On the second day, everyone came to the meeting room on the fifth floor of Uniqlo to discuss the details of the establishment of the chamber of commerce.

As the chairman, Wu Guangyao drafted most of the articles of association.

Then send technicians to various factories to guide production.

For an order of 1 million pieces, 500,000 pieces were distributed, and Uniqlo provided fabrics and guidance technology.

After the production is completed, it must also pass the quality inspection of Uniqlo, and the unqualified ones will be returned for redoing.

Those who are seriously unqualified will be disqualified as an OEM. These contracts are clearly written to save time and trouble.

So far, Uniqlo's order finally does not have to be rejected.

At the beginning, Wu Guangyao did not expect that there would be so many orders suddenly, otherwise the scale of Uniqlo would have been expanded long ago.

But for now, this model seems to be good.


After handing Shen Baoxing two manuscripts, Wu Guangyao watched Shen Baoxing's reaction with great interest!

These are two press releases written by myself. One is called "Where is Hong Kong Island's Economy Going?" ", an article called "Congratulations on the establishment of the Hong Kong Island Garment Chamber of Commerce! ".

"Where is Hong Kong Island's Economy Going?" is about the economy of Hong Kong Island, which currently relies heavily on its status as a transshipment port. When the political situation in mainland China changes one day, what should we do? The article carefully analyzed the current situation, and suggested better policies for Hong Kong government cashiers to encourage businessmen coming to Hong Kong to open factories and make Hong Kong Island's economy more diversified!

The article uses a pseudonym, and the situation in the mainland is only mentioned a little bit.

The point is more to encourage businessmen to open factories and invest in light industries, such as textile and garment factories.

During the Korean War in 1950, although the United States blocked Hong Kong Island trade, it did not mean that Hong Kong Island's trade with Europe, Southeast Asia, and Africa was also blocked.

Hong Kong Island just lost the largest market in the United States, so there are still many opportunities for textiles and garments.

After surviving from 1951 to 1953, the textile industry and garment industry on Hong Kong Island will develop rapidly.

Hong Kong Island is also one of the Four Asian Tigers.

The place where Jackie Chan first appeared.

"Congratulations on the establishment of the Hong Kong Island Garment Association! "This article is full of praise for Wu Guangyao and praises Goethe.

Seeing this, Shen Baoxing felt a little blush, this boss is too proud of himself!

But generally people who don't understand will really believe it.

It is simply a kind person to hand over one's own order to a colleague and provide technical support.

For the garment industry on Hong Kong Island, this young man really broke his heart!

In fact, Wu Guangyao was suffering, because the baby's output could not keep up!

"How is it? Is there anything exciting about the two articles?" Wu Guangyao said without blushing.

Both documents have praises for themselves. The first article writes that Wu Guangyao opened a factory, recruited refugees, and solved the problem of food and clothing for a large number of people.

The second article wrote a lot about Wu Guangyao's heartbreak for Hong Kong's garment industry, and selflessly donating orders to help his colleagues tide over the difficulties.

"Well, it's very exciting, but I need to polish the writing style!" Shen Baoxing said. After all, Wu Guangyao is not a professional editor, and he is still studying modern literature.

"Okay, you help me moisturize, remember not to change the content!" Wu Guangyao was afraid that Shen Baoxing would change the place where he praised himself.

Now that you have decided to be shameless, then you must, shameless to the end!

"Oriental Daily" will issue its first issue in three days. Since Wu Guangyao submitted two articles, he had to take down the two prepared articles and use them next time.

At present, the content of "Oriental Daily" is very popular, but it is not enough to dominate.

However, Wu Guangyao participated in the design of the overall layout, which is at least more attractive than the newspapers in the market.

Wu Guangyao didn't expect "Oriental Daily News" to make much money for him, as long as he can ensure that he can rank among the top three newspapers in Hong Kong Island!

Although the newspaper is not his main business, it is undoubtedly his shield, so Wu Guangyao still attaches great importance to it.


Three days passed quickly, and the first batch of 10,000 copies of "Oriental Daily" had already been printed, and they were just waiting to go out and distribute them to newsstands for free.

Why free to kiosks and not to customers?

Give it to the newsstand for free, and the owner of the newsstand will strongly recommend "Oriental Daily", which will easily produce results.

If you give it to customers for free, the newsstand owner will have no profit, so it's better to put it in a corner, and the devil will control your sales.

Although it is distributed to newsstands for free, in fact, Dongfang News has another advantage, that is, the advertisements of Laofengxiang and Uniqlo account for a lot of places.

In this way, there are some economic benefits.

"Boss, this is the new "Dongfang Daily" published by Dongfang News. It focuses on news about business, economy and current affairs. We will give you 100 copies of the first three issues for free, and you can sell them at the normal price." A person from the publishing department came Newsstand, said to the boss.

"Is there such a good thing? How's the quality of the newspaper?" The boss looked disbelieving, wondering whether the newspaper was defective or full of advertisements.

"The publication of a new newspaper is a kind of promotional activity. You can rest assured about the quality, you can read the content, and it is guaranteed to be high-level news. Boss, don't miss this good opportunity to make money!" The people in the distribution department patiently explained.

The boss took a newspaper, briefly read it a few times, and soon found that the newspaper was unusual.

First of all, there is a clean and tidy style on the layout, not messy, which makes it clear at a glance.

Secondly, the title of each news item is too damn attractive.

Finally, in terms of content, there is no problem with literary talent. The important thing is that there are many topics that can arouse everyone's discussion.

A good paper, thought the kiosk owner!

"Okay, I will try my best to help you sell. Let me ask, if my 100 points are sold out, will you still give it away?" The boss asked cautiously, after all, he was a bit clueless. But after all, this is no different from picking up money. There are one or two hundred people who buy newspapers at my newsstand every day. If I sell "Oriental Daily" to them, then I am doing business without money, earning several times as much as other newspapers , isn't this delicious?

"Send it, call the number above when you sell out, and we'll deliver it again." The distribution department said enthusiastically, without any expression of disgust.

Soon, almost all newsstands in Hong Kong received 100 copies of "Oriental Daily" for free, and these bosses naturally did not hesitate to sell "Oriental Daily" to people who came to buy newspapers.

"Interesting, the "Oriental Daily" is not easy to analyze the economic structure of Hong Kong Island so well!" A businessman muttered to himself while looking at the newspaper in his hand.

In the morning, I wanted to go to the newsstand to buy a copy of "Commercial Daily", but the owner of the newsstand strongly recommended this "Oriental Daily", saying that the comments on the economy and current affairs in it were very sharp and level.

Well, why should I listen to your newsstand boss, I want both! Buy both newspapers!

The businessman read both newspapers, and found that he had spent more than an hour, damn it, the work hadn't been done yet!

But "Oriental Daily" is really delicious!

Soon, Dongfang News received a call from a newsstand owner asking to send another 100 copies.

Then give it away, since you have engaged in this activity, don't be afraid of losing money!

Two days later, the statistics came down, a total of 12,800 copies of "Oriental Daily" were sold, and of course the income was zero.

However, the impact was huge. With its excellent layout design and wonderful business and economic news content, "Oriental Daily" left a deep impact on many people's hearts.

The second issue of "Oriental Daily" was released, and the company sent some employees to sit at the newsstand to investigate customers' opinions and evaluations.

To sum up, "Oriental Daily" is excellent and can be ranked among the top five newspapers on Hong Kong Island.

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