I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 3 Chapter 841: The wheels of history are rolling in!

"Unexpectedly, we and Seattle will have a team that will not make the playoffs this season."

In the Dallas hotel, Yao Ming, Roy and Gerard Wallace and other rocket players now have a very dignified look on their faces.

Looking at his teammates like this, Yao Ming didn't know what to say at this time.

The Rockets were the league's strongest team last season, playing a 73-9 record in the regular season, breaking the Chicago Bulls' record of the regular season record that was considered impossible to break.

And what about Seattle Supersonics?

Seattle Supersonics was the NBA championship last season, and arguably the NBA's biggest winner last season.

It can be said that last season, the Rockets were the NBA's biggest regular-season winner, and the Supersonics were the biggest playoff winner.

These are the two teams. You have to say that before the start of this season, someone said that one of the two teams might not make the playoffs. Those who say so must be considered crazy.

But now, there can only be one team of the two teams in the playoffs.

The Phoenix Suns, now 60 wins and 21 losses, even if they lost the last game against the Timberwolves, the Phoenix Suns can only be surpassed by the Seattle Supersonics and fall from seventh to eighth. It is impossible to be 58 wins and 23 losses. Rocket goes beyond.

In other words, the position of the Phoenix Suns in the playoffs has been determined.

The only difference is whether this team is seventh or eighth. If you win the Timberwolves, that is to ensure the seventh and lose the Timberwolves. If the Supersonics win the Heat, it is the eighth. If the Supersonics lose to the Heat, it is the first. Seven.

But the Rockets, in order to enter the playoffs, must defeat the Mavericks in the last game away and lose to the Heat at supersonic speed.

In the Supersonics and Heats game, based on the recent statements of the Heat players, the Heat are definitely going all out, and the Seattle Supersonics have a small chance of winning away.

But the Rockets want to enter the playoffs, not just the Seattle Supersonics, the Rockets themselves have to beat the Mavericks!

The Mavericks are now fourth in the West, and it is impossible to catch up with the Spurs from the West, so even if the Mavericks are better than the Lakers and Nuggets, they can only be ranked fourth. It is impossible to catch up with the first. It is impossible to be caught up by the fifth Grizzlies, which makes the Mavericks' attitude towards the final regular season very worthy of choice and scrutiny.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the Rockets are indeed better.

The Mavericks don't care because of the final game, so it's really hard to say how much power they can use against the Rockets.

After all, the Mavericks have to play the very strong Grizzlies in the first round of the playoffs.

The hard fight with the Rockets has no advantage for the Mavericks.


Even if the Rockets are in a better situation than the Supersonics, the initiative is still not in the hands of the Rockets.

This is the most troublesome place.

The Seattle Supersonics have very few chances of beating the Heat in full force. Perhaps a miracle is needed to make such a thing happen.

But don't forget, Little Leaf is the best person in the history of basketball to create miracles!

As the man who won the Olympic title in the Chinese team with Little Leaf, Yao Ming knew more about how dangerous this is.

Not only is he clear, Roy is clear, Gerald Wallace and the Rockets, who were beaten by the Supersonics in the playoffs last season, are also very clear.

"Seattle Supersonics and Yes are in despair!"

"Yes and Seattle SuperSonics will miss the playoffs!"

"The season reuse Ibaka has become the most unbearable weight for the supersonic and Yes!"

"Ibaka will be Seattle's historical sinner!"

"We are about to meet the only time in our career that we can't make the playoffs!"

This is now the voice and public opinion outside.

Many people are looking forward to the failure of Little Leaf and Supersonic.

With Little Leaf's status in the NBA now, if he and the Supersonics can't make it to the playoffs, it's really big news.

At this time, these people who like to watch the lively will subconsciously ignore the previous achievements of Xiaoye.


If these people are really rational, how could there be so many false news in this world every day.

These people now ignore these things.

As a Rockets player, as a player competing with Little Leaf, how could they ignore!

"We don't care about the Seattle SuperSonics and the Heat's wins or losses. For us, we want to enter the playoffs, it's simple, we need to beat the Mavericks!"

"No matter what the record of the Supersonics and the Heat is, defeating the Mavericks is the only thing we have to do!"

Yao Ming is so tough in the Rockets.

But his statement really strengthened the hearts of all Rockets players.

In such a situation, everyone will be very shaken.

Everyone will think very much.

This is understandable, as long as it is human.

However, the same is also the case at this time, the more you need to be calm and firm.

Seeing Yao Ming's encouragement, the Rockets player's face became firm again, and the Rockets head coach Adelman was also relieved.

This season is really too unfriendly for the Rockets.

After losing last year's playoffs, the team's failure culprit assistant general manager assistant is still in a missing state where no one is dead or dead. Some people say he accidentally fell into the sea, some people say he committed suicide by himself.

In short, after that, he never appeared again.

And this season, at the beginning of the season, the Rockets were ambushed by several teams in the east. After losing a few games that should not be lost, there is no way to turn over.

In the face of the Eastern teams, especially those that are not so strong, it is really impossible to lose!

Everyone is winning, and you lose. Now you have to find the games lost by the Eastern teams in the western teams. How passive you are!

They have worked very hard, even the Rockets are the best team in the second half of the league, but they are still a little worse, and they still can't get back the initiative.

Although according to public opinion, the Rockets have a 90% chance of entering the playoffs, but for the 90% figure, they are really afraid. Last season they also had a 90% chance of defeating the Supersonics in the playoffs!

But in the end?

The final championship is Seattle Supersonics!

"James, how do I feel that when you come to Miami, you become very, very excited?"

"Clam? Do you have it? Do I have it? Mark, don't you be innocent!"

James Harden in the hotel quickly packed the swimming trunks he had just prepared to take out into the suitcase.

My James Harden is a serious person. How could it be because I came to Miami, and there are many big beeping ladies on the beach here!

Is James Harden the kind of person who likes the big PP ladies and sisters!

"James, now at the moment of war, I advise you to stay focused. If you are undercover in this game, think about Sergi's recent encounter."

Gasol Jr. seriously reminded his roommate.

Hearing Gasol ’s reminder, James Harden felt his PP cool.

Ibaka's life has not been very good recently.

Since everyone's attention has been placed on the supersonic record.

Ibaka became the target of coconut flour and coconut flour media.

According to coconut flour and coconut flour media, if the Seattle Supersonics failed to enter the playoffs this season, Ibaka will be blamed for playing!

James Harden feels that there is nothing wrong with these coconut flour and coconut flour media to blame Ibaka's poor record for the supersonic season this season.

In fact Ibaka really needs to be responsible for the team's current record.

Although they can see Ibaka's progress for all the team, but Ibaka's progress is the result of Yes's team's record. This is no problem.

Even Ibaka himself acknowledged the problem.

So he is the supersonic. In addition to Yes's hardest person, he is also very grateful to Yes and the team.

"I heard that Sergey has taken the initiative to find Mr. Nielsen. Will he come down from the starting position?"

James Harden whispered and asked Gasol Jr.

"Sergey did apply to get down from the starting position, but it was not Mr. Nielsen's decision on Sergey's starting position."

Gasol Jr. shook his head bitterly and said, "Yes sternly rejected Sergi's request to leave the starting line. At the same time, Yes also rejected Kevin's request for an early comeback."

James Harden was shocked at the words of Gasol Jr.

Yes, rejected Ibaka ’s request to leave the starting lineup?

According to the current situation of supersonic speed, Yes should not naturally accept Ibaka's request, so it only sacrifices Ibaka's present and future, and will not lose his face.

Because now the whole world, whether it is coconut powder media or coconut black media, wants to see Ibaka leave the starter.

Coconut Media is hoping that Ibaka will leave the starting lineup and Durant returns, so that the supersonic speed may still have a silver lining.

And the coconut black media? Ibaka is still starting, even if the Heat beat the Supersonics, the Heat also won a little bit of victory.

Since it is humiliating Yes, why can't you humiliate Yes more utterly and more fiercely?

Therefore, if Yes replaces Ibaka at this time and then replaces Durant, he will definitely get unanimous approval.


In the end, Yes refused ...

"You don't know the state of Kevin's game, it is really not the right time to let Kevin come back."

James Harden wanted to laugh when he heard Mark Gasol say so.

He used to think that Rondo was the team's hardest.

Until ... after Durant's comeback ...

In the team's training game, Durant is really iron!

According to the team's statistics, Durant's field goal percentage was not even 30%!

Not only iron, but errors are a whole lot.

When dribbling, either hit the foot or directly drop the ball.

Seeing such Durant, many coconut flour reporters on the sidelines really shook their heads.

He knows that many coconut flour media have privately said whether Durant is useless.

The reason why the coconut flour media wants Durant to come back is because he feels that Durant is better than Ibaka even if it is abandoned.

And many coconut black media may also feel that an obsolete Durant is not enough to fear, and even just enough to add another medal to James.

After all, Durant is abolished, but it is also the league's scoring leader, the league's second team player, the league's All-Star starter.

After Durant starts, the supersonic starters will be Milicic, Millsap, Durant, Yes and Rondo. Started four All-Star players, and the Heat also started four All-Star players, Chandler, Bosh, James, Ben Gordon and Wade.

So, these coconut black media are really shameless.

The same is the four all-stars, all-stars and all-stars are the same thing!

Your four All-Stars are all player-level All-Stars of the four teams.

All of our four All-Stars are grown up by a group of waste brought by Yes.

Is n’t this bullying!

"In short, James, be careful yourself, don't play too hot before playing against the Heat, and you will take it off when the game comes.

"Mark, don't worry. I won't. I'm James Harden. Are you still worried?"

After looking at the hard smile on James Harden's face and then at the swimming trunks stuffed in, Marc Gasol felt that he was really not at ease.

This kid is really addicted to that thing, can't change it at all, and is addicted regardless of occasion!

However, he reminded also reminded that James ca n’t listen, he ca n’t do anything, he ’s doing his best.

What's more, he said that James should not be undercover in this game with the Heat, and he himself should not be undercover, the inside of the Heat, that is really strong!

"We have now reached the last mile, you are willing to give up, I will not give up."

"No matter what the result is, regardless of the world, since I chose to trust you, I will always choose to trust."

"You don't need to do anything else, stand on the court, no matter what the result is, go all out, this is what I want to see you do."

"Sergey, don't let me down."

Marc Gasol and James Harden walked out of the room and saw Ibaka coming out of Yers' room.

Looking at this time, Ibaka, who was standing at the door of Yez, clenched his fists tightly, Mark Gasol and James Harden wanted to say hello, but in the end there was no way to say anything.

The two saw that Ibaka bowed deeply in front of the door, and then left without clenching his teeth.

Seeing Ibaka's dazed back become incredibly firm, Harden and Gasol glanced at each other.

April 14, 2009 ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ American Airlines Arena in Dallas.

When the game between the Mavericks and the Rockets ended, when the big score on the scene was written 101 to 106, the press booth of the entire stadium exploded in an instant of silence!

James, who had been standing in front of the TV, was also relieved.

"A guy who doesn't know the current affairs!"

James secretly scolded Nowitzki and Avraro who went all out in this game.

But waste is waste after all!

What about going all out!

The difference is still a perfect stage for me!

The wheel of history will not change when the small man's arm is in the car!

Looking at the Western Record on TV, James' eyes radiated an incredible light!

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