I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 113: Wang Wan wants Ying Gao to persuade King Qin!

The matter of sending troops is of great importance.

There is a way to be a soldier, the major affairs of the country, the place of life and death, the way of survival, Qin Wangzheng will not discuss this kind of matter with Ying Gao, even if he knows that Ying Gao has been a teacher of Wang Jian.

Bad things happened one after another, which made Qin Wangzheng understand that even if he sent troops, he had to be a veteran. Among other things, once he sent troops, he had to win.

Even if it is not a big victory, there must be no mistakes. Otherwise, not only would it not be possible to reverse the current chaotic situation, but even chaos would occur, making the situation even more chaotic.

Qin Wangzheng knew that natural disasters and man-made disasters were endless, if the war failed again, it would affect his prestige among the people of the Great Qin Kingdom.

Therefore, this matter must be cautious!


"Go back and rest, I will let Zhao Gao find you if something happens!" A thought flashed in his mind, Qin Wangzheng smiled at Ying Gao and said.

"My son, leave!"


After leaving Xianyang Palace, Ying Gao walked out of the royal city. He knew in his heart that everything that needed to be said had been said. With Qin Wangzheng's wisdom, no accident should happen.

As soon as he walked out of Xianyang Palace, Ying Gao ran into Chang Shi Wang Wan, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he chuckled, "Chang Shi, are you waiting for me here?"


Nodding her head, Wang Wan smiled awkwardly: "Third Young Master, can I take a step to speak?"

"Chang Shi please!"

Casting a glance at Wang Wan, Ying Gao stretched out his hand and said.

He didn't doubt Wang Wan. After all, Wang Wan was highly valued by Qin Wangzheng, and he was in the midst of his official career, so it was impossible for him to be unfavorable.

People like Wang Wan can only be kings, and it is impossible for Qin Wangzheng to randomly stand in line when Qin Wangzheng took office.

"Chang Shi, wait here for Gao, what can I order?" Walking over, Ying Gao looked at Wang Wan, who was hesitating to speak, and said.


Seeing Ying Gao's questioning, Wang Wan sighed and said, "Third Young Master, Your Majesty is too respectful and outrageous."

"Since the drought broke out, Your Majesty has been like an indefatigable waterwheel, turning sharply day and night. It's either an urgent inspection of the water-deficient counties in Guanzhong, or an urgent discussion."

"If this continues, Your Majesty's body..."


Hearing this, Ying Gao also understood what Wang Wan meant, but he couldn't persuade him, so he was silent for a while, and said to Wang Wan.

"Chang Shi, after I've been busy for a while, I'll go to persuade my father, just forget about it for a while!"

Ying Gao knew in his heart that this was the price of being born a king. There was never anything in this world for nothing. Since he became the king of Daqin, he had to shoulder the responsibility of Daqin.

Now that the severe drought is sweeping through the entire Guanzhong, the entire Great Qin except Sanchuan County is suffering from the disaster in the eyes. At this time, Qin Wangzheng has to stay up all night.

No one can stop this point!

And at this time, Ying Gao will not stop him. This kind of behavior is the love for the people of the Great Qin Kingdom. Otherwise, there will be heavy casualties.

"Chang Shi, disaster relief is important..."


Ying Gao left Xianyang Palace. He knew in his heart that Qin Wangzheng was worried not only about the severe drought in Guanzhong, but also about the six kingdoms in Shandong.

Just like what Ying Gao said, the 200,000 Great Qin Ruishi is the sharpest sword, which can be used both internally and externally. The same is true for the six kingdoms of Shandong.

Once the severe drought swept across the entire Central Plains, the six kingdoms of Shandong had no choice but to attack Qin.

Therefore, Qin Wangzheng must consider preventing the six kingdoms from endangering Guanzhong.

It is really rare that the land of Great Qin, the Three Jin Dynasties of the Central Plains, and even the entire Central Plains are in severe drought.

But it is also because of this that it will be involved in a wide range. At this time, the famine will surely spread, and even quickly sweep Daqin.

After all, Daqin has always had a national policy of accepting refugees into Qin,

This is a good thing at other times, but at this moment, it may not be the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Ying Gao knew in his heart that while the Great Qin sent troops to deter the Central Plains, solving the refugee problem became the top priority of the Great Qin court.

It's a pity that at this moment, Yinggao is very soft-spoken, even if he reports to Qin Wangzheng, it won't be of much effect, he can only watch everything happen.


"Young master, there is news from Sanchuan County that the number of hungry people in the Sanjin region has reached tens of thousands. If this continues, Sanchuan County won't be able to hold on for long..."

In the study room, Wang Hu's face was full of solemnity. The land of Sanjin and Sanchuan County were too close, so it was not a long-term solution at all.

Hearing this, Ying Gao fell silent.

Ying Gao had seen the map of Daqin, and even understood the population and environment of Daqin. He knew in his heart that the population of Guanzhong alone was more than three million.

If refugees are allowed to enter Qin Dynasty at this time, only Han and Wei countries may flood hundreds of thousands of hungry people in Guanzhong within half a year!

If the hungry people of Zhao State flow in again from Pingyang, Hedong, and the refugees from Northern Chu flow in from Wuguan, Xiaoshan, it can be said that in just half a year, the number of refugees will increase to one million.

This number is enough to crush Sanchuan County to death.

"Young master, why don't we block the major passes and prevent refugees from entering Qin, only in this way can we Qin people save ourselves..." Wang Hu's eyes flashed, and he said to Ying Gao every word.

"Furthermore, I, the Great Qin Fadu, have never opened warehouses for disaster relief, but only allocated farm tools and livestock to the refugees to settle down, so as to inspire them to help themselves."

"During the severe drought, there was no harvest in the field, and now you can save yourself?"


For a moment, just a few words left Ying Gao speechless. Compared with Wang Hu, Ying Gao's consideration of Da Qin was a little more unrealistic after all.

Hearing this, Ying Gao shook his head and said: "The population is scarce in the world, and it has been our national policy for a hundred years to absorb refugees into Qin. Not to mention me, even my father would not dare to block the major passes to prevent refugees from entering."

"Wang Hu, write back to Feng Jie: The state policy of Sanchuan County remains unchanged, and all the refugees will be absorbed. Then, according to the previous national policy of Daqin, farm tools and livestock will be distributed to the refugees for their settlements, so as to motivate them to save themselves."

"I also ordered the Black Ice Platform to intervene to ensure that all those who entered the Qin Dynasty were refugees and had a clean background. As long as they found spies from various countries, they would be killed without mercy."


Ying Gao's eyes were bright, and he knew in his heart that there was no way for him to retreat. At this time, he could only bite the bullet. After all, only Sanchuan County had the strength to spare in the whole of Daqin.

At this critical moment, Sanchuan County must do more. Similarly, absorbing refugees can increase the population of Sanchuan County.

In this way, as long as the severe drought is over, when millions of refugees enter Qin, Sanchuan County will be greatly prosperous, and even a few years later, Luoyang may not be able to compete with Xianyang.

This will be a huge improvement for Yinggao's future layout. With this in mind, Yinggao has made a decision to accept refugees with all his strength.

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