I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 126 Do you know how much money he owes Jiannan Chamber of Commerce?

This sentence is a bit rascal!

However, Wang Wan was speechless for a moment. Ying Gao, the son of Qin, shouldn't have said these words, but Wang Wan was sensible, and he knew in his heart that what Ying Gao said was true.

This point cannot be ignored.

When the severe drought was out of control and the court was helpless, the hungry people could only starve to death.

This is the world of great contention!

Everything needs to be fought by oneself, rather than relying on the supply from the court. What's more, the Qin court will only assist, and will not directly supply food. If it is not handled well, it is not nonsense that people will starve to death.

At this moment, Wang Wan also had a deeper understanding of Ying Gao. As expected of being born into a royal family, he is really decisive and has a cold personality.


Time passed bit by bit, and Ying Gao was no better than Ying Zheng and Wang Wan. At this moment, he was out of energy, lying on the long case, and fell into sleep.

Seeing Ying Gao's appearance, Ying Zheng didn't wake him up, but said to Wang Wan, "Chang Shi, how much do you know about the situation in Sanchuan County?"

"Your Majesty, although the Sanchuan County Governor Sangong is in Xianyang, the officials at all levels perform their duties and are still operating normally, and because of the influx of hungry people, this happens to be cheaper for the Sangong."

Wang Wan glanced at Ying Gao who was sleeping on the long table, and said, "Due to the influx of hungry people, what Sanchuan County lacks most is labor force, the river channels in Sanchuan County, the construction of Jiannan Square, and the construction of Sanchuan University. The construction is already on the right track.”

"Moreover, there is reliable news that Sanchuan County has already started to train lecturers, and at the same time conduct enlightenment and assessment for students who are about to enroll."

"It's just that, to study at Sanchuan University, everyone needs to pay a tuition fee of 1,000 yuan a semester, and 2,000 yuan a year. Ordinary people simply cannot afford to study there."

"The third son ordered that unless he has special skills or has made special contributions to Sanchuan County and Daqin, he can enroll for free. Of course, for students with excellent examination results, he will also enroll for free, and Sanchuan University will even issue bursaries. .”


Hearing this, Ying Zheng's heart moved, and he took a deep look at Ying Gao. He didn't expect that his son had gathered a huge force before he knew it.

He knew in his heart that once the students of Sanchuan University were not as good as the officialdom, it would be a frighteningly powerful political force, and a new political faction was about to appear.

At this moment, Ying Zheng never doubted the strength of the Sanchuan Department, nor the potential of the Sanchuan Department, and that the Sanchuan Department would become Ying Gao's right-hand man.

With this in mind, Ying Zheng turned to Wang Wan and said, "Chang Shi, what do you think of Sanchuan University?"

"Your Majesty, after all, Sanchuan University will become the Jixia Academy of the Great Qin Dynasty. Once the students of Sanchuan University are not as good as the imperial court, there will be huge turmoil, and even the princes will be powerless to fight—!"

Wang Wan knew in her heart that Ying Gao had become powerful since he went to Sanchuan County. Whether it was the eldest son Fusu or the second son Jiang Lu, they were far behind, and there was no comparison between them.

At this moment, the third son Yinggao already has the embryonic form of a future political faction, and the Sanchuan faction will inevitably follow Yinggao's lead. The only shortcoming is the lack of support from the army.


Ying Zheng shook his head, remained silent for a while, and said, "Young Master Gao has accomplished many things. Do you know what price he paid for doing these things?"

"I don't know!"

Wang Wan shook her head. Regarding this matter, he only considered Ying Gao's threat. He didn't think about it deeply, nor did he think about what Ying Gao paid for such an achievement.

Maybe that's how it is in the world,

People only see a person's achievements, see a person's glory, but can't see the cruelty before this person's glory.

Taking a deep look at Wang Wan, Ying Zheng said in a low tone, "The reason why Sanchuan County survived the severe drought and even took the initiative to attract hungry people is Ying Gao's idea, but after Ying Gao, in Sanchuan After the county, occupy the Jiannan Chamber of Commerce."

"At this moment, Young Master Gao has already owed an amount equivalent to Daqin's annual tax, as the development of Sanchuan County—!"

Ying Zheng's expression is dignified, which is why he has always supported Ying Gao vigorously, and even relaxed. Ying Gao is young, but his methods are good. The most important thing is that he feels Ying Gao's self-sufficiency towards Da Qin. Heartfelt sincerity.

Because of this, Ying Zheng reversed his prejudice against Ying Gao and sent Iron Eagle Swordsman as Ying Gao's guard. He is a king, and he knows in his heart that none of his sons can surpass Ying Gao so far. high.

He even said that even at the age of eight, he was not necessarily stronger than Ying.

This is a seedling of the crown prince!

"Your Majesty, I'm wrong, the third son is sincerely for Qin, and he should be the pillar of the Great Qin!"

At this moment, Wang Wan also lowered his head. He knew in his heart that even if such a Ying Gao became the crown prince, it would be a good thing for Daqin.


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng looked at Wang Wan and said, "During the preparation of Sanchuan University, Young Master Gao told Gu that Sanchuan University would be Daqin's Jixia Academy, and it was even worse to let Gu be the principal. .”

"That's the end of this matter, don't mention it in the future—!"

After a warning, Ying Zheng stopped talking. He knew in his heart that this matter could only end here, and every change would bring strong opposition.

The current Yinggao is still too young to withstand the storm.

As a father, as the Great Qin King, Ying Zheng must be protected, otherwise, most of the peerless geniuses will be killed in the middle way.

"It's five o'clock—!"


A trace of uneasiness flashed in the depths of Ying Zheng's eyes, and then it was replaced by a calmness like a thousand-year-old pond. He knew in his heart that if Zhao Gao stopped Li Si before Hangu Pass, according to Zhao Gao's foot strength, he would have almost reached Xianyang by now. .

"Your Majesty, I must have entered the Xianyang King City by now, and we will arrive soon—!"

At this time, Wang Wan could only comfort Ying Zheng in this way, he was also in a state of turmoil, as to whether Zhao Gao would catch up with Li Si, after all Li Si had been gone for a long time.

At this time, both the monarch and the minister had no idea, and the only one who had the idea was still asleep.

When the rooster crowed at five o'clock, the chariot of the Four Horse Kings had just arrived at Xianyang King City.

At this time, the morning star above the nine heavens was shining, and all the lights of thousands of houses were extinguished. As the most prosperous royal city on the land of the Central Plains, it was already completely dark.

Zhao Gao led Li Si into the study room, bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said, "Your Majesty, I have brought back Mr.—!"

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