I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 103 Build a school and give Daqin a future.

"My lord, now the location of the school palace and Jiannan Square has been confirmed, Jingyu has sent news that the school palace will be built first, and the school palace can be built in three months!"

Wang Hu walked into the hall, looked at Ying Gao who was lying on the long case, and said, "My lord, how should I reply?"

Hearing this, Ying Gao put down the bamboo slips in his hand, looked up at Wang Hu, and said, "Go and tell Gong Shuchou to send someone to cooperate with Jing Yu."

"Let them speed up as much as possible while ensuring the quality. The matter of the school has a lot to do with it. Father Wang is watching in Xianyang and cannot delay."


Nodding in agreement, Wang Hu turned and left. He knew in his heart that Ying Gao was the center of attention at this time, and he must not fail this time.


Watching Wang Hu leave, Ying Gao nodded slightly. He had no doubts about Jing Yu's words. During this period of time, he naturally had a deeper understanding of Jiannan Chamber of Commerce.

Jing Yu is worthy of being a business genius. In the process of expanding Jiannan Plaza, he established a construction team that belongs exclusively to Jiannan Chamber of Commerce.

They can start work regardless of the busy farming hours. This time, with the participation of the Gongshu family, the construction speed of the school will definitely be the best in the world.

"Three months?"

With a murmur, Ying Gao's eyes were bright. He knew in his heart that building a school was not a one-time pleasure. He wanted to take this opportunity to give Daqin a future.

However, building a school is not easy.

In this era, there are naturally schools, but they are not as complicated as the one established by Ying Gao.

In the Western Zhou Dynasty, the school was called Piyong, also known as Xiang, Xu, Xue, School, and School. However, it is not a special educational institution, but also a place for shooting and retirement.

The reason why Ying Gao chose to open the school at this moment, rather than after the unification of the world, is because at this time, Qin Fa is deeply entrenched.

But this was the end of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when academics prospered, official schools declined, private schools rose, and education broke through the limitation of using officials as teachers.

At this time, it is the easiest time to open a school, otherwise, he will fight against the entire era, and he will die without a place to bury him.

"Liu Zhi, go ask Ma Xing to come over!" At this point, Ying Gao fixed his eyes and ordered.



Watching Liu Zhi leave, Ying Gao looked solemn. He knew in his heart that in the Great Qin, there have always been signs of teaching the law and taking officials as teachers.

When the Great Qin ruled the world, it was pushed to the extreme by the First Emperor and Li Si.

Ying Gao is the son of Da Qin.

In his view, there is nothing wrong with teaching the law and using officials as teachers. This can strengthen the thinking of a country. After all, officials are selected and appointed at various levels.

They eat imperial food, hold salaries, and their lifelong wealth and future are in the hands of their bosses, so they must be able to obey their orders.

The interests of officials are tied to the rise and fall of the regime, and if one prospers, one loses all. In order to maintain vested interests, they will not do anything that damages the regime.

Officials are trained to be familiar with legal provisions or government edicts, and then act in accordance with the rules without overstepping the rules, so they should not be imaginative and come up with some weird ideas.

The purpose of entrusting the power of transmission and adjudication of ideology to officials is to prevent heresy in the field of ideology.

No matter at that time, the existence of the school is to shape a person's world outlook, values, and outlook on life, which is extremely important.

This is also the reason why Ying Gao wrote Guoxue himself.


As a special social organization, the school takes cultivating the people needed by the society as its mission as soon as it appears.

The Jixia Academy in the State of Qi has aroused contention among a hundred schools of thought, and Confucius opened an apricot altar in the corridor of the Dacheng Hall to teach the sages with the six arts, all of which carry the function of selecting talents.

"This subordinate has seen the young master!"

Ma Xing walked into the hall,

He bowed solemnly to Ying Gao and said.

He has followed Ying Gao for a long time, and Ma Xing knows Ying Gao to a certain extent. Now his awe of Ying Gao is not only the royal blood.

He is clear about the ambition of the young man in front of him.

"Ma Xing, how is the recruitment of lecturers in the school going?" Ying Gao asked Ma Xing with a flash of his eyes.

The construction of the school is not a problem as long as the Jiannan Chamber of Commerce exists, but the recruitment of lecturers is a difficult task, even if it is the end of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, when the culture is booming.

"My lord, there are already more than a hundred people. Among them, the lecturers in Gewu include Gongshu's family and Qin Mo. There is not much pressure for now!"

"At the same time, only a dozen people from the doctor's family and the farmer's family came, but the king sent people from the Daqin court to make up for the shortage."


"A group of frogs in the well!"

With a cold snort, Ying Gao was silent for a moment, stood up and faced Ma Xing, and said, "Open up the county guard's mansion, and I plan to train this group of lecturers."

"Training Chinese culture in the morning, training in medicine and agriculture in the afternoon, and training in physics in the evening!"

"At the same time, there will be training for the first seven days, regardless of any subject, starting tomorrow!"



At this moment, Ying Gao fully understood that everything needs to be self-sufficient, only in this way can he build a holy place without relying on anyone or any force.

As soon as he thought of this, Ying Gao knew that he might be busy in the future.

Except for the law department who does not need to train himself, and there are countless people in the Great Qin who are proficient in Qin law, everyone else needs his training.

Otherwise, the result will definitely not meet the standard.

With this thought in mind, Ying Gao decided not to aim too high, but to be down-to-earth step by step, instead of paying attention to soaring into the sky and letting himself step into the air.


"My lord, all the lecturers, including the lecturers of law, medicine, Gewu, Chinese studies, and agriculture, are all here, waiting for your instruction!"

Ma Xing hurried over, and when he thought of the scene with more than 300 people, he was extremely excited. In Daqin, such scenes are rare.


Ying Gao, who was already fully dressed, was silent for a while, and said: "Give them the bamboo slips and carving knives, and at the same time order the officials in Luoyang, except those who must maintain their positions, to participate."

Having said that, Ying Gao glanced at Ma Xing and said, "Order, I'll be there in a while—!"



At this moment, everyone was guessing inexplicably and discussing constantly. In the entire county guard's mansion, everyone had a small case in front of them, with a bamboo slip and a carving knife on the desk.

Before everyone, there was an iron plate made by Shangfang, which was dyed white.

This is what Yinggao is going to write, it is equivalent to the blackboard of later generations, and this room has also undergone a special transformation by the Gongshu family.

It can amplify Ying Gao's voice so that everyone can hear his words.


"I've waited to see adults!"

When Ying Gao appeared in the academy, everyone, regardless of each other, bowed their hands to Ying Gao and said.


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