I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 3 Chapter 784: James Harden's touch and Nate Robinson's hate!

The focus of the Western Conference regular season game between the sixth Seattle Supersonic West and the third Denver Nuggets West ended with the Seattle Supersonics defeating the Denver Nuggets at home.

This is an unexpected result, and the reason why this game caused such an unexpected result is entirely due to the fiasco of the Denver Nuggets leader Cameron Anthony and yes in the scoring challenge.

Faced with Ibaka's single defense, Cameron Anthony finished the game in three quarters, shot 36 times and scored 22 of them, and scored an amazing 58 points in the single quarter.

But on the other side, yes against Hamilton and Billups defense, shot 33 times in three quarters, but hit 24 goals and scored 70 points in three quarters.

At the end of the third quarter, many people expected that yes could continue to play in the garbage time of the fourth quarter, and once again staged a 100-point night, but what disappointed these people was that the fourth quarter game , Neither yes nor Anthony played again.

Eventually, the Seattle SuperSonics beat the Denver Nuggets by 23 points at home.

And the Seattle SuperSonics game, it can be seen that the Denver Nuggets up and down is very, very regrettable.

The supersonic speed is no longer Durant, but in the end, it still lost!

Anthony hit Ibaka, yes beat Hamilton and Billups, Anthony and yes scored but still lost!

It really doesn't make any sense, but this is how it happened!

So that Anthony, one of the protagonists of this game, was quite depressed when he was interviewed by the media after the game.

"Why did this game have such a big advantage and lost the big game? Why else? Of course yes is better than me!"

"However, there are some reasons for the loss this time, that is, the supersonic internal defense is so good, Milicic, Millsap, Marc Gasol, even if Ibaka has been out of position, Seattle These three supersonic insides can always take the basket very well. Unless you click Ibaka outside and shoot outside, you need to challenge these three to defend inside. In this world, I I think that apart from me and a few nba outside players, there are not a few nba outside players or inside players who can go inside to challenge the defense of these three people. "

"Because of the existence of these three people, the impact of Ibaka ’s defensive position has been reduced to a minimum. Of course, the reason why these three people have such an excellent ability to assist defense on the court is because of the defensive command of yes Don't miss it. "

"Seattle supersonics is a very good team, Ibaka is still very problematic now, supersonics is really four or five most of the time, but the four supersonic players that yes trains now all Have the strength of an All-Star! "

"Many people are now paying attention to yes's score, but compared with yes's score, his ability to improve his teammates deserves everyone's attention and appreciation."

Anthony was very depressed after the game, but still gave the Seattle supersonic very high evaluation.

A team has five starters and all four have the strength of an All-Star.

This evaluation can be said to make a lot of people present some incredible.

But these incredible journalists feel that there is nothing wrong with what Anthony said.

In addition to Millsap, there are some controversies, Milicic, Rondo and yes are of course all-star players!

The Seattle SuperSonics defeated the Denver Nuggets at home, and yes accepted Anthony ’s challenge under such unfavorable circumstances. In the end, they also defeated Anthony. This thing surprised many many people, but for Yers, this A victory like this one is really a simple thing that cannot be done.

At the very least, this thing is thousands of times simpler than his change of James Harden's habits, and hundreds of times simpler than he told Rondo not to play hard in the game.

After defeating the Denver Nuggets, Yez once again fell into how to complete a game and assist teammates to score 100 points.

Looking at the teammates who are seriously training in the team's training hall, Yesi really really wants his own talent for the feel. I can see the feel improve to lv2.

Kobe's touch talent I am stubborn to lv2 is extremely important for him to score 100 points.

And for letting teammates get 100 points, I can see that the effect of improving the feel to lv2 may be greater. After all, in Yers ’guess, I can see the feel improve to lv2. The possible effect is to see the teammates’ Feel.

He can also reluctantly use his teammates' hand to formulate a targeted game strategy, so he doesn't have to discredit his eyes like now.

After all, the next Seattle Supersonics game with the New York Knicks on January 6 is definitely his last chance to complete this assist teammate's 100 points in the regular season.

If you say that in the whole nba, which team is the most stringent defense against him?

There is no doubt that it is definitely not the Heat, the Lakers, the Cavaliers, the Rockets, or the New York Knicks.

Under the threat of his 100 points, as a team he recognized as the most hated, the New York Knicks are the most ruthless team to guard against him.

This team is just for Curry's crazy swing. They don't care about winning or losing at all. As long as they don't get 100 points from Yers, they can accept any game result.

So the last time the two teams faced each other, the New York Knicks coach Isiah Thomas sacrificed the enhanced version of Jordan's rule.

At the time, Jordan ’s rule was the fiercest when four Pistons players surrounded Jordan. The last game against the New York Knicks, the New York Knicks were really five players all around Yers!

In this case, as long as Yers scores the ball in time and other Seattle Seattle players are decisive offensive, there will be a lot of offensive opportunities!

But ...

The key is that the supersonic players are not so decisive offensive now.

Yes jumped the ball and threw the ball out, he can receive his passing players, Milicic, Rondo, Ibaka, their offense is not so decisive.

He wanted to put Quentin Richardson, the best player in the entire team except him, on the court. The key Quentin Richardson simply couldn't receive his pass!

His passes under the defense of the defenders are very difficult to catch, fast, fast, and fluttering, even if there is no defensive player around Quentin Richardson to interfere with him, he can not receive such a pass. Most people seem to be the wrong ball.

Can't receive his pass, Quentin Richardson can't give him an assist even if he shoots again.

This is quite a headache.

Finally looked at Milicic, Rondo, James Harden, Ibaka and others, and Yers finally focused his attention on James Harden.

Is also miserable to say. Compared with Rondo Ibaka and others, James Harden is actually the player who is most likely to create assists for him.

So on January 6, 2009, the Seattle Supersonics and the New York Knicks on the day of the game, Yesi also specifically found James Harden.

"James, I will ask Mr. Nielsen to let you start this game."

Although I knew Yesi was always looking for a chance to start him, James Harden was quite excited when he really heard Yesi say that.

He really didn't expect to get a chance to start playing with yes so quickly!

Since his sensitive and evil body wants to squeeze Rondo from the starting position, of course, he needs an opportunity to prove that the effect of his starter and yes partner is above the effect of yes and Rondo partner!

As long as his and Yes starters prove that the effect is better than that of Yes and Rondo, he has a chance to squeeze the triple-double king and the assist king!

As a rookie, I was actually confident to squeeze the league's triple-double king and assist king. I have to say that this is an incredible thing.

When did the league's triple-double king assist the king so weak?

Can be coveted by a rookie?

I have to say that many media experts said that Rondo ’s triple-double per game is indeed of no other significance than pulling down the status of Oscar Robertson.

In the past, everyone thought that players who could average a triple-double on the court were invincible. Until Rondo appeared, it turned out that garbage can also do this kind of thing, and garbage can also do better. Not only can the regular season average three Doubles, playoffs are fine!

"Yes, will I replace Rajan in this game?"

"Not Rajan, you will start Paul instead."

James Harden, who was so excited, heard Yees say that the expression of excitement and excitement on his face disappeared instantly, and the embarrassment of the empty joy was replaced by it.

Replace Paul Millsap starting?

That means Rondo is still in the starting lineup?

So did I come up for the first time?

Rondo controls the ball, what can I do besides being air on the court?

"James doesn't want to start?"

Seeing the awkward smile on James Harden's face, Ye Si frowned, and there are players in this world who like to play the bench all the time?

"If James is not willing, then ..."

"I'm not unwilling, I'm just surprised, hehe, I'm just surprised, I will definitely perform well in this game!"

Of course it can't be counted!

Although the replacement is not Rajon Rondo, anyway, it is also a chance to start, and it is still an opportunity to start with yes, how can I give up so!

Let's talk about replacing Rondo in the future, now I'll finish the first show that started with yes in the game!

"You don't need to put too much pressure on yourself, and don't be too nervous in this game. I'll pass you the ball, attack first, don't hesitate."

"I know, I will work hard!"

Although he was not able to temporarily squeeze Rondo onto the bench, the ability to start was still a very happy thing for James Harden.

And James Harden was very touched by the fact that Yes had so many orders before this game.

This is what yes has been telling him before, let him fight not to stick the ball, let him attack if there is a chance, yes of course is not to brush assists, this is hope that he can go to the starting lineup as soon as possible!

Yes players with such status and strength do not even disdain assists and scoring scores, even many people know that most of the data in the supersonic team are yes.

Last year's Durant's scoring leader, Rondo's triple-double king last year, and Rondo's average triple-double plus assists this year.

It can be said that yes wants to brush assists, this is not necessary at all.

This is yes to him!

James Harden would like to say thank you to Yes, but just preparing to speak, Yes has turned around and left, leaving a touch of James Harden.

As a young player with ideals and pursuits, when the boss of your team is such a person for your sake, what can you do except touch?

I prepared a resume for myself desperately, came to Seattle supersonic desperately, James Harden thought he was really worth it.

"Don't hesitate, don't hesitate, don't hesitate!"

This time, if there is a chance, I must not make a foul!

This time, I must defeat my body!

James Harden now vows to defeat his sensitive body and his attributes and talents that favor and avoid harm.

Yes did not know all this.

This is his last chance to complete this assist teammate's 100 points in the regular season this year.

If this opportunity is gone, then he can only put this task on the All-Star.

Although the All-Star teammates are strong, the enemies are also strong.

The New York Knicks are now the penultimate team in the league. For this team, Seattle has not paid much attention to it.

In addition to Yesi wanting to assist in this game, James Harden wants to prove to this game that yes he believes that he is right, he can defeat his evil body, this game is not very meaningful for supersonic And no one values ​​such a team.

It's just that for the New York Knicks, this game is definitely their most important game this season!

Evening on January 6 ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The guest room locker room at Key Arena, excited!

"Boys, this game is the final big game of our season!"

"As long as this game escapes, all the tasks of our regular season this season will be completed!"

"Boys, tell me, are you confident ?!"




Listening to the deafening roar of the teammates around, Nate Robinson's face was excited with the teammates, but his heart was extremely contemptuous.

In order to come to such a team, he betrayed the Garfield Five Tigers!

In order to come to such a team, he gave up yes, Roy, the entire University of Washington Garfield five tigers to assist his chance!

In order to come to such a team, he gave up the honor of the greatest player in the history of ncaa, nba all-star, ncaa championship!

"Nate, get the towel, let's go!"

Looked at the pile of stinky towels in his hand, Nate Robinson's face was docile, but he was gritting his teeth.

He hates!

He really hates!

Yes everything belongs to him!

Originally he was the most high-profile person in NBA!

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