I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 137 The position of the prince has always been high.

Young Master Gao!

This is just an identity of Wingao.

Yinggao is still the governor of Sanchuan County, the leader of the entire Sanchuan faction. Although he is not considered a big force in Daqin, he has already begun to show signs of it.

Today's assassination!

It directly threatened Yinggao's life. At this time, as long as it is an individual, it will go crazy and take corresponding revenge.

It's just that Yingzheng still underestimated Yinggao's madness at this moment. The turmoil caused by this assassination directly resulted in the death of countless people and the destruction of a family before he could give up.


Nodding his head in agreement, Zhao Gao couldn't help hesitating, and said, "Your Majesty, is this unfair to the Third Young Master?"

"In the Great Qin, Qin Fa is respected. Tell Young Master Gao that Qin Fa hangs high above the gate of the country and is engraved in the Taimiao. As a member of the Great Qin royal family, he cannot break the law knowingly."

"I understand, let's convey it!"

Although he didn't know why Zheng Ying wronged Ying Gao, Zhao Gao felt that the third son Ying Gao would never let it go. The old Qin man had a strong personality, and he was a child under nine years old.

Facing the threat of life and death, it would be a strange thing not to erupt in rage.

"The position of the crown prince?"

A look of ruthlessness flashed across Ying Zheng's eyes. He was originally a domineering person. At this moment, there was a murderous intent in his eyes. In his opinion, if this matter involved the position of the crown prince, he would be meddling with the royal power.

This is the most unacceptable thing for Ying Zheng!

After all, in Daqin, it was the first time that Yingzheng was caught off guard, and it was also the first time that he realized that Xianyang, which is impenetrable, is actually not that strong.

Killers and assassins today can assassinate Ying Gao, and tomorrow they can assassinate any minister of civil and military affairs, and they will also assassinate him, the king of Great Qin.

Immediately, Ying Zheng felt that his life was threatened, and couldn't help but feel murderous.

The assassination of Yinggao, the third son of Daqin, became the number one event in Xianyang City for the first time. Even Yingzheng, who put all his thoughts on the Yinjing project, ordered a thorough investigation.

The impact of this matter is too bad.


"Your Majesty, it's already late at night, I'm afraid the Tingwei's Mansion won't be able to ask anything today..." Zhao Gao looked at Yingzheng, carefully advised, and said.

As a close servant, Zhao Gao is naturally aware of the bad influence of this assassination, but since taking office, Yingzheng has been busy and has never had a good rest, which is a huge load on Yingzheng's body.

Others didn't notice, they only knew that King Qin was a diligent and caring monarch, but as Ying Zheng's close attendant, Zhao Gao was naturally aware of the pressure on this young King Qin.

"Not urgent!"

Ying Zheng shook his head: "Wait a little longer, I believe Meng Tian and Ting Wei will arrive soon."



Half an hour later, the old Tingwei and Meng Tian came in a hurry and walked into the hall, but the faces of the two were full of solemnity, and when Ying Zheng saw it, his heart skipped a beat.

Almost instantly, Ying Zheng knew that it was probably a bad thing.

Even the assassination this time had something to do with the position of the crown prince. At this thought, a coldness flashed in the depths of Ying Zheng's eyes.

"Your servant has seen my king!"

Waving to the two of them, Ying Zheng signaled them to sit down, and then said, "What clues do the two lovers have in the Tingwei Mansion and Xianyang Lingfu regarding the assassination of Young Master Gao?"

Hearing this, Meng Tian and Lao Tingwei looked at each other, then glanced at Zhao Gao, saw Zhao Gao leaving with interest, then Lao Tingwei said: "Because the incident happened suddenly, the specific matter has not been investigated yet."

"However, now we can understand that behind this incident,

With the Sima family and Daqin nobles involved, what the third son did in Sanchuan County naturally angered them. "

"Furthermore, the third son is a young genius, showing his sharpness, and all the sons can't hold their heads up. In Guanzhong at this time, there is no aristocratic family, and the family hopes that the third son will be on the throne..."

"Gu has never favored anyone. The reason why Young Master Gao has come to this day is all due to his own ability!"

The conjecture was confirmed, and the murderous intent in Ying Zheng's eyes increased sharply in an instant. He stared at Meng Tian and Meng Tian fiercely, and said, "You two lovers, what do you think? Do you want to tell Young Master Gao the details of this matter?"

"Your Majesty, if you tell the third son at this time, I'm afraid that the entire Xianyang, the Great Qin royal family will be in a state of turmoil." The old Ting Wei said in a dark tone, this matter was related to the royal family, he wanted to make a major event into a minor one.

Although Qin Fa can clearly see the sun and the moon, as long as it is artificially formulated, it will have loopholes and flaws that can be exploited by others. Naturally, Ting Wei understands this best.

"Tingwei's words are reasonable, but even if you want to suppress this matter, it is impossible. The third son sent the assassin back just to ask for an explanation, and I'm afraid he won't let it go."

Compared with Tingwei, Meng Tian felt that it was unfair to the third son, and he knew that Yinggao was a master who was not afraid of big troubles. If he didn't handle it well, he would implicate more people.

"Besides, the third son has a firm personality and intelligence. Qin Fa is a good target, but when we use it, the other party also uses it."


Heaving a sigh of relief, Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, and said: "In two days, there will be a small court meeting on the diversion project. You still have two days to find out the ins and outs of this matter."

"This is Xianyang. Since you can assassinate Yinggao, it also means that you can assassinate Gu. If you don't strictly investigate, the face of our Great Qin royal family and the dignity of Qin Fa will be lost."

"Your servant understands!"

When Ying Zheng's words came out, Lao Tingwei and Meng Tian knew that this matter could not be resolved. This assassination made Ying Zheng question Xianyang's defense. At this moment, Meng Tian blushed.

He is the order of Xianyang and the general of Xianyang. He is the most responsible for such a thing.

Although Ying Zheng was not held accountable at this moment, Meng Tian's heart was clear, when Young Master Gao sent the assassin to his door, there was no way to fix this matter, and he couldn't stay out of it.

"What a powerful young master!"

With a sigh in his heart, Meng Tian walked out of the study. He knew in his heart that the one who won Gao was a Yang conspiracy. The case that could have been intervened by the Tingwei Mansion, forcibly involved their Xianyang Lingfu, and became the most important case. part of the

This is tantamount to forcing him to stand in line with Yinggao to deal with the people behind the assassin, and he is just the first one that Yinggao gathers. At the same time, Qin Fa, Tingwei Mansion, and even Yingzheng are all like this. .

Once this net comes to close, it will inevitably be blood-stained.

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