank; those who lose money are all There are some small retail investors who went bankrupt, and some committed suicide!" Wu Guangyao said casually, but the meaning in his words was clear, you are not that material.

Lin Yueru stuck out her tongue with a frightened expression.

"I hate it, you just know how to scare me, and I didn't say that I want to be fired, so you just say that you are amazing!"

Wu Guangyao suddenly leaned into Lin Yueru's ear, whispered a word, and then looked at Lin Yueru contentedly.


A burst of severe pain came, and Wu Guangyao finally knew that the truth came out of his mouth!

"Don't even think about it, who do you think I am! Before you get married, you dare to touch me!" Lin Yueru put down her cruel words, and then became sad.

Wu Guangyao had no choice but to say good things before he got the beauty's forgiveness!

A plant, hateful times!

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