I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 1,149 Zhao Wangjia’s choice, one after another, orders out of the shogunate.

"Go and see the soldiers!"

Ying Gao opened his mouth, and the iron eagle warriors escorted him forward. They had just conquered Handan, and everything was in chaos, and people were in panic.

Accidents are most likely to occur at this time.

Ying Gao has reason to believe that there are definitely no fewer people in Zhao who want to kill him than those who want to kill Qin Wangzheng.

These mobs, dazzled by hatred, are irrational and crazy, and they will burst out with terrifying destructive power.

Therefore, Ying Gao has always been protected by three thousand Iron Eagle warriors. After all, Ying Gao is a person who has been protected by the army all year round in Xianyang.

His fear of death was far greater than that of the King of Qin.

Perhaps people who have experienced death desire to live more and are more aware of the horror of death.

Bai Zhong looked at the soldiers in front of him with bitterness on his face.

Back then, his father faced 400,000 Zhao soldiers who surrendered, and had to trap and kill the surrendered soldiers for the sake of Qin. Now he still faces this embarrassing situation.

However, he is in a much better situation than his father.

Now that the Qin Dynasty has begun to destroy Zhao, the Zhao people in the future will be the Qin people. As long as they don't cause chaos, these surrendered soldiers should be able to survive.

The killing and surrender are unknown.

Everyone understands this truth. No general is an absolute murderer, and they will be frightened even when they give orders to kill.

"The last general has met General Ying." Seeing Ying Gao arriving, Bai Zhong couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said to Ying Gao.


Nodding slightly, Ying Gao walked over and watched the Zhao army surrender under the control of the Great Qin warriors: "General Bai, how is the situation?"

"General Ying, these people are lifeless. There is no change or resistance at the moment."

"Approximately how many descendants are there?"

The war has not yet ended, and the Zhao royal family has not been destroyed. At this time, the casualties have not been counted. Therefore, Ying Gao does not know how many casualties the Qin warriors have suffered, and how many Zhao soldiers have surrendered.

Hearing this, Baizhong quickly replied, "General Ying, the Zhao army here has one hundred thousand surrendered soldiers, but those from the royal city have not yet been sent."

"There are one hundred thousand people. If we include those in the royal city, there will be about 130,000 people."

After thinking for a while, Ying Gao pondered and said: "I will be detained here for the time being. I will wait until I think clearly and ask my father for instructions before I make a decision."

"If someone messes around, we will kill them locally to prevent the situation from escalating."


Seeing that Bai Zhong was not in trouble here, Ying Gao also breathed a sigh of relief. On the way back to the royal city, Ying Gao turned to Fan Zeng and said, "Sir, let the civil servants who came with the army take over Handan City immediately and seal off the treasury. , inspect the property of the Zhao royal family and the residences of Zhao’s civil and military officials.”

"At the same time, we are ready to announce some things to calm the people, and at the same time, we give orders to all the people in Handan City. From now on, a ban will be implemented in Handan City. Everyone should stay at home and not go out. Otherwise, they will be killed according to the rebel army."


This is the privilege of the victor.

The war has been won. For the Zhao people, they have lost all rights. Even living is a gift given to them by Ying Gao.

As the winner, he has the power of life and death, and also has the privilege of redistributing wealth.

Handan Palace.

Ying Gao only ordered the palace to be sealed, but he did not imprison them and control them. At least above the main hall, they could move freely.

"My dear friends, what shall we do now?" Zhao Wangjia had no choice but to speak when he saw that the faces of the civil and military officials in the court were ashen and they did not say a word.

At this time, Zhao Wangjia regretted it. If he had known that Zhao Cong and others were so useless, he would not have joined forces with Zhao Cong to seize power.

If Pang Yuan and others were here, maybe everything would still be in their hands, and Ying Gao would not be able to conquer Handan.

"Your Majesty, the royal city of Handan has been captured, Prime Minister Lianpo was killed in the battle, General Zhao was killed while defending the royal city, and now the entire Handan army has surrendered except those who died in the battle."

Chunping Jun looked at Zhao Wangjia with a gloomy face and said: "Now that the Qin army is in control of the palace, we can't even get out. What else can we do except obey orders and win the battle?"

As soon as Chunping Jun's words came out, the entire Handan Palace was silent. It was not that they had not thought about resisting, but Ying Gao's ruthlessness was beyond everyone's imagination.

That person doesn't care about the opinions of the people in the world at all. If the benefits are enough, he will draw his sword and kill people. In front of such a massacre, resistance will only accelerate their death.

"Your Majesty, the matter has come to this, we have no choice but to surrender." The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty began to persuade them that they did not want to die for Zhao.

Judging from Ying Gao's previous achievements, some of the Zhao royal family could be killed in one meal, especially the direct lineage of the Zhao royal family, and they basically had no offense against others.

At this moment, Zhao Wangjia's eyes passed over the faces of every minister, and finally he closed his eyes in pain. He knew in his heart that the Kingdom of Zhao was finished.

"Chunping Jun drafted an edict for me to meet all the requirements of Prince Qin. I only have one condition, and that is to let me go and let the Zhao royal family go."

Zhao State is beyond salvation.

Even though Li Mu still has heavy troops in his hands, even the most elite army of the Zhao State, and there are also the elites of the Zhao State in the direction of Wu'an, Zhao Wangjia knows that water far away cannot quench his thirst nearby.

This time the Qin State dispatched General Wang Jian, General Meng Tian, ​​and Prince Ying Gao of Qin. Ying Gao was able to conquer Handan and force Lian Po to death. Wang Jian was also able to hold back Li Mu. Meng Tian even defeated thirteen cities in a row and suppressed Lian Po. Attack Zhao Jun in the direction of Wu'an.

Neither Li Mu nor Wu'an were able to protect themselves and could not go south in a short period of time. Zhao Wangjia did everything in order to survive.

He knew that Ying Gao really knew how to kill.

When he dies, even if Li Mu wins, it will have nothing to do with him. More importantly, Ying Gao will go crazy and kill everyone.

If he doesn't bow his head and agree to Ying Gao's conditions, no one from the Zhao royal family in Handan City will be left.

In this way, the State of Zhao will truly be destroyed, and there will be no chance of a comeback.


Nodding, Chunping-kun also looked ugly. He forced Zhao Wangjia to survive, but no matter what, he was also a Zhao and a member of the Zhao royal family.

Now that I am watching the destruction of the Zhao Kingdom, I naturally feel uncomfortable. Especially since this edict was written by him, this made Chunping-kun even more uncomfortable.

"General Ying, Handan City has been completely taken over. Zhao Guo's treasury and library have been sealed off. All forces in the city are being counted one by one." Yang Duanhe walked into the shogunate and saluted Ying Gao.

The current attitude of Yang Duanhe and others is extremely respectful. Before this, they also knew how powerful the prince was, but they had not witnessed it with their own eyes, so they had some doubts.

Especially outside Handan City, Ying Gao and Chen Bing did nothing in the early stage, which naturally caused misunderstandings by some generals and soldiers who did not understand.

However, this battle destroyed all suspicions and rumors.

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