I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 108 Endless panic on Qinchuan land!

This was the first busy farming period after Qin Wangzheng took charge, and the entire Great Qin court attached great importance to it.

Under the order of the government, many elites left their homes one after another and went to the land of hard labor. At this time, there was an unprecedented scene in the Guanzhong field.

Men, women, old and children went to the fields almost as long as they were laborers. Officials at all levels of the Daqin government entered the village, and all government vehicles were confiscated and drove to the pavilions and ri.

On the field avenue, there is a continuous line of oxcarts loaded with wheat as high as a hill.

There are golden wheat fields all over the mountains and plains. This year is an idea of ​​a good harvest, but the old Qin people are hard-working and willing to harvest wildly under the scorching heat.

The wheat fields on the boundless field disappeared piece by piece. Two months later, the last piece of wheat field on the land of Daqin disappeared, which marked the end of busy summer.

It's just that all the old Qin people never imagined that after Xia Busy this time, a huge disaster will erupt and sweep the whole world.

However, Ying Gao's reminder was not taken seriously. Both Feng Chang and Qin Wangzheng believed that the Great Qin would be smooth.

However, as Ying Gao expected, an unprecedented severe drought has already appeared. The drought lasted for months, and there was no wet soil in the field, so Xia Zhong had no way to start.

At this moment, the entire Qin Dynasty, and even the entire Central Plains were in panic all day long. At the same time, the people of Sanchuan County finally understood Yinggao's well drilling.

For a time, Yinggao's prestige in Sanchuan County was at its peak, and he became a living Buddha of all families.

Compared with Sanchuan County's adequate preparations, Guanzhong has become miserable. The only two old canals in Guanzhong can only irrigate a few counties in the west.

In the face of such a severe drought, how can the two old canals solve this unprecedented drought. What's more, at this time, Zheng Guoqu's huge project has just begun.

In desperation, the farmers who are close to the rivers and lakes are carrying carts day and night to water and rush to plant nests. Facing such natural disasters, this is just a drop in the bucket.

I can only watch the unearthed green seedlings dying, and the whole country wants to cry without tears.

Xianyang Palace.

Qin Wangzheng's face was gloomy, and he felt troublesome for the first time. This unprecedented drought is related to millions of people in Daqin, which is different from Lu Buwei's matter.

"Wang Wan, what's the situation in the counties and counties of Daqin at this stage?"

Qin Wangzheng knew in his heart that the court had to make a decision, otherwise it would lead to greater turmoil.

Facing Qin Wangzheng, Wang Wan was silent for a while, and organized his words in his heart: "My lord, at this stage, the severe drought has swept across the entire Qin land, and the impact on various counties may be greater or less."

"But all of them have been affected. Now the summer planting, I am afraid that there will be no harvest..."

"Now in the whole of Daqin, only Sanchuan County is still busy with the busy summer planting..."

Hearing this, Qin Wangzheng frowned. He knew in his heart that it would be useless to question Fengchang at this time. After looking at Wang Wan, he said, "In the name of Gu, I urgently wrote a letter. Supervise the water and plant, and open the Maoqu to divert water."

"Xia Zhong's matter is related to the foundation of our Great Qin's future, so it cannot be ignored..."


Nodding in agreement, Wang Wan turned and left.


It's just that the measures of the Great Qin court did not help the matter. Until July, there was no rain in the hinterland of the Great Qin, and even the six eastern countries began to experience a severe drought for months.

With the scorching sun raging, hungry people from the Three Jin Dynasty poured into Sanchuan County like a tide, and were accepted by Ying Gao who had already made preparations.

But with the influx of hungry people into Sanchuan County, a frightening astrological prophecy spread with the flood of hungry people.

"My lord, rumors are spreading now. The horror will spread to Xianyang within a few days. This matter is of great importance. If you are not careful, it will cause turmoil in the country."

Hearing this, Ying Gao frowned, cast a glance at Feng Jie, and said, "Feng Jie, with the arrival of hungry people,

What rumors are there? "

"This year, the comet will see the west in the spring and the north in the summer. Eighty days from the south of Dou, the king of Qin will go against the law, causing punishment from the heavens, and causing a severe drought in the world."

"It is said that an astrologer predicted that there will be a great hunger in Qin, the dead will not be counted, and the country will perish!"



With a yell, Ying Gao's expression burst into anger in an instant. He didn't expect that he would be taken advantage of by those who wanted to take in the hungry people.

At this moment, Ying Gao's heart was filled with murderous intent.

"Let the Iron Eagle Swordsmen contact the Black Ice Platform and find out those who spread the rumors without interrogation. Since I have given them the right to live, if they don't cherish it, then go die!"

Seeing Ying Gao's fury, Feng Jie didn't dare to say anything more at this moment, he nodded and agreed to leave.


"It seems that it's time to go to Xianyang, otherwise, many important events will be missed..." Standing in the study, Ying Gao was silent for a long time, and then said to the air.

"Wang Hu tidy up and follow me to Xianyang. This matter can only be resolved if I enter Xianyang myself."


Even Wang Hu, who didn't have much sense of politics, felt a crisis at this moment, which suddenly enveloped Sanchuan County.

He knew in his heart that someone was messing with Daqin, and it was more aimed at Yinggao.


In today's Sanchuan County, all major officials are operating normally. At this moment, Sanchuan County can still operate normally even without Ying Gao.

After changing his clothes, Ying Gao quickly left Luoyang with five iron eagle swordsmen without telling Sanchuan county, and headed straight for Xianyang with the golden arrow in his hand.

three days later.

"Wang Hu, after escorting my son to the royal city, you will return to the mansion..."

On top of the car, Ying Gao looked solemn. He knew in his heart that this was another big challenge for Qin Wangzheng, and this led to Qin Wangzheng's first stupid move since he came to power.


Holding the golden command arrow all the way, coupled with Ying Gao's identity, no matter whether it is Xianyang City or Xianyang King City, they are unimpeded and no one stops them.

"Third Young Master, why are you here?" Outside Qin Wang's study, Zhao Gao looked surprised, he did not expect Ying Gao to come to Xianyang from Sanchuan County.

"I have something important to report to my father, can my father be in the study?" Ying Gao glanced at Zhao Gao, and said in a deep voice.

Ying Gao was right. Rumors abounded, coupled with the ancient drought, this was indeed an important matter for the Great Qin Empire. At this time, only the King of Great Qin could make a bold decision.

Looking up at Ying Gao, Zhao Gao knew in his heart that among all the sheriffs in Daqin, only the sheriff of Sanchuan County was able to come to Xianyang without going through an edict.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Zhao Gao nodded to Ying Gao and said, "Your Majesty is in the study, the third son can enter by himself."


With a slight nod, Ying Gao pushed open the door and walked into the study: "My son Ying Gao pays homage to his father, father Wannian, Daqin Wannian—!"

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