I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 121 Father, Mengshi is from Qi State.

Evict order!

Ying Gao knew that the damage to Daqin was too great, but Qin Wangzheng, who was overly angry, could not be persuaded by everyone.

Not to mention him winning high, even if Meng Tian came, it might not be useful.

After the death of Wenxin Hou Lu Buwei, Qin Wangzheng completely lost his fear, and he was like a wild horse running wild.

There is no consideration of one thing in the long run!

At this moment, the disheartened Ying Gao turned around and walked out. He had already decided to return to Luoyang and continue his work.

He didn't care about Qin Wangzheng's life or death.


"Young Master Gao, do you think I did something wrong?" The moment Ying Gao stepped on the door, Qin Wangzheng's voice was full of endless exhaustion.

Hearing this, Ying Gao turned around solemnly and glanced at Qin Wangzheng. At this moment, he felt a chance to change.

After all, Qin Wangzheng's attitude has softened a lot, maybe speaking at this time can save the chaos of Great Qin.

With this in mind, Ying Gao looked at Qin Wangzheng and said, "Father, Daqin and Shandong scholars have become one and inseparable."

"Nowadays, the order to chase away guests is tantamount to eviscerating Daqin. Once all the guests from Shandong leave, our Daqin will not only be in chaos at the court, but also panic among the people."

"This is basically a strategy to weaken my Great Qin and strengthen the six kingdoms of Shandong..."


At this time, the Great Qin cannot withstand any waves, otherwise, the efforts of the Great Qin princes will be completely lost, and the advantages that have been won with great difficulty will no longer exist.

Ying Gao knew in his heart that this matter not only related to Qin Wangzheng, but also related to his own destiny.

In history, there are Li Si's remonstrance orders to expel guests, but this history, because of his appearance, has changed beyond recognition.

At this moment, Ying Gao didn't dare to report his hope. If Li Si didn't make a move, he would be cheated by then.

The Great Qin Empire cannot be established, even if Ying Gao has countless abilities, he cannot display them, and many dreams cannot be realized.

"Your Majesty, General Meng Tian is begging to see you!" At this moment, Zhao Gao's voice sounded, and compared with usual, Zhao Gao's tone was a bit more bleak.

The expulsion order swept across the entire Qin Dynasty, and the harm caused, ranging from the Sangong Jiuqing to the common people, has already felt absurd.



Meng Tian walked in from the outside of the hall, travel-stained, his face was even more gloomy and terrifying, walked into the main hall, bowed solemnly to Qin Wangzheng, and said.

"Your Majesty, I have rushed back from the east of the river, and I have something important to report."

After finishing speaking, he took out the copper pipe under his clothes and handed it to Qin Wangzheng without saying a word.

Qin Wangzheng glanced at Meng Tian in surprise, puzzled, and said: "Meng Tian, ​​what is this?"

Hearing this, Meng Tian looked solemnly, and said to Qin Wangzheng, "Your Majesty, this is a secret document that Li Si urgently sent to the minister's residence, stating that I want my minister to hand it over to the King."

"At that time, I was not in Xianyang, and my brother Meng Yi sent it to Hedong Daying overnight; I didn't open it, so I rushed back to Xianyang to be a messenger."

"So, I don't know what's in it!"

Casting a glance at Meng Tian, ​​Qin Wangzheng's face was cold, almost gloomy: "Since it was delivered to your house, why didn't you open it?"


Sighing, Meng Tian said in a deep voice: "If it is usual, I would open it and check it myself, but I can't do this."


At this moment, Qin Wangzheng's face was ugly, his eyes were like knives, as if he was staring at a stranger he had never known, his expression was particularly gloomy.

At this time, it was the time when Qin Wangzheng was under a lot of pressure, and he most needed the support of his confidants like Meng Tian and others.

After all, Meng Tian is different from ordinary people. He is not only Qin Wangzheng's confidant, but also his younger brother. Otherwise, General Xianyang, Xianyang Order, such an important official position,

Wouldn't be alone.

Seeing the dignified atmosphere between the monarch and his ministers, Ying Gao rolled his eyes and said to Qin Wangzheng, "Father, the Meng family is from Qi!"


Father, Mengshi is from Qi State.

These eight words were like thunder, in Qin Wangzheng's heart, it was like a stone breaking the sky, making Qin Wangzheng's face change suddenly.

At this moment, Meng Tian also looked solemn, and said in a cold tone: "I never thought that Daqin would have this day, everyone is in danger, and the whole country is suspicious."

"There is only one reason, Mengshi is from Qi!"

Hearing this, Qin Wangzheng's eyes suddenly went dark, he couldn't help but grabbed Meng Tian's collar, and said eagerly: "You mean, someone suspects you, Meng Tian? Suspects Mengshi?"

Qin Wangzheng knew in his heart that Meng Tian's identity was not simple, he was the mainstay of the Xiaodong faction, and also the young and strong faction of the Great Qin Army.

Taking a deep look at Meng Tian, ​​Qin Wangzheng opened the brass pipe, glanced at it, then put the brass pipe on the long table, his expression changed drastically.

"Zhao Gao, hurry up! The four-horse king chariot rushed to Hangu Pass and stopped Li Si! Please come back to Gu!"


Zhao Gao replied, turned around and left the hall, Ying Gao's eyes were bright, and he knew in his heart that the parchment must be a book of remonstrance and expelling guests.

The reason why Qin Wangzheng sent Zhao Gao was because Zhao Gao was eighteen or nineteen years old at the moment. He was not only young and strong, but also had two extraordinary skills.

One is to drive a horse and tame a horse, and the other is to run lightly. Zhao Gao is better than Cepheus in driving and better than Mengwu in legs and feet.

This is one of the reasons why Qin Wangzheng reused him, and even favored Zhao Gao later.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Gao knew better than anyone else that there were dragons and crouching tigers hidden in the Great Qin, as long as anyone who left his name in history, he was responsible for something extraordinary.

Ying Gao once knew the history of the Great Qin, and knew almost three points of the famous people in the history of the Great Qin, especially the powerful King Wu of Qin.

At first, Ying Gao knew King Qin Wu only because of his name, Ying Dang.

However, as he got to know him better, he became more aware of the extraordinaryness of this person, and because of this, Ying Gao understood who Zaofu and Meng Wu were.

Zaofu is King Zhou Mu's king's chariot driver, and his horse-training and driving skills are astonishing in the past; after all, King Zhou Mu is a legend, and among the emperors of all dynasties in China, he is also an alternative wonder.

King Mu of Zhou once drove a car to hunt in Central Asia, had a good relationship with the Queen Mother of the West, and obtained the elixir of life. It can be seen from this that the ability of Cepheid.

And Meng Wu is the two foot warriors of King Wu of Qin, one is Meng Ben and the other is Wu Huo.

The two never rode horses, and every time they went to the battlefield, they only galloped like flying beside King Qin Wu's four-horse chariot, never falling behind.

From these three people, it can be seen that Zhao Gao's talent is extraordinary and he is a genius.

What's more, Ying Gao knew that Zhao Gao was so proficient in Qin Fa that he became the teacher of the son Hu Hai, and he took advantage of Qin Fa's loopholes in the future.

As thoughts turned in his mind, Ying Gao became even more afraid of Zhao Gao. People like Zhao Gao can rise no matter what conditions they are placed on.

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