I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 3 Chapter 852: Completely different training for Durant and Yes

On April 18, 2009, in Austin, Texas, 128 kilometers from San Antonio, the Seattle Supersonics players were making final preparations for the Spurs in the training hall of the University of Texas at Austin.

The University of Texas at Austin is the alma mater of supersonic players Pj Tucker and Durant.

Therefore, in Austin, the Seattle Supersonics have always had quite a terrible support.

Basically, every time you come to Texas, this is Seattle's supersonic station.

Even now the University of Texas star player Damai James is still Durant's original substitute. This year's star inside the University of Texas, Dexter Pittman was also Durant's younger brother and side. Dragon set.

It can be said that because of Durant and Tucker, the Seattle Supersonics and the University of Texas at Austin have too deep a relationship.

Basically, every time the Seattle Supersonics comes to Austin, it will make the enclosed water leak.

In Austin, the Mavericks and Spurs are definitely not as popular as the Seattle Supersonics.

For these college students in Austin, they really don't care whether the Supersonics in the playoffs this year are expected to be swept out of the Spurs.

They simply don't care how far this year's supersonic can go in the future.

As an ordinary fan, sometimes it is human nature to watch lively.

Seattle's supersonic excitement is always so pretty.

Of course, this is the atmosphere outside the Texas training hall, but inside the training hall is another landscape.

"Has Seattle supersonics given up in advance now?"

"It seems that I really gave up early ..."

In the training hall of the University of Texas, many journalists from China, from all over the United States, and from all over the world are whispering.

"I just came from San Antonio. The Spurs' training ground, the Spurs players are also very relaxed, but I can see whether the Spurs are players or coaches, they are very very confident. Although the mentality is very relaxed, the training is quite hard , That atmosphere is the real atmosphere in preparation for the playoffs. "

"And the supersonic side ..."

Although in the first round of the NBA playoffs this year, there were many exciting and intense matches.

But there is no doubt that the Spurs and Supersonic matchup is definitely the most eye-catching, and the most journalists come here.

Although the result of this matchup seems to be no suspense, but the popularity of the two people, Yes and Bowen, is too high.

The NBA's two regular season MVP candidates.

The first offensive in NBA history and the first defensive player again.

The first playoff match between the two men two years ago is now known as one of the greatest playoff matches in NBA history.

As a CCTV reporter who followed the team throughout the playoffs this time, Wang Han listened to the discussions of these colleagues from all over the world, and her face was quite dignified.

Her worries are not unnecessary. These colleagues from all over the world are not coconut black, and most of them are coconut flour.

Only recently, the supersonic condition is really not very good.

Spurs coach Popovich was confident in the interview.

Instead, the supersonic side, the supersonic coach Nielsen is quite cautious.

On the Spurs, the Spurs players are equally confident. Each time they are interviewed, they are in a posture of 'we play normally, no one can beat us'. There is no suspense in the round series.

And the supersonic side?

The supersonic players were all the kind of voices when they were interviewed, "We will do our best in this round of series". This voice is basically changing direction. We work hard. As for the end What kind of result is there, then we cannot guarantee it.

According to their statistics, CCTV has made influential media experts across the United States.

More than ESPN's prediction, the Spurs' support for promotion is as high as 90%.

Together with experts from other media in the United States, the Spurs' promotion rate also exceeds 90%, and most experts give a score of 4 to 0, and 4 to 1 is quite rare.

"If Yes can't break Bowen's blockade, I don't think the supersonic can beat the Spurs."

"The regular season is the regular season, the playoffs are the playoffs, and in the playoffs it is impossible to expect other Spurs players to lie under Bowen's side."

"When the other Spurs players are undercover next to Bowen, the Supersonics will win at most one point and two points. You can hardly expect the Spurs to win when they are not undercover."

"4 to 0! This series is 4 to 0! Those who are willing to predict the big score of this series to 4 to 1, we can also understand that they believe that the miracle of Yes will be born in this series. A show. "

"It's just that the Spurs are different from other teams. Yes can face miracles no matter how strong the team is. I would like to believe this, but the Spurs have Bowen, and Bowen is the best person to put Yes's miracle in the cage. Strong player, Yes is difficult to create miracles in front of Bowen, so this is why this year ’s playoffs predict that a team with Yes will be 4-0, at least 90% of the experts in this world do not I believe Yes can create miracles in the face of Bowen, even if it is a game! "

This is the current public opinion in the United States, which is really quite detrimental to supersonic speed.

The voice of public opinion can influence one's judgment.

Even if they are CCTV reporters, Chinese reporters have a high degree of confidence in Yes, and they will be quite worried in this atmosphere of public opinion.

"Is it true that Seattle Supersonics has given up, as others have said?"

Wang Han didn't know, she didn't dare to ask Yesi like this.

But from the situation of her and the team, the other supersonic players really do not seem so tight.

And Yes himself ...

Watching Yesi holding a very hard bow and doing archery there, Wang Han really didn't know what to say.

Yesi's training has always been very peculiar, this is known all over the world.

His special training methods have always been the most popular internet celebrity training methods on the tubing.

Including the baseball bat, including kicking the butt, and even the training method that has been promoted to all NBA shooters must master, high-level shooting method and so on.

Yers's training method can never be figured out.

However, no matter how peculiar the training method is, there is no such trifle when training with these special methods.

For example, when Yesi was training with a baseball bat, it was a month.

very serious.

Although this training method is very peculiar, Yesi is very dedicated and serious, as if this training method can really improve him.

But what about the last two days?

She counted, and in the last two days, Yesi changed a total of 17 strange training methods!

Not to mention this peculiar training of holding a hard bow and drawing an arrow.

Yesh even played a lion dance yesterday. A man carried the lion head up and down on the bench and the platform.

There are also flying swords, throwing seven flying swords into the sky at a time and then cyclically throwing them. Many media reporters beside them were dumbfounded. Applause also sounded repeatedly. Among them, the most hard-working apprentices were San Antonio reporters. That happy, that happy, he almost took out his salary to reward.

The two special training methods that Yes played yesterday are only representative of those other training methods in these two days.

Although other training methods are not so peculiar, they are similar.

It can be said that this time, Yesi played so many special training methods in two days, and really gave her one. Has Yesi already given up?

Is Yesi already looking for his happiness and letting himself fly?

To be reasonable, these seventeen special training methods of Yesi really caused a very, very big sensation on the Internet.

The videos with the highest number of tubing plays a week are all those special training methods of Yes.


This really doesn't work!

Anyone can give up, Yesi really can't give up!

Although Bowen and the Spurs are indeed powerful, although the supersonic speed is indeed a nine-death life, but Yesi really can not fight without fighting, just lie flat!

This season, because Yao Ming did not enter the playoffs, Yes is the expectation of Chinese fans.

Although Sun Yue and Arab League also entered the playoffs, the Wizards and the Timberwolves are indeed not optimistic about going too far.

As soon as the Wizards reach the playoffs, the three All-Stars are left with Arenas. The Timberwolves are too young.

Only by accidentally taking the championship supersonic last season, it seems to be okay, but it hit the Spurs in the first round!

If the Supersonics is seventh, how nice it is to touch the Lakers!

It's really impossible for the sixth place to touch the Nuggets!

But it was Spurs!

"Mr. Nielsen, has Yes been a little too decadent recently?"

In fact, it was not just Wang Han and these reporters who felt that Yesi was somewhat controversial these two days. As a supersonic assistant coach, Mary Cross was also worried.

Strange methods can train to become stronger, Thaksin.

But he absolutely does not believe that changing training methods so frequently can become stronger!

Yes, it seems to mean giving up treatment.

"When you become the head coach, there will always be someone who can be absolutely trusted, and Yes is someone you can trust 100%."

Old Nelson said with a smile.

Many people are anxious because of Yes's lack of business in the past two days.

He is different.

Before Yes went out of business, he was actually very anxious.

Although he has a slight advantage over Popovich in terms of tactics, the Spurs are now playing a simplified version of his tactical system. It can be said that the tactics Popo is playing is taught by him.

However, Bowen's restriction on Yes is indeed large, and now the Supersonics have no other strong points in the playoffs except Yes.

Milicic can be a strong point against other teams, but this opponent is the Spurs, and the Spurs have Duncan.

The whole world knows that Duncan in the regular season and Duncan in the playoffs are two completely different species.

Duncan is precisely Milicic's worst player.

It's difficult.

It can be said that in this series of supersonic and Spurs, under the declining of the world, old Nielsen really does not know how to break the game.

But seeing what Yes did in the past two days, he was relieved.

He is different from other people in the world. For him, Yes is a person he trusts 100%. He absolutely does not believe that Yes will renounce himself, and he will never believe that Yes is giving up treatment when it is desperate. people.

Although he doesn't know why Yes did this, Yes is definitely thinking about how to break the game.

He doesn't know how to break the Spurs now.

No way to start.

But Yes, although he did it strangely, he did!

Compared with the worries of these people, he is really looking forward to the method used by Yes in this round of the series to deal with Bowen, who is a nightmare for all the offensive players in the league!

"He will never let you down if you absolutely trust him!"

Looking at the unusual light flashing in Old Nelson's eyes, Mary Cross had a surprised look on his face.

"Did Mr. Nelson teach me a lot about basketball and tactics? Of course, this is for sure, but that is not why Mr. Nelson made me leave the Supersonics and become the Bulls coach."

"When I learned to absolutely believe in the players I trusted, Mr. Niels said I could leave."

Malikros remembered what the best coach of the season, the biggest popular bull coach Scott Brooks, said in an interview.

Old Nielsen certainly wouldn't guess the idea of ​​the assistants beside him. In addition to his absolute trust in Yesi, in fact Yesi did something that he really appreciated.

That is, the seemingly self-defeating approach of Yers made the pressure in the Supersonic team disappear instantly.

This is very important!

Some time ago, the team was very anxious.

Defending champion!

Supersonic is eighth in the regular season this season, but it is also the defending champion!

As the defending champion, the first round will be out, and everyone's spirit will have some problems.

Even if the supersonic young players are extremely resistant to stress, they are inevitable anxiety.

They dare not accept the result of the first round of the defending champion.

But Yes on the surface seems to be accepted, so these supersonic young players who are based on Yes are the first to let go of all their anxieties.

Perhaps the most anxious team is Durant.

Others seemed to feel that there was no problem with being swept out of the Spurs in the first round and accepted.

But Durant is really unacceptable.

He has not come back this season, and then the team's season is over.

Does it make people play?

So Durant's complexion has not been very good these past two days.

Not only is his offensive state very bad, but also because the team's state makes him very dissatisfied.

But for Durant, Old Nelson was still very satisfied.

This player who has been absent for a season, the offensive status is really bad!

But his defense is simply incomparable before the injury!

Durant's defensive progress is very, very large. His defensive qualities and talents are already very good. The poor defense was mainly due to the problems of the ball dealer and the weight.

Durant's previous defensive quotient was really poor, and his weight was really light. Although he gained weight, he was still light.

But he didn't play this year, Durant's body was blessed, and at the same time, the dealer also followed up when he was defending. Listening to his own statement, he has more serious games this year than his entire career .

This is a really gratifying thing.

It is precisely because of the weight gain, so on the offensive end, Durant feels as if he is playing with someone else's body.

Now Durant needs time to adapt to his completely different body.

As for how much time can be completely adapted, Old Nelson does not know, but now let Durant go up to play Spurs, Durant will definitely be ashamed!

From the perspective of the whole world, Seattle supersonic sounds somewhat shaky, but for the old Nielsen, the current supersonic speed is thriving.

As long as the Spurs have passed the perhaps the biggest supersonic disaster this season, the one waiting for the supersonic is a sunny avenue!

Yes, you certainly will not let me down?

Ye Si didn't pay attention to all kinds of eyes from all directions, but concentrated on using the strength of the whole body to pull the six-stone strong bow in his hand.

Every time this strong attack is filled, the sweat on Yesi's face will keep coming out uncontrollably.

This is the method he found to train strength.

And it is a useful method.

"Yes's strong bow has been replaced by Six Stones now?"

Many Chinese journalists who were watching Yesi slowly making full bow shooting gestures were shocked.

The stone in the six-stone strong bow is the weight unit of the Han dynasty, one stone is about 30 kg, and the six stone is 180 kg!

In ancient times, only those legendary powerful generals could pull this powerful bow!

For example, Xiang Yu, it is rumored that Xiang Yu can draw a 20-stone strong bow on land, and can immediately start a six-stone strong bow.

"Yes' pull strength of this strong bow has reached 180 kg!"

"This is already the second strongest guard in active duty!"

"The strongest active force is O'Neill's 210 kg, followed by Ben Wallace, 202 kg, James is 190 kg, Wade is 187 kg, and Yes has been ranked fifth in active service, 180 kg of power!"

"I remember the strongest defender, Jordan's 200 kg, right?"

"Yes, Jordan is the strongest defender. Chamberlain is rumored to be the strongest 250 kg of all, but there is no record, and the record is 230 kg of Karl Malone!"

The strength of the strength is very important, which is related to the core strength in the power confrontation on the court.

But the strength confrontation is not entirely dependent on the core strength, but also the way of weight and force.

Although the maximum strength of O'Neill's whole body mobilization is only 210 kilograms, Jordan, whose lifting power is only 10 kilograms lower than him, has no problems.

Of course, O'Neal had no problem hanging Jordan. When he met Malone, he was beaten.

Seeing Yesi driving a 180-kilogram bow, the male reporters were wondering, and the female reporters were shining in their eyes.


Yes, the bow-shooting pose is so handsome!

Even Durant, who had been in a mad stomach for the past two days, was dumbfounded.

Handsome is really handsome. He can swear that the training video of Yes full bow shooting is posted on the Internet, which is another wave of sitting and rowing!

However, this sense of power is indeed quite pleasing.

A man must be full of strength to be handsome.

When he was drafted, he didn't even have 100 kilograms of strength. After a year's rest, his body was blessed and his legs were unfavorable to practice upper limbs. His strength also reached about 150 kilograms.

But it is really incomparable with Yes.

And he is still a small forward, but Yes is a defender!

And such a thin body hides such a terrifying energy, I have to say, this is really a miracle!

Ten bows in ten minutes!

And every time you have to stick to 10 seconds!

After completing these, the power of Yes will be +1!

Opening the five-stone bow provides a total of 3 strengths to Yesi.

Yesi definitely can't open the bow of Six Stones.

83's basic strength attribute, coupled with Yao Mingka's 10% strength bonus, Yesi's actual strength reached 91.3. The strength of 91.3 is just right to open a six-stone bow, which is very difficult.

However, persistence is victory!

Because Yesi knew that as long as he continued, he would become more relaxed!

Ten minutes, ten times!

Strength +1!

Ten minutes, ten times!

Strength +1!

Ten minutes, ten times!

Strength +1!

"Did I have an illusion?"

"How do I feel that Yes is getting easier?"

"Yes, the actual strength of Yes is definitely more than 180 kg!"

"Yes may have surpassed Wade, the strongest guard in active service!"

Strength 4 times +1!

On the fifth time, when Yers finished ten minutes and ten times again, his power did not change.

"Is the training effect of Six Stone Bow completely gone?"

However, this is not a surprise, Ye Si has already prepared the bow of Seven Stones.

"that is?!"

"Seven Stone's bow ?!"

"210-kilogram bow!"

"Yes / Yes wants to draw a bow of seven stones / 210 kg ?!"

210 kg!

This is the first strength that directly challenges defenders!

A snap!

The bow was pulled away ...

At the same time, the bow flew out of control and hit the wall not far away ...

For a time, the entire University of Texas training hall was in silence.

"Have you watched the latest training video of Yes?"


In the Spurs meeting room, all Spurs players who were organizing to watch the first day of today's NBA playoffs nodded.

Seeing the shocked look on the team members' faces, Popovich now felt terrified.

That incredible power!

When Yes entered the league, he even thought about catching Yes's weakness.

Although the bow of the last kilogram failed, the power of Yes even if it did not reach 210 kilograms over Jordan, definitely exceeded Wade's 187 kilograms!

What a horror!

Popovich and Spurs players now look at Bowen's eyes full of magic and admiration.

He could actually defend Yes one-on-one. How amazing is UU reading www.uukanshu.com?

As magical as a dream!

On the other side, in a hotel where Seattle stayed at supersonic speed, Yers lowered his bow.


No need for a 210 kg bow, a 190 kg bow can continue to increase strength.

The power potential of the four-star Yao Mingka is full, and he can finally use Li Gen's Samsung card.


Yesh once again picked up the 210 kg strong bow.


Bow open!

:. :

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