I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 3 Chapter 786: All-Star major reforms and Rocket difficulties!

After the Seattle SuperSonics defeated the New York Knicks ‘tough’ at home, the Seattle Supersonics felt that the team ’s atmosphere was less urgent.

Before the start of the game against the New York Knicks, the supersonic players could clearly feel that Yesi was a little anxious.

For example, the urgent training requirements for James Harden during the training, such as Rondo, Milicic, and some training requirements for Ibaka.

It seems that Yase wants to achieve something for other Seattle Supersonics players.

Seeing these Seattle supersonic players demanded by Yers, of course they wouldn't think this is what Yers wants to achieve.

From the perspective of these people, they all feel that Yesi hopes that they can grow better in the days when the schedule is not very tight.

After all, the Seattle supersonic conditions are indeed very good.

Although the negative record is some distance away from the top five Lakers, Spurs, Nuggets, Mavericks and Grizzlies in the West, the Seattle SuperSonics are also some distance away from the Houston Rockets, the ninth in the West.

Now the entire Western Conference, in addition to the sixth supersonic speed is negative, the seventh sun of the league, the current record is negative, and the eighth Timberwolves are negative, the Houston Rockets just lost to the Boston Celtics are negative .

The Houston Rockets lost to the 76ers in a series of waves. After the Celtics' east road losing streak, the record fell directly from eighth to ninth, and the Timberwolves, who have been competing with the Seattle Supersonics in the eighth position in the west, actually In the top eight in the West, the opponent that was defeated was not the Seattle Supersonics, but the Rockets.

Has to say that this is really a bit dramatic.

It is precisely because the Seattle Supersonics has a very good competitive environment, plus this period is a long period of away and the rest period of the strong team trip, so many supersonic players will feel that they are taking the team to rest At that time, Yers eagerly hoped that they could change and improve themselves.

Is precisely because Yesi has such expectations and demands.

Whether it's James Harden or others, every supersonic player wants to let Yers see their progress and growth.

But the game against the New York Knicks really gave them a great drink!

After the game with the New York Knicks, they have not been ridiculed as garbage for a long time, and they were ridiculed again.

There is no way. In the face of a team like the New York Knicks, the opponent puts all their attention on defensive Yes. The pass of Yes is also very exciting and timely, but what is your performance on the offensive end?

According to many experts and netizens, even CBA players can fight against their opponents in three quarters of the game!

Nima's, supersonic beat such a New York Knicks, actually need Yes to get the legendary data of double 30, this is simply spicy eyes, OK.

Not to mention those media reporters and experts, even if they are fans of the first supersonic fans of the first coconut flour, not fifteen is the second. After this game with the New York Knicks, they are directly on their Twitter. A vocabulary was typed on.


A simple and concise vocabulary. Below this vocabulary is a back photo of Yes and Durant standing side by side.

Not fifteen is the second. The meaning of this Twitter is very, very obvious, that is, there is no supersonic Durant, except Yes, everyone else is garbage!

On the entire supersonic speed, the only one who can really stand with Durant and be called a comrade-in-arms is Durant. No one else is worthy of appearing in this photo.

Being black like your own fans is indeed quite uncomfortable, but the supersonic players who are very uncomfortable and want to find this is not the fifteenth second, and suddenly found out that the fifteenth is the first. The second argument really has no problems.

And the New York Knicks in this game, they really let down the expectations of Yes.

Yes hope they can make progress, but the final result is that they missed such precious progress and growth opportunities to show themselves.

Against the New York Knicks, how many opportunities do they have next to Yes!

How many opportunities did they waste!

In the NBA where the schedule is so tight, how many opportunities to show your growth and find your confidence in a season!

After missing this opportunity, they originally felt that some urgent Yes has returned to the normal state as usual, and there is no such urgent expectation for them.

"Mark, did you say Yes was disappointed with me?"

Looking at the Yees who was doing strange dribbling training alone, James Harden's face was a little lost.

Has been two days in a row, Yes no longer asked him to catch the ball immediately after the shot.

Quite the last game against the New York Knicks. James Harden was quite lost and disappointed. That was not the performance he wanted.

"Yes is not only disappointed with James, but also disappointed with us ..."

After Mark Gasol finished, Ingles and Ibaka next to them nodded.

And the look of these three people made James Harden somewhat unacceptable.

Even if Ibaka, Mark and Joe, you are all substitute players in the last game, OK!

Your hairy qualifications disappointed Yes!

But now is not the time to care about these things.

The most important thing now is how to make up for the status that Yes may have fallen in his mind.

Is just ...

Thinking of facing a team like the New York Knicks, his offense can't be decisive, is it facing the Rockets, and when facing Roy?

Say, when facing the New York Knicks, his shots are not very aura, need to rely on fouls to score, and he can suddenly feel aura when facing the Rockets, can throw the foul?

James Harden felt that he could eventually defeat his evil body that always wanted to foul.

In the future, when he grows to the strongest, he must be a player scoring with hard power, definitely not a player scoring with fouls.

But this is the future!

right now……

His scoring hard power is really no way to show off against the Rockets.

Not only can't tactics come out in the face of the Rockets, but also can't show up in the face of the Timberwolves!

Thought of this, James Harden sighed for a while.

After playing this game with the New York Knicks, the supersonic players are now thinking about a few things.

Yes did not have so many ideas.

After the game against the New York Knicks did not complete the task of assisting teammates to get 100 points, Yesi completely gave up.

The New York Knicks are the best brush team in the regular season, but he only assisted his teammates with 85 points.

Is still 15 points away from 100 points. It doesn't seem to be very high, but it is a skyrocket.

Without this opponent of the New York Knicks, Yesi had no intention of continuing to complete this task at supersonic speed.

As for the All-Star Game ...

That is another completely different idea. After all, the ranks of teammates and opponents are completely different.

Besides, according to the latest news, the league seems to be preparing to reform this year's All-Star Game.

At the All-Star Game held in Phoenix this year, I learned from some reporter media that are closely related to the league that the league will announce a reform of the All-Star this year while the final result of the All-Star vote is announced.

It seems to mean that the All-Star does not distinguish between East and West.

After the start of the All-Star game this year, the two most popular players will be designated as captains of the All-Star team. Then the captain will select his own teammates from the other eight players in the starting lineup. Will continue to select the remaining 14 points to replace teammates.

According to the results of the second round of All-Star voting announced by the league.

The two captains of the All-Star will be Yesi and Yao Ming, and this year's All-Star game will also be divided into 'Ye's team' and 'Yao's team'.

The reform of the All-Star race will indeed increase a lot of fun, no longer limited to the east and west, and there will be very, very interesting stories and stories of picking people in the two teams.

But at the same time, for Yers, this created a lot of uncertainty for the completion of his mission.

Of course, this is just a rumor. Now the alliance has not announced whether it is going to be reformed.

But from the very core news I got from Yes, the league is already preparing to achieve this major reform in this year's Phoenix All-Star.

So after this reform is completed, Yao Ming, who was his teammate and a perfect target for his assists, will become his opponent ...

And as an opponent, Yao Ming really is a very huge obstacle.

On January 8, 2009, the Seattle SuperSonics played at home against the Rockets who lost two straight games from the East away.

The Rockets have really had a little bit of trouble in recent times.

For many Western teams, they really did not expect the Eastern Conference this season can be so strong.

"Small leaves, the heel we planted in the east this year is too much ..."

Before the game started, Yao Ming looked sad.

Without McGrady, without Artest, without Ariza, for the Rockets, it is really too sad.

Although the Rockets led by Yao Ming and Roy are still very strong, plus the team has Scola, Gerald Wallace, Aron Brooks and other strong players, the Rockets are still a very powerful ball Team, but the dominance is really not the same as last season.

The Rockets 'strength has dropped significantly, but because of the Rockets' regular season performance last season, this makes the Rockets the third most targeted target besides the supersonic speed and the Heat. And when the Rockets played these teams, they were still somewhat immersed in the atmosphere of chopping melons and vegetables last season, especially the eastern part of last season was the real dish. Very good.

So, although many Western teams have been pitted in the East this year, the Rockets are the worst pitted by the East.

And the supersonic game, the Rockets do not have to think about not being familiar with the pit.

Because the two teams are so familiar.

This game of supersonic and rocket.

The supersonic starting lineup returned to normal, James Harden came down from the starting position, and Millsap returned to the starting lineup again.

Rondo, Yes, Ibaka, Millsap, Milicic, this is the traditional starting lineup of the supersonic.

The Rockets' starting lineup is center Yao Ming, power forward Scola, small forward Gerald Wallace, shooting guard Roy, and guard Aron Brooks.

Rockets and the strong starting lineup last season, this season Aron Brooks and Scola entered the starting lineup.

Although the two men started the Rockets 'defense, the Rockets' offense hasn't actually dropped much. The performances of Scola and Brooks are quite good this season.

Aron Brooks can average 17 points and 3 assists per game during the season. The offense is quite strong and unreasonable. Roy controls the rhythm. Aron Brooks is waiting for the opportunity. The Rockets' guard group is very well tuned by Adelman. .

The insider Scola is not inferior to Aron Brooks. This season, he can contribute 18 points per game beside Yao Ming, and the shooting rate is very very high. With Yao Ming suppressing his opponents inside, Scola can get a lot of money. 'S one-on-one shots and hoops use the footsteps to tear open the opponent's chances.

Yao Ming and Scola's inside combination may even be one of the league's strongest inside combinations ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ comparable to the inside combination of O'Neal and David Lee.

Aron Brooks and Scola are both players who can compete with the fastest-growing players this season.

In this season, because McGrady and Artest left the 3rd position, Gerald Wallace, who became the core of the Rockets' outer defense, rebounded 2 steals and 1 block, and Roy's 23 points and 7 assists, Yao Ming's 25 With 9 rebounds, 5 assists and 2.5 blocks, it can be said that although the Rockets this season have a different style from last season, the starting offense is extremely powerful!

The Rockets 'record of ups and downs this season is entirely because the team's bench and depth have dropped too much. McGrady, Artest and Ariza are gone, and the depth of the Rockets' bench has dropped too much.

The starting bench is not good, the Rockets need to hit the end, but even if Yao Ming loses weight, he is still a center, his physical strength is still a problem. Similarly, although Roy has no physical strength, but his playing time has been everywhere In a restricted state.

Therefore, in the Rockets game, many times, you will see the final decision of the game in addition to Roy and Yao Ming, as well as Aron Brooks ...

Roy and Yao Ming had no problem handling the final offense, but Aron Brooks ...

This little defender works hard but ...

Therefore, a lot of teams play the Rockets, that is a strategy, grind, drag, as long as the final hit, as long as the Rockets' ball eventually needs Alon Brooks to deal with, the opportunity comes.

And this is the hope that the supersonic beat the Rockets.

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