I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 123: The Dry City of the Country!

"Third Young Master, is Your Majesty intending to abolish the order of expulsion?"

At this moment, Meng Tian's expression changed, and he said to Ying Gao.

Montaigne knew in his heart that the young Qin Wangzheng had always regarded him as a confidant, and he was almost straightforward when facing anything. As long as it was good for Da Qin and Qin Wangzheng, he would speak out.

However, this was not his first letter of remonstrance, but Li Si's. He knew in his heart that Qin Wangzheng had a clear understanding of his heart, but he was also dissatisfied with his twitchiness.

Just thinking about Daqin's current situation, Meng Tian's heart seemed to be covered with a shadow, and he had to suppress the words in his heart again.


Nodding his head, Ying Gao smiled at Meng Tian, ​​and explained something for Ying Zheng: "My father just got the news when a severe drought swept across the country and the whole country was in panic. It's just a cover-up."

"The general and the father are together all day long, don't you know about the brilliance and martial arts of the father?"


Slightly nodding his head, Meng Tian nodded to Ying Gao, then turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, I have a matter that needs to be made clear by your Majesty before you can report it. Please forgive me——!"

Ying Zheng, who was originally dissatisfied because of Meng Tian's refusal to speak out, suddenly darkened his face, stared at Meng Tian closely, paused every word, and said, "How can I stop?"

At this moment, Meng Tian didn't dare to be careless. Regardless of Ying Zheng's ashen face, he bowed solemnly and said, "May I ask the king if he is determined to abolish the expulsion order?"

Hearing this, the corners of Ying Zheng's mouth twitched crazily, and a nameless fire rose into the sky deep in his heart, and he almost jumped to curse people, but at this moment, the emperor's heart was fully demonstrated in Ying Zheng's body.

Although he was angry in his heart, he knew better about Meng Tian's character and talent, Meng Tian is definitely not a mediocre person, and his character is even more rare, otherwise he would not be his childhood friend, let alone his confidant.

Thoughts were churning in his mind, Ying Zheng took a deep look at Meng Tian, ​​and said to Fa Xiaojia's confidant solemnly, "General Xianyang, Xianyang Order, just as Mr. Gao said, the order to expel guests must be abolished, if you have anything to say, just speak up! "


Overjoyed, Meng Tian quickly turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, what I want to say is that a large number of Daqin officials have not yet been lost—!"

Hearing this, Ying Zheng's expression changed suddenly, and Ying Gao and Wang Wan looked at each other, feeling surprised, and couldn't help looking at Meng Tian, ​​trying to figure out what happened.


Ying Zheng let out a surprise, and then joy appeared in the depths of his eyes, he helped Meng Tian up, and said, "Speaking carefully, what is this all about?"


Hearing Ying Zheng's questioning and seeing Ying Zheng helping him, Meng Tian hurriedly got up and bowed his hands to Ying Zheng: "Under the order to chase away guests, the generals in the army have doubts, and they are afraid that the morale of the army will be shaken."

"Old General Huan He, General Wang Jian and I conducted secret business together, and carried out two major deployments overnight, in order to stabilize the morale of the army and prevent the Great Qin from changing!"

"One of them is to suspend the expulsion order for the time being in the name of not being too troublesome during the war; the second is to let the minister lead a thousand flying cavalry to gallop and patrol the three main roads out of Qin, and specifically block officials and scholars who leave Qin."

"Currently, more than 2,000 people have been stopped at Hangu Pass, Wuguan Pass, and Hexi Shaoliang Town..."


Hearing Meng Tian finished speaking, Ying Zheng couldn't help showing joy, and said to Meng Tian, ​​"The three generals have helped me a lot this time."

"Meng Tian and the other three generals are worthy of being the leaders of the country, Ying Gao admires—!"

At this moment, Ying Gao opened his mouth and said.

To be honest, this is the truth in his heart. Ying Gao is familiar with Qin Fa, and naturally knows what a big risk Meng Tian and others have done. If Ying Zheng withdraws the order to expel guests, it will be a great achievement.

However, if Yingzheng insists on going his own way, it will be a death penalty, and even their clansmen will be implicated, and most importantly, this matter is beneficial to them, but it is even more beneficial to Daqin.

Everything they do is for the public good.

At this moment, Ying Gao was greatly shocked, and couldn't help but feel a touch of emotion in his heart. He suddenly understood that the reason why the Great Qin Empire was unique and thriving in all ages, maybe apart from the invincibility of the great Qin warriors and the invincibility of Ying Zheng. In addition to Peerless Wushuang, the emperor and his subjects are all loyal to Daqin.

Dry city of the country!

These four words, Meng Tian and others can afford them.

"What Young Master Gao said is right, you are worthy of the four words of the country's dry city!" Ying Zheng also sighed with emotion. It is his honor to have such a minister.


Meng Tian was not deceived by the country's dry city, but bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said, "We originally discussed and decided to support soldiers with military rations and nurses as military officials. Scholars from the Six Kingdoms who were officials had to be released secretly."

"Today, since your Majesty is determined to abolish the ban on expelling guests, please hurry back to Hedong to calm people's hearts and strengthen morale!"


Hearing this, Ying Zheng took a deep look at Meng Tian, ​​and a touch of emotion flashed in the depths of his eyes, he paused every word of Meng Tian, ​​and said: "It is the great honor of the Great Qin Empire to have officials like you, and it is also a lonely honor— —!”

"Start immediately, hold the golden command arrow, and do not stop at any pass along the way. Those who deliberately block, I will grant you the power of life and death—!"

This is the emperor through the ages!

Once a decision is made, it is bound to be swift and resolute.

At this moment, Yingzheng has come to his senses that a stable and stable Qin Dynasty is the kingly way, and he is also aware of the ulterior motives of the clan ministers.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and Ying Zheng was a little nervous at this moment. He is a peerless emperor who has never been seen before or since, but he is just growing up now. Only after going through all kinds of hardships can he become a real dragon on the city wall of Xianyang.

Suddenly, when encountering such a major event, everyone would panic, and Ying Zheng was no exception.

"Young Master Gao, what if Li Si doesn't want to join the Qin Dynasty?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall fell into silence, and they were all first-class wise people, so they naturally understood the meaning hidden in Ying Zheng's words.

But, at this moment, no one dared to speak.

Since ancient times, wise men came and weak men left, even a domineering king like Wu made Zhang Yi leave. Now when Ying Zheng said this, no one dared to answer casually, and all looked at Ying Gao.


With a cold tone, Ying Gao's face was serious at this moment, he paused every word, and said: "Li Si is a great talent, if he can't be used by his father, he will be the greatest enemy of Qin's unification of the world."

"If Li Si is allowed to leave, there will be more deaths of Daqin warriors, and countless families will be destroyed in Daqin."

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