I Want to be a Superstar

: New 1 month, ask for monthly ticket! ! !

The update on the last day of this month is over, about 14,000 words in three chapters.

After updating this chapter, February has passed.

Throughout February, many, many difficult things happened.

But fortunately, it passed slowly.

The fishermen's updates in the first half of February are not many, but with the efforts in the second half of the month, 29 days actually wrote almost 280,000 words.

Although it is not much compared with other great gods, it can be regarded as a fisherman's best.

Of course, thank you all for your continued support. If it were not for your support, the fisherman would not have such a strong motivation.

Finally, February has passed and the new month is coming. I hope that there will be more updates in the new month to repay everyone's support.

Finally, the fisherman begged for the monthly ticket and thank you for your support! ! !

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