I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 115 Starting today, I, Daqin, must change my mind


After packing up, Huan He came to sit in the tent when he suddenly saw King Qin in the big tent of the shogunate, his face flushed instantly, and he couldn't help feeling very embarrassed.

At this moment, Huan He was wearing a brown leather hagar, a cloak embroidered with gold and black silk, a handsome nine-inch spearhead helmet on his head, and long-waisted copper-nailed combat boots on his feet. His expression returned to normal, and he looked hale and vigorous.

"Old general, are you more comfortable?" Qin Wangzheng had a comfortable smile on his face, and he was extremely relaxed.

Seeing this, Ying Gao's expression also changed slightly. He had to admit that Qin Wangzheng is a born emperor, who can take care of a person's emotions no matter at any time.

And it can be handled very cleverly, making people not very embarrassed. After thinking about it, Ying Gao couldn't help feeling inexplicable.

"Your Majesty, this old minister has recently contracted a strange disease, and his whole body is itching unbearably. Only by washing it with cold water several times can he feel better."

Huan He explained to Qin Wangzheng, saying: "The old minister has been seeking medical treatment for a long time, but he still can't solve it. The king laughed at him..."

"The old general was injured for our Great Qin's southern and northern wars, and I owe you this alone!"

Qin Wangzheng looked solemn, and there was no smile on his face anymore, he assured Huan He, saying: "When I return to Xianyang, I will ask the Imperial Medical Office to send someone to see the old general!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty..."

At this moment, Qin Wangzheng cast a glance at Yinggao. His expectations for Yinggao's Sanchuan University couldn't help but become higher. He knew in his heart that once he followed Yinggao's thinking, many things would be resolved.

Through Huan He's involvement in this matter, Qin Wangzheng also knew that the seemingly perfect Qin system was actually full of loopholes.



With a wave of Qin Wangzheng's hand, everyone took their seats calmly and took their seats in different positions, waiting for the leader Qin Wangzheng to speak.

The matter of the severe drought has already swept the world, even in the army, everyone knows it, and Heng Gan and others are naturally clear about it.

They even knew a thing or two about the purpose of Qin Wangzheng's trip, but they didn't dare to say anything if Qin Wangzheng didn't open his mouth.


"The matter is urgent right now, and severe drought is sweeping across Guanzhong. At such a critical time, man-made disasters may not necessarily happen."

Seeing that the generals were seated calmly, Qin Wangzheng didn't say much, and went straight to the point: "This king came here today, expressing that he will discuss with you a proper strategy!"

"When a severe drought is sweeping through Guanzhong and the people are panicking, how can we prevent the six countries from sending troops and endangering Guanzhong?"

The disaster of the Six Kingdoms endangers Guanzhong!

This is what Qin Wangzheng is worried about. Compared with natural disasters, man-made disasters are often more cruel, and now there are many refugees, showing a large-scale invasion of Qin.

This made Qin Wangzheng even more restless. After all, he had only just been in charge of the government, and his experience was limited.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on Guowei Mengwu. Among all the people, except Qin Wangzheng, Mengwu had the highest official position.

Sensing the eyes of everyone, Meng Wu thought for a moment, organized his words in his mind, and said: "The hinterland of the Great Qin and the three Jins of the Central Plains suffered a severe drought. This is a rare disaster in the world."

"The land of the Three Jins borders our Great Qin, and our Great Qin has a policy of recruiting refugees to enter Qin since Duke Xiao. Therefore, the veteran thought: the first priority at present is to immediately change the traditional national policy of Great Qin, and we can no longer reward refugees to enter Qin."

"Using the imperial edict: close all the passes, ferries, and dense mountain and forest roads entering Daqin, so that the hungry people from the three Jin Dynasties in the Central Plains will not flow into the pass."

"Otherwise, the Chinese people have limited food reserves, and there is no mountain forest to survive the famine. I am afraid that the 200,000 Qin soldiers will not be used abroad, but used to suppress the country."


"Your Majesty, the last general thinks what the captain said is true. The current situation is tense, and we should consider the mainland of Great Qin..." All the generals in the shogunate agreed one after another.

Only Ying Gao remained silent.

Similarly, Qin Wangzheng is also frowning. As the king of a country, he needs to be thoughtful, not only thinking about the present, but also thinking about the future.

Qin Wangzheng's eyes were dark, he glanced at the silent Ying Gao, and said, "Young Master Gao, do you have a different opinion on Guo Wei's words? Why didn't you say a word?"

Hearing this, Ying Gao's eyes moved. He knew in his heart that Qin Wangzheng was unwilling to refute in person. At this time, he wanted him to be Qin Wang's sword.

With this in mind, Ying Gao said to Qin Wangzheng, "Father, the national lieutenant governs the pass fortress, and it is his natural joint responsibility to check the inflow and outflow of people."

"It's just that my Great Qin's national policy has not changed for a hundred years, and I must not destroy the century-old sign of my Great Qin just because of a temporary natural disaster."

"What's more, in the world's great struggle, the talents that are fighting for are the same as the reason why Lord Wu An killed the enemy back then."

"Killing the enemy will naturally make our Great Qin stronger. Similarly, if the people of the enemy country enter Qin, it will also make our Great Qin stronger and weaken the enemy's power."

"Furthermore, the foundation of Sanchuan County has not been damaged, and the acceptance of refugees must not be stopped. As for this natural disaster, it will be disintegrated from other places..."

"Your Majesty, the third son, the old minister has calculated that the number of starving people from the Central Plains will reach nearly one million, plus the three million people in Guanzhong."

"My Great Qin Fadu has never opened warehouses for disaster relief, but only allocated farm tools and livestock to refugees to settle down, so as to inspire them to save themselves."

"Nowadays there is a severe drought, and I, Daqin, finally closed the fields to the refugees, and they will not be able to cultivate them. At that time, there will inevitably be chaos for food, leaving hidden worries for Guanzhong."


Hearing this, Ying Gao paused, and looked at Meng Wu with a hint of admiration in his eyes. The officials of Daqin are very familiar with their responsibilities.

What Meng Wu said at this moment is a huge problem. If it is not handled properly, even if it is to admit refugees into Qin, it will become a big problem at that time.

Even once fermented, it is far more complicated and troublesome than the severe drought.

"Guo Wei, the great struggle in the world lies in the people of the country, but the father and the king have ambitions for the world, so they cannot cut themselves off from the people of the world."

Ying Gao looked solemn, he knew in his heart that Qin Wangzheng had ambitions for the world, so Da Qin could not continue to pursue the previous strategy.

"The people of the country are not safe, and the avenue is safe!"

Meng Wu scolded angrily, his expression was extremely bad, obviously, he was targeting Ying Gao.

Hearing this, Ying Gao took a look at Qin Wangzheng, closed his eyes slightly, and then opened them: "In the past, Guowei's strategy was naturally feasible, after all, I am in a corner of the Qin Dynasty."

"Even if it is a duty, I, Daqin, can ignore it. The responsibilities of the Central Plains have nothing to do with my Daqin!"

"But now that my father is interested in the world, my Great Qin has gradually gained the capital to unify the world, so my Great Qin must change his mind."

"In the past, I, Daqin, could be selfish because we didn't ask for anything else..."

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