I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 141 Hold the king's book and the king's sword, and kill all four parties!

There are not only fools in this world.

In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were too many smart people, and there were even more people who knew how to endure.

After this failure, Ying Zheng knew that the opponent would never take the lead easily, they would just lie dormant in the dark like a snake, waiting for an opportunity.

Therefore, for Ying Gao's request, even if Ying Gao didn't say anything, Ying Zheng would fully support it.

This is the king.

A peerless king has the arrogance, and it happens that Ying Zheng has it.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng was naturally aware of Ying Gao's worries, a mere son's position could not restrain these ferocious wolves at all.

Not even Ying Gao or Sanchuan Sheriff.

And serving as Tingwei for three months, it doesn't work at all.

In Xianyang, and even in Daqin, the inherent power class has already formed, and it cannot be shaken by a single and weak son.


In Daqin, no one knew better than him what Ying Gao was going to face, and no one knew better than him how powerful the enemy Ying Gao was going to face.

A little carelessness, even a negligence of Ying Gao, will suffer the craziest blow.

At this moment, Ying Zheng took a deep look at Ying Gao and said, "Gao, since you mentioned this matter, you should know how serious it is."

"Once you make a move, it will cause resistance from the entire Daqin meritorious class, and even various chambers of commerce. This will make it difficult for you to move forward in Daqin."

Ying Zheng knew well that Ying Gao had longed for the position of Prince of Qin from the beginning to the end, but, judging from what Ying Gao had done, he was simply pushing himself further and further away from the position of Prince.

No matter what happened in Sanchuan County or what happened today, Yinggao will become the enemy of Great Qin Xungui, because he violated their interests.

"My son knows."

Nodding his head, Ying Gao chuckled and said, "But these are extremely important to Daqin. The father cannot do it himself, but the minister has no scruples."

"Furthermore, although the son is aspiring to be the crown prince, the father is not the son of the son. Even if there is an accident in the middle, Daqin will still not change."

At this moment, Ying Gao was neither sensational nor scruples, but chose to tell the truth.

In front of Ying Zheng, Ying Gao never concealed his desire for the crown prince, because he knew that such things could not be avoided, and hiding in front of an eternal emperor like Ying Zheng was tantamount to courting death.

"You are fully responsible for this matter, and Guhui will be your backing, but the scale must be mastered, and there is no problem with attacking, but the only bottom line is not to cause chaos in Daqin."

Yingzheng will not let go of such an opportunity, especially in the eyes of Yingzheng, the third son Yinggao is an extremely sharp sword, which can be called peerless.

In his past experience, he has already realized it, and he is comfortable with it.

What really reassured Ying Zheng about Ying Gao was that Ying Gao had always been undisguised in front of him and was very clear about his demands.

Even if he aspired to be the crown prince, he didn't hide it at all.

In Yingzheng's view, such a courtier is the best courtier, but everything in the world belongs to him, and only what he gives can the minister take over, and what he doesn't want to give can't be snatched.

"My son understands that Daqin will never be chaotic!"

Ying Gao can also understand Ying Zheng's worries. After all, in Daqin at this moment, the Jingjing diversion project has restarted, and the severe drought sweeping through the entire Guanzhong has already put Daqin at an extreme.

Once chaos breaks out, this delicate balance will inevitably be broken and Daqin will collapse completely.

Thoughts flickered in his mind. At this moment, Ying Gao suddenly raised his head, looked at Ying Zheng, paused, and said, "Father, my son wants to borrow the king's sword."

Ying Gao knew in his heart,

When Yingzheng is not around, only Wang Jian can suppress the rest of the Great Qin's meritorious deeds, otherwise, the investigation this time will definitely be difficult.

This is what Ying Gao thought in his heart.

In Great Qin, Wang Shu is as important as Wang Jian.

As long as Ying Zheng is not around, Wang Shu and Wang Jian are the main ones.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng chuckled, pushed the bronze sword on the long case forward, and said: "Wang Jian can give it to you, if this matter is done properly, there will be other rewards, but if this matter If you can't handle it properly, you will be an idle son in Xianyang from now on!"

Hearing Ying Zheng's words, Ying Gao was not surprised. After all, in this world, everything needs to be paid for. If you are not capable, you are not qualified to shine in Xianyang.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Gao bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said: "Please rest assured, my father, my son will naturally sweep away the invincible, and promote the prestige of the great Qin Ying surname."



At this moment, Ying Gao was holding the king's book and the king's sword in his hand. Except for Ying Zheng, there was no one else Ying Gao could not touch in the entire Qin Dynasty.

"My lord, are you going back home now?"

Outside the palace, Wang Hu was waiting at the chariot and horse farm. When he saw Ying Gao coming, he couldn't help rushing up to meet him, saying.

"Don't go back to the house!"

Ying Gao shook his head, and said to Wang Hu: "Go to Ting Wei Mansion, my father asked me to serve as Ting Wei for three months, and thoroughly investigate the assassination case. Today, my son wants to meet our Great Qin Ting Wei." House!"


At this moment, Wang Hu was overjoyed. For the assassination that day, both Iron Eagle Swordsman and Wang Hu were brooding. Although Ying Gao didn't suffer any casualties, the meaning was completely different.

In Xianyang, the people they protected were assassinated, which was a great humiliation to them.


He galloped out of the horse, and the cart passed by on the street. Wang Hu's eyes were deep: "Young master, what are you going to do about this matter?"

Wang Hu also knows something about Ying Gao, and he has served as Ting Wei's mansion for three months. He believes that Ying Gao must want to make troubles, otherwise, he will definitely not handle this matter in such a complicated way.

But since the complex has been chosen, only the arrangement is in Xianyang, which will set off an unprecedented bloody storm.

"Anything related to this case will be killed without mercy!"

Ying Gao's eyes were cold. He had never had a good impression of rangers, and in Daqin, he had been suppressing rangers since the time of Lord Shang, but there has been no cure.

This is also the reason why Ying Gao took this opportunity to completely eradicate the rangers in the Great Qin.

Moreover, among the nobles of the Great Qin Dynasty, the phenomenon of raising dead soldiers in captivity is very common. In the whole of Xianyang, a force has already been formed, so that Ying Zheng dare not act rashly.

At this time, Ying Gao intends to use this opportunity to severely damage the power of the great Qin nobles, so as to further enhance the royal power and make Ying Zheng's rights more firm.

Similarly, it was also Ying Gao who planned for himself.

After thinking up to this point, Ying Gao said in a low tone, "I hold the king's book and the king's sword in my hand, and I will kill all directions!"

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