I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 3 Chapter 804: All-star protagonists!

Saturday, February 14, 2009, the NBA All-Star Weekend is still doing this.

Today's All-Star Weekend's biggest topic is still yesterday's rookie challenge. Yes, in the first game he coached, he planned to play Yao's team. Fifty-eight finally made news.

Those first-year players' post-match interviews can be said to be the focus of discussion among many fans and media experts today.

Yes, however, got a headache from these words of these little guys.

Well, I had a headache all morning.

In the morning, when Yesi cooperated with the All-Star community activities of the league, he was thinking whether he would explain it to Yao again. Finally, Yesi thought about it, or forget it.

If Brother Yao really believes him, it doesn't matter if he doesn't need to explain. After all, he already explained.

If Brother Yao doesn't believe it, his explanation will not convince Brother Yao, but will make Brother Yao feel more hypocritical.

let it go.

Yes really did not expect that he would have such a tragic day once again pitted by his comrade-in-arms.

And his comrades in his pit were not intentional, but unintentional.

February 14 is the second day of the All-Star weekend.

On the evening of this day, the NBA will host three major skill challenges.

This is also an event that many fans are very concerned about.

At the same time, on the afternoon of this day, the NBA All-Stars will conduct a joint training.

This is what the Dallas fans and reporters are most concerned about.

This year's All-Star training for Team Yes and Team Yao is open to fans and reporters.

Before the start of the All-Star game, many people want to see the status of the two All-Star teams.

In particular, the overwhelming Yes news has been planning to fight Yao for a long time, which is almost equivalent to this year ’s All-Star weekend. Yes is declaring war against Yao. It exploded.

The reason why today's public opinion has been centering on Yes's declaration of war against Yao is obviously not only fueled by the media, but even David Stern and the alliance are fueling the storm.

"Yes and Yes team are out!"

"Yao and Yao's team also came out!"

The fans of the National Aerospace Center stadium looked at the two players coming out of the player channel, and the entire stadium seemed to be boiling at this moment.

Feeling the heat of the scene, Yao Ming and Yesi's faces were expressionless, Yao Ming's heart was a bitter smile, and Yesi's heart was frowned slightly.

Driven by the hustle and bustle of the audience, Yesi and Yao Ming as captains of the two teams are nothing.

But O'Neill around Yers was quite arrogant at this time.

The dead fat man ran directly to Yao Ming and danced the very arrogant akimbo dance.

Then Garnett of Yao team cooperated with O'Neill to "push" together.

Today's All-Star training, the two teams each drew their own half, and they trained separately. There is no such "joint training project" at all.

It was just obvious that the reporter and the audience on the spot were even more excited by O'Neill.

"Garnett said in an interview before that during the race, Yao's team will avenge Yao in the race!"

"Yesterday's fifty-eight points made all the stars of the Yao team unite!"

It was O'Neill, the fat man, who first provoked. Seeing Garnett taking Yao's all-stars to surround O'Neill, the fat man, although the All-Stars on the Yes team are generally low-key, Can't you counsel?

Fortunately, the smell of gunpowder on both sides is very strong, in fact it is very proportionate.

Yes actually also saw that the all-stars of the Yao team just wanted to find an excuse to play really.

They want to play really with themselves in the All-Star game, but they don't want to come forward, revenge for Yao Ming is the best excuse.

This way Yao Ming is the target, even if he really makes him angry, Yao Ming is also the target, he is also targeting Yao Ming.

These people think very well.

And this fat man obviously saw this, it was a deliberately rising trend, and he was deliberately placed on the fire to roast.

Yes looked at the ‘conflict’ and ran to the basket to cover his eyes with a white towel. In order to **** the focus, the dead fat man who played blindfolded free throws, this dead fat man wanted to avenge his revenge.

Is really a careful eye!

People are fat and small-minded!

All-star training is not training but training. This is a stage where all-stars show and show themselves!

Obviously, such a stage is the most familiar and favorite for O'Neill.

On this stage, he almost felt like a dragon returning to the sea.

Even Yes can't take away his focus!

Looked at O'Neal, who was the focus of the audience, and Howard, who was wearing a blue dress on the other side, was envious.

He is learning O'Neal everywhere, but it feels a little worse everywhere.


You blindfolded, can't this beast emperor sit on the ground and make a free throw? !

Yao Ming, who was talking and laughing with Arenas next to him, thumped and was startled by Howard sitting next to him on the ground!

Looked at the O'Neill on the other side, and then looked at Howard on his side.

Looking at the postures of the reporters running on both sides, for a time, Yao Ming's heart had 10,000 alpacas running. Is the top center of the league alongside me all so unreliable?

Just quickly, looking at Yao Ming in front, his mouth widened.

The crackling sound of the brush!

Then the audience suddenly choked!

Followed closely again, the audience on the scene was burst of cheers!


Blindfolded O'Neill listened to the suddenly strange atmosphere around him, secretly pulled the white towel over his eyes, and his eyes were also secretly released. In his imagination, his surroundings must be A crowd of reporters.

But in the end he found out that beside him, now the whole became empty!

How is this going?

This is not scientific!

O'Neill simply pulled all the blindfolded towels away, almost at the same time, a basketball was hollowed into the net in front of his eyes, and then there was another burst of crazy jubilation on the spot.

Whose shooting practice can take away the focus of this shark?

Looked at the basketball that was rolling on the ground in front, O'Neill's face showed a trace of surprise.

Is it? !



In two clatters, O'Neal suddenly turned back after thinking of the answer!

Sure enough!


Mid circle!


And at this moment, O'Neal, who suddenly turned back, raised his head slightly.

Something is flying towards me.

O'Neill wanted to avoid.

But almost at the same time, the flying thing hit his head fiercely!


O'Neill sat on the ground with his forehead in response.

Then, a magical scene happened.

The basketball that hit O'Neill's head flew up again and flew straight to the hoop!

Seeing the trajectory of basketball flying, the audience laughed again because of O'Neill's funny laughter.

You dare to smash me!

I dare to grab your limelight!

How about this shark's acting skills, quick response!

Look, everyone laughed!

The audience suddenly muttered again from the laughter, and even O'Neill who deliberately fell to the ground turned a little curiously.

Until he saw the basketball that hit his forehead really flew towards the hoop, O'Neill's face also showed the same shocked look as the audience on the scene.

A bang!

In the silence of the audience, the sound of basketball swiping the net is particularly sweet.

Looked at the basketball that fell from the air almost into the net and fell to the ground, the audience's eyes were dull.

The expressions on the faces of the Yes team and the Yao team's All-Stars standing on the court were equally shocked, and their eyes were also dull.

Even James and Wade, who are secretly talking on the technical center line, opened their mouths at this time, watching the basketball that was rolling on the ground and could not say a word.

"Here, can this all go in?"

Bakery and Kenny Smith staring at each other looked at each other. The expressions on their faces were the same. Am I wrong, did I not wake up.

"This is definitely an accident!"

Kenny Smith roared in his heart!

However, Yes only took one chance to complete such a shot. Even if it is really an accident, others will not say Yes is lucky, only to be shocked by the strength of Yes!

Just the moment Kenny Smith thought of this, the otherwise silent stadium immediately seemed to explode!




Listen to the cheers on the spot!

O'Neill, who was sitting on the ground, was all envious and jealous after recovering from shock!

This is what he wants most!

But just one shot, Yes was taken away by Yes!

This is too bad, right?

This shark wanted to blindfold for a night!


Looked at O'Neill, who was sitting on the ground like dead ash, and Bryant gave a dark voice.

O'Neal is very weak now.

And Howard, who was also sitting on the ground, looked at the basketball in his hand and instantly felt that the basketball in his hand was not so fragrant.

It's all here, but also fight for a wool!

Of course, these All-Stars of the Yao team or the All-Stars of the Yes team will certainly not be all like O'Neill and Howard.

Garnett and Pierce and others are now frantically exchanging their eyes.

Yes this feel!

Yes to do Yes in the All-Star Game, is it too difficult?

As an enemy of Yes, no one can remain calm under the deterrent of Yes.

Except for one person!




The whole world seems to be paying attention to Yes, and in awe of Yes, there is a person who is always practicing three points with the same rhythm.


Bruce Bowen!

Listening to the smooth frame brushing, Garnett, Pierce, Arenas, Anthony and others looked at the standing corner and received the ball from Duncan and shot smoothly. There was no fluctuation in his face, and his look was proud and Calm Bowen, everyone looked incredible and incredible.

He was not scared by the shot that Yes just did!

Even, his eyes told everyone that his attitude towards the shot just made by Yes was disdainful!

Duncan, who was passing the ball to Bowen, felt that Bowen had suddenly become the focal point of the entire Yao team's All-Star. After staying a little bit blank, he disagreed.

Garnett, they looked at Bruce's eyes, he was familiar.

Isn't this what they usually look at Bruce?

In the Spurs, all of them were convinced by Bruce ’s defense, and all of them were convinced by Bruce ’s pride and magic. Anyone who has played with Bruce as a teammate and confronted Yes with him side by side, no one will not be convinced Yu Bruce!

Haha, now shocked?

After the All-Star game, you will be even more shocked!

"This temperament ..."

Makes sense, every time he sees this temperament in Bowen, it will make Yao Ming feel horrified.

This feeling is the same as what he felt from the small leaves.

"Bruce, aren't you afraid? Yes, but your defender, he feels so good ..."


Bowen interrupted Pierce, the expression on his face was disdainful, and his eyes were proud.

"Why should I be afraid?"

"He can never hit such a ball in front of me."

Bowwen disdainfully and proudly finished throwing the basketball on his hand again.

A bang!

This crisp voice has brought back all the hearts of the Yao team's all-stars who have just been shaken by Yesi's shooting!

"This temperament is too strong!"

Yao Ming felt that this terrifying temperament on Bowen was even more terrifying!

Is this the confidence of the strongest defensive player in history?

For the first time, he saw that someone could be so disdainful about small leaves!

Seen this way, before the All-Star game, the media experts in the United States are so optimistic that they are not without reason!

They clearly have four of the league's five strongest positions.

But in fact, they still have the most defensive player in history!

Bao Wen's confident and proud words just now made someone who was a little shaken by 58 points, and once again firmed his heart.

On the other side, Yesi's face was slightly ugly.

The dead fat man, O'Neill, who had been hit hard just now, had stood up.

Not only stood up.

And also patted his forehead and ran the whole show, the whole show was ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ See that no, that was not invested by Yes, that was by me, the great Shaq O'Neill! "

"That magical goal does not belong to Yes, it belongs to Ben Shark!"

O'Neill patted his forehead, screamed, ran and yelled.

Looking at O'Neill, even Kobe, who knew O'Neill well, was shocked.

Also can think of such a thing because of this dead fat man!

Actually counted Yes's shot as his!

Nima, Yes hit you with the ball, but you are the opponent of Yes!

You are a teammate of Yes, this ball can count you!

Is this Nima too shameless?

Shameless to a realm!

People are shameless and they are invincible!

This dead fat man is not only shameless, but also shameless!


This is the dead fat man I am familiar with!

If the dead fat man really sat there in a state of depression, it was not like the dead fat man.

Bryant withdrew his vomiting and smiled on his face.

Cough, this snake didn't smile!

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