I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 3 Chapter 782: Lord Long 2 floated and the amazing changes of the Heat!


In the dark passage, the silence seemed to enable people in the passage to hear each other's heartbeats.

Looking at the figure in front of her with enthusiasm now seems to be left with despair and despair, Wade's eyes are heartbroken.

That Christmas War really changed too many things.

And that person who seemed like a **** in that game also changed too many people too.

At the end of that game, he almost doubted whether LeBron really betrayed him, betrayed their team, betrayed their dreams and pursuits together.

At that time, he really didn't understand why LeBron had scored nine consecutive three-pointers in the short five minutes when facing Yes.

After all, after LeBron came off the field, in the next two minutes of the game, Yes was his defense. Under his defense, Yes made five attempts and missed once.

Finally, the last four points obtained by Yes were all scored by free throws.

That game, Yes feels really bad.

And LeBron's defensive ability is known to him. No one is better than LeBron's defense throughout the Heat.

He can defend Yes like this, there is no reason LeBron can let Yes play such a burst during the game.

He was really impulsive at the time, and he was indeed rushed to the top of his head by anger and anger.

Because LeBron is his brother, the best brother, better brother than Cameron and Chris.

He could not accept such a brother, just for the team's boss, or for the team's possession, he betrayed him and stood beside their enemies.

At that time, the world felt that LeBron had betrayed him and his team, and he felt the same way.

Finally, he looked at LeBron with his most angry and angry eyes with his dissatisfaction and suspicion, hoping to get an answer from LeBron.

But at that time he did not worry about LeBron at that time has been abandoned by the whole world.

Including fans and people all over the world, LeBron was abandoned, mocked and teased by the world at that time. In LeBron ’s heart, his trust may be the only life-saving straw for LeBron.

But in the end, he also doubted LeBron ...

His eyes, how big was the shock and impact on LeBron at that time?

He, Dwyane Wade, actually did something to doubt LeBron!

He, Dwyane Wade, actually became the same person as those who hate!

I blame myself!

Wade really really blamed himself.

He has always said that the trust between him and LeBron is beyond the level of friendship and teammates.

But in the end, he did something that disappointed LeBron.

LeBron is his best brother.

But in the end, he really became the last straw to crush LeBron.

These days, he has always wanted to talk to LeBron well, he has always wanted to express his apology.

The team lost very much in the Christmas game. He was also very sad. The game lost. Maybe it was LeBron ’s fault, but LeBron ’s fault in the game and the undercover and backstab did not have any. relationship.

LeBron also wants to beat Yes!

Even now LeBron still wants to beat Yes more than anyone!

Is more willing to beat Yes than LeBron or him than getting the ball from himself to the position of the team leader!

When he wanted to understand these, and wanted to apologize to LeBron, LeBron had completely wrapped himself up.

I don't even want to talk to others.

Every time LeBron saw this sinking slowly, Wade felt very sad.

There are really not many people who feel bad about LeBron in this world.

Even the Heat teammates now look at LeBron's eyes sometimes angry.

Even Stephen Marbury said directly in the team that with LeBron James he would not play for the Heat even for a game.

Wade knew that this was Marbury's opportunity. After Marbury came to the Heat, he played very little time and was already dissatisfied with the team. Now he just found a vent.

But ...

If it is not true that the team is already full of resentment against LeBron, how can Marbury pick up the matter?

Such LeBron is most in need of his trust and support, but at that time, he did something that made LeBron so desperate.

"LeBron, what happened that day, I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt you, even if I doubt the whole world, the existence of God, I should not doubt the feelings between LeBron and me."

Wade's voice is sincere and anxious.

This is his sincere apology. At the same time, he doesn't know when James will ignore him. He wants to quickly say what he wants to say to LeBron.

Regardless of whether LeBron can accept his apology immediately, and whether such apology can make up for the damage caused to LeBron, he now needs to let the desperate LeBron know that he is not sinking deeper and deeper in the abyss. On his head, there was always a hand that always wanted to pull him up.

Even if he can't pull LeBron down, he is willing to fall into the abyss with LeBron!

"LeBron ..."

"It has nothing to do with you."

Wade still wanted to say something, but before speaking, he was directly blocked by James' cold voice.

"This has nothing to do with you."

James didn't look back, but Wade behind James looked at the fist clenched tightly in James' hands, and the green muscles on the fist looked a little gritty under the huge grip, and this also represented how the master of the pair of fists are now. Surging.

"I'm not angry with you. Even if I didn't get Dwyane's trust at that time, I was desperate. I still didn't get angry with you. I know that I was not qualified to get all of Dwyane's in that game. Trust, no, not even myself, I do n’t trust myself after that game ... "

"No, LeBron, not like this!"

Listening to the weak despair in James' words, Wade shook his head excitedly.

"LeBron, I believe you more than you!"

"I do n’t know what LeBron thinks now, and I do n’t know what LeBron ’s position is in my heart, but for me, I ’m definitely the most trusted person in the world, Bill Brown himself still has to believe in LeBron! "

After Wade said excitedly, James, who had been facing Wade before, finally turned around.

Looking at Wade who was serious and excited at this time, the look on James's face was stunned.

Believe me more than myself?

I don't trust myself anymore, Dwyane still has confidence in me?

"LeBron, my eloquence is not very good, and IQ is not as high as that of you and Chris, but I know that only LeBron can make me trust in this world. This world can make me desperate to put my back The person entrusted to him is also only LeBron, because LeBron is the most powerful partner in my mind. As long as LeBron is still my partner, even if our world is destroyed, I believe we will have a day to be born again. Important LeBron is my partner, even if our ship turns over, I believe that our ship will still be open again! "

"In my mind, LeBron's character, LeBron's talent, no one can surpass!"

"Even if Yes!"

"Yes is indeed the stronger one now, but LeBron, this does not mean that you have no chance, you are still young, you have not yet found a way to play basketball for yourself, and Yes has been on the road when you and Yes, when you embark on your own way of basketball, I believe that your path must go farther and farther than Yes! "

"LeBron, believe in pinching the past, believe in your future, you are the most perfect jade in basketball history, and you will also be the most powerful player in basketball history!"

"LeBron, I have faith in you!"

Looked more and more excited, and even had some incoherent taste, James's face was all shocked.

Like this, can he still get the trust like Dwayne?

You have to know that in these three years, with such hard training and so hard competition, he finally made up his weakest shot and offensive link. If he does it step by step, now he is on the offensive end, at least until 2016 Reached his current level.

In 2016, that was 7 years later, at that time he was 31 years old, at that time he had reached the limit and upper limit of his world.

The offensive strength reaches the upper limit, the physical talent is the peak of youth, and the defense is also the peak. It can be said that before the Christmas War, he was really really confident.

Just like Kobe said that his battle with Yes was the strongest moment of his career.

And Yes this Christmas battle is also the strongest moment of his career!

Like this, he wanted to get everything in this game with Yes.

But in the end, he seemed to have no resistance in front of Yes's power!

'S most powerful offense is suffocated by Yes under the defense of Yes.

He felt that he could do anything on the offensive end and Yes could see through!

In the end, he dared not attack even in the face of waste defense like Ibaka.

On the defensive end, he scored 30 points in five minutes in the face of extremely poor feel, nine out of nine!

This is the worst Ye, if yes?

A game really made him desperate.

He was originally intended to defeat Yes, but this game made all his confidence and pursuits shattered.

Both ends of the game, how embarrassed he was in front of Yes, how confident he was before the game, how desperate he was after this game.

What kind of despair?

The kind of despair that doubts you!

He is already the strongest, he is the strongest, but he was devastated by Yes, this blow to confidence, this darkness covered by Yes's hands, really suffocated him!

Also made him wonder how to continue his career.

Even for a while, he even considered the issue of retirement.

In his career, his biggest pursuit and biggest goal is to surpass Yes.

But that game made him seem to have all the hopes and desires to surpass Yes.

If it weren't for him, he would be even more miserable in the future if he retired like this. He really doubted that he really retired.

If he really retires, he will always have black spots on him, and he will never be able to prove himself.

He always carries a label that is not as good as a hang.

Always bears the label of the most unsuccessful Son of Heaven in his body.

He will always carry the team undercover, don't be the label of MVP champion.

And his Cleveland kingdom, his knightly kingdom, will also be controlled and ravaged by the dead fat man O'Neill forever! ,

And under the glory of Yes and O'Neill, he will always be a loser!

Is neither good nor bad, even if his IQ is higher, the more things he thinks about, the more painful it will be!

This kind of torture, this kind of pain, this kind of despair is so helpless.

In the days without Dwyane, he was really helpless.

And now, he once again saw the hands stretched out by Dwyane ...

Looked at the face that stood not far from him with the most worried and familiar figure in his eyes.

Was desperate, helpless, dead, James surrounded by darkness finally saw the slightest light.

Perhaps I felt a slight bright spot in James's eyes that had originally lost their brilliance and focus, which made Wade very excited.

"LeBron, try again, let's try again!"

"try again?"

“It ’s okay to fail the last time. It ’s just the first failure. As an NBA player, we ca n’t completely doubt and deny ourselves because of the failure of a game, LeBron, give yourself another chance and use yours again. Three years of hard work and talent challenge Yes once! "

"Challenge again ..."

Looking at Wade, who was cheering for himself, James's fists clenched tightly.

Challenge Yes again!

Challenge Yes again with your 2016 offense, young defense, young body, and the strongest strength!

"LeBron, this time, no matter what the result is, even if the whole world stands opposite you, I will still stand by your side!"

"Even if it really fails again this time, it ’s a big deal to start over from the beginning and continue to find the path that suits you best, LeBron, I will stay with you and stay with you until we reach the end together. I will accompany you to the end, and I will be behind you, cheering you on, and cheering! "

"Dwyane ..."

Looking at the emotional Wade, James has been shocked. The little light has been slowly spread out, as if the darkness surrounding the light has burst away with a powerful force.

Seeing such a scene, Wade is really happy.

"Of course, if LeBron walks and walks and thinks that my legs and feet are unfavorably slow, I will be thrown away and I will bless LeBron!"

"I, LeBron James, will never leave Dwyane Wade!"

James is very serious and his voice is determined.

Hearing this, Wade was also very happy and happy.

"LeBron, don't say that, I won't be the highest burden of LeBron climbing. I want to see how high LeBron's future is than LeBron."

"Dwyane ..."

"So, when LeBron doesn't need me, just tell me in advance, I will disappear from LeBron by myself, don't be polite, and don't leave without saying goodbye, otherwise, I It will be really sad. "

Looking at the sunshine smile close to him, James gritted his teeth and nodded heavily.

This is a commitment, this is the most important commitment with Dwyane!

"LeBron, I want to tell you now that I actually made a long-term decision."

"A decision made long ago?"

James is puzzled.

The expression on Wade's face was serious.

And Wade finished his long-made decision, James has been shocked directly in place.

After playing the last game with the Warriors in 2008 on the 31st, the Seattle Supersonics, who had been playing the Devil schedule for the past half month, finally got a very, very good home break schedule.

The Seattle SuperSonics' next game is to play the Denver Nuggets, ranked third in the West at home on January 4, 2009.

From January 4th of the month, there is a four-day rest period in the middle. This rest period is the same life-saving rest time for the supersonic speed of consecutive strong opponents in a row.

So during this break, the supersonic head coach Nielsen did not arrange any high-intensity training, but instead focused on the team's recovery training.

Therefore, in the Seattle Supersonics Training Hall, many people can see that in the Supersonics Training Hall, the training conditions of these supersonic players are quite loose, and the situation of the supersonic players is not the same in peacetime.

And the loose state of the supersonic players is also the old Nelson is willing to see, the team allows.

"Did you notice that Rajan's mouth has become more and more warped these days?"

"Of course I noticed that when I came to say hello to him this morning, my eyes were three centimeters higher, and I learned to look up at people!"

"Oh, after all, Rajan is about to become our team's fourth All-Star, and it is still the All-Star starter. Now it is only 10,000 votes away from Kobe. Many experts say that Rondo may eventually counter Kobe. Sex is great. "

"After all, it's an average of three doubles per game. Although Big O recently said in an interview every day that Rajan's triple double is completely different from his triple double, so that everyone should not be confused, but Rajan's popularity is rising and the status of Big O It ’s a fact that it ’s falling sharply. ”

"I really didn't expect that our junk club was the most junk president. There was a day in the NBA where the average double triplet per game was, and there was a day with an eye above the top."

After the league announced the results of the All-Star starting ballot on January 2, January 3, when Seattle supersonic training, all are topics of Rondo.

The player who was first in the trash list, could actually get a triple-double in the NBA regular season, and will soon surpass Kobe in the All-Star vote. This is indeed a big news.

Is not only in the supersonic team, but also a major public opinion in the public opinion in the United States and the world.

Why do media experts all over the world feel that Rondo can eventually surpass Kobe?

Is Kobe ’s popularity not enough?

of course not!

Is the same as the white people all over the United States hope that David Lee can start.

Those who used to black Rondo and scold Rondo are now launching an activity on the Internet: "We owe Rondo an apology, we owe Rondo a vote!"

Those who were more ruthless in Heronduo and blamed Rondo more badly now, the more guilty they are now, as if they did not send Rondo to the All-Star starter, they would go to hell.

"Is Rondo rubbish? It's rubbish. When we scolded him for blacking him, he was rubbish. Even now, his poor shooting rate and offensive ability can still be seen as a good foundation for his past as a rubbish, However, he is now one of the most important helpers around Yes. He got a triple-double per game with Yes. Even if you all said that he got the triple-double per game on Yesterday, even if you said him The only effect of the triple-double per game is to lower Oscar Robertson ’s historical status, but you ca n’t deny that we ca n’t deny that Rondo won the championship with Yes, and Rondo succeeded with Yes! ”

"So, even if he is still a garbage, he is also a successful garbage, not to mention, no one now thinks that Rajan is garbage!"

"Yes, we will use our votes to name Rajon Rondo, we admit that he is qualified to play the starting point guard next to Yes!"

"His All-Star starting position is the qualification certificate we gave him, Rondo's starting position, we have contracted coconut powder!"

Rondo's starting position, we have contracted coconut powder!

This is the hottest and most domineering passage on Twitter recently.

Is quite arrogant, actually contracting an NBA All-Star starting position.

And when the competitor is Kobe Roy, say so.

No one thinks there is any problem with coconut powder being so domineering and domineering.

"Because, they are coconut flour, because they have six billion."

This is the helpless expression of many Kobe fans online.

How can this be done?

People ’s six billion coconut flour contracted Rondo ’s starting position. Kobe ’s ability to reach the second round has not been squeezed by Rondo. More counterattack.

Six billion coconut flour, when did they have six billion in Komil, they could be so arrogant!

Six billion coconut flour is of course a joke and a joke, but it can also be seen that the current NBA fan structure.

Is backed by coconut flour from all over the world. The arrogance of coconut flour is the arrogance of Rondo.

Although the All-Star starting vote is not over yet, Rondo is already celebrating in advance.

Now the Seattle SuperSonics players are concentrating on discussing the All-Star this year.

After all, Seattle Supersonics may have many players in the All-Star Game this year.

In addition to the two players who must be on the lookout, such as Yers and Rondo, Milicic in the backup center position also has the ability to compete with Oden Stoudemire.

After the Seattle Supersonics won the championship last year, the Seattle Supersonics ’original players all carried the champion ’s halo. Such a halo may not be so useful when voting, but it is with the coaches who hold the bench. Still useful.

Therefore, Milicic is likely to enter the All-Star game as a substitute.

Ye Si is certainly not so interested in the topic of the All-Star game that the team is discussing.

He is still trying to figure out how to complete the task of assisting teammates to score 100 points as soon as possible.

So in order to complete this task as quickly as possible, Yase has been trying his best to train the key task of this task, Harden.

Why not Milicic and Rondo?

Milicic doesn't need him to train now.

And Rondo ...

Yes, Yesi is desperate.

Jesus was also somewhat desperate after training James Harden for a week.

"James, can you not dribble?"

"I want it too……"

Looking at the training field Yes who is using training Ibaka to adjust his mentality, James Harden is also helpless.

He really can't control his hand!

If Ibaka cannot control his legs, he likes to jump.

Then he just can't control his hand and likes to sip.

He did n’t know if Ibaka ’s jump was subconscious. His hands were on other people ’s bodies. When he saw the basketball, he wanted to take a few luck. That was really subconscious!

As if his body was telling him not to vote, be cautious, be cautious, luck, all opportunities are ahead!

In the eyes of others, he is a lagging fighter, but in his body, it is to find the loopholes of the opponent's defense. Those loopholes are all free throws.

He had never thought that his body was so sensitive to scoring and free throws. Since he was stabbed by Artest, his body's organs seemed to be artest, no, as if opened by charity-world-peace The same.

After opened, he couldn't shut himself ...

He also knew that Yes valued him very much, and knew that Yes wanted to bring him to the starting position, but the style of the ball caused by his body was really not suitable for playing next to Yes!


Is not suitable for starting next to Yes, but is not suitable for starting next to Rondo!

One of Yes ’s dribbling worlds, but he does not dribble, Rondo passes the ball, Yes does not clash with him, does not clash with anyone, and clashes with Rondo!

I can't change my sensitive body, and I can't change myself, but ...

I can change the world!

If Rondo was pulled down from my starting position, would n’t I be able to start? !

Thinking of this, James Harden ignorantly looked at the supersonic No. 2 whose eye was higher than the top, not far away.

Staring ~

Look at Nima!

He took a peek at Rondo and was found.

Ha ha.

James Harden smirked back his gaze.

Isn't this good?

I am an upright person. Isn't it good to think about grabbing the position of my teammates in the back?

Just when James Harden thought of this, he discovered that his sensitive body seemed to be excited, which made James Harden's eyes glared.

"Rajan, it's not what I meant. I didn't mean it. It's all about my body. I'm really an honest person!"

Feeling his body suddenly aroused, James Harden thought he was really wrong.

Because he couldn't control his evil body, how much was he misunderstood?

His body likes big pp, and finally let the upright he be misunderstood by the world.

His body likes to foul, and finally was misunderstood by Yes.

His body wants to pit Rondo, pit will be misunderstood by his teammates in the future, he wants to pit Rondo!

Why do I have such an upright person such a sensitive and uncontrolled evil body!

Benha too difficult?



There are too many James dramas, right?

I haven't really seen it before.

The little Gasol and Ingles next to each other glanced at each other and exchanged silently in their hearts.

"Hum, a sleazy little slacker, and dare to look at the second lord!"

"The second lord is an All-Star, assist king, triple-double king, who is your TM?"

"Is the identity of the second lord, the status of the second lord, also you can envy?"

Rondo was quite disdainful of the simple ignorance and ignorance of the eyes when James Harden looked at himself just now.

Used to think that this fascinating product was a threat. Now, they are no longer a person in the world!

Know what is the assist king, what is the All-Star, what is the triple-double?

This kid can't see the shadow of the assist king, all-stars, triple-doubles forever!

Yes wanted to try to change the sensitive body of James Harden's "to seek advantage and avoid harm", but finally found that he failed.

Yes felt that he really underestimated the attribute of James Harden or the level of talent.

He was overestimated before, but he found that he was still underestimated.

James Harden's physical talent is good, but none of his physical talents are very top-notch, at least there is no support for him to be a five-star player.

James' technical talent is also very good, but there is no way to support his potential as a five-star player.

So, both physical and technical talents do not have Durant's tough and overbearing James Harden by virtue of becoming a five-star player?

Yes felt that he had found a blind spot.

After learning about this attribute of James Harden and the super high level of talent, Yesi gave up his plan to correct James Harden's physical talent.

There is no way to change the play of James Harden ’s sensitive body, and there is no way to change Rondo ’s shot. He wants to complete the task of assisting 50 times in a single game ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can only find another way Too.

On January 3, 2009, at night, in his villa, Yesi watched the big TV in the living room and concentrated on it.

TV is now playing a game between the Heat and the Nets.

The previous five-game losing streak of the Heat is now hanging the Nets on TV.

With the strength of the Nets, there is no problem with the Heat hanging the Nets.

Even if the Heat are not in good condition, the internals have been torn apart, and the Nets are not Heat opponents.

Yes is now surprised that James, recovered so quickly!

And James have been teammates for more than two thousand games. Of course, he knows that James is not so easy to fall.

It's just that he recovered so quickly.

Is even more surprised that the Heat's method of solving the contradiction of the James Pit Wade he created is actually ...

"Wade took the initiative to give up the ball ..."

When Wade actually sprayed James all over the world, he gave the team leader and the right to the ball to James ...

What level of brotherly love is this?

Watching the TV on the initiative to give the center to James, Wade's face with a happy and straight smile, Wise slowly deepened his deep frown, his eyes turned from surprise to respect.

Of course, only the hot No. 3 ...

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