I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 147 Daqin not only needs to run through the east and west, but also connects the north and t


The border of the Great Qin Northern Territory!

It was the place where Da Qin Erlang shed blood and sacrificed, and the battle flags stained with the blood of Da Qin Ruishi were sent back to Xianyang time and time again, and countless sons shed tears.

Among the military achievements of the Great Qin Dynasty, the most important, or the most eye-catching one is the military achievements of the Northern Territory.

Killing aliens is the most dazzling.

Although the old Qin people rose up in Xichui, they have always regarded themselves as the nobles of the Chinese people, and they can be regarded as the Chinese lineage for the people of all ethnic groups on the Central Plains.

"My lord, will war break out in the Northland?"

Wang Hu was startled, but he couldn't figure it out. After all, Ying Zheng went to Lantian, not Jiuyuan.

"It may explode, so I need to be prepared!"

Ying Gao shook his head and said, "At this time, my father needs to deal with the six kingdoms of Shandong to attack Qin. Dealing with the six kingdoms is the most important thing, that's why I made this trip—!"

He didn't hide anything from Wang Hu Yinggao. When he decided to train Wang Hu, he had to cultivate his overall view.

In this world, people who don't have a sense of the overall situation can't go far at all, and it's difficult to ascend to a high position.


In a few days, Yingzheng and his party have arrived, in the Lantian camp.

Henggan, Wang Jian, Meng Tian and other generals were all there.

In the shogunate, Ying Zheng sat at the top, looked at the generals, and said: "My dear friends, the six kingdoms of Shandong are clamoring, and the conspiracy is being formed. Do you have any countermeasures?"

Henggan and Wang Jian looked at each other, Wang Jian came out and said, "My lord, the ministers and others discussed and decided to attack Wei from two directions, so that the conspiracy of the six countries will be completely killed in the belly."


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng said, "Two ways to attack Wei. Wang Jian and Heng Gan will go together. Meng Tian, ​​as the general of Xianyang, will also be in charge of the Lantian Camp and will be in Xianyang."

"Gu took Wang Wan and other officials to inspect the counties and counties in Guanzhong. The young master led a thousand iron eagle warriors to go north to Jiuyuan to prevent the Huns from going south to plunder, and took charge of the Jiuyuan army."

At this moment, everyone was stunned by Ying Zheng's words.

A nine-year-old child sits in Jiuyuan and is in charge of the three armies, which is equivalent to being the master of the northern border.

"Your Majesty, although Young Master Gao is talented and intelligent, he is only nine years old. Now he is going north, is it..." At this moment, Meng Tian and Wang Jian didn't say much, but veteran Heng Gan spoke.

Because Wang Jian, as a teacher, naturally knows how powerful his disciples are, if it is not that there is nothing to teach, he will not be expelled from the school.

After all, following him, Ying Gao has no chance to practice.

If he is not expelled from the school, with the help of the Wang family, Ying Zheng will never let Ying Gao take over the military and political power.

"Your Majesty, what about Sanchuan County when the young master Gao Bei goes to Jiuyuan?"

After a while, Meng Tian asked a question. He has a close relationship with Ying Zheng, so he naturally knows the decision Ying Zheng made, and he will not take it back.

"Continue to serve as the governor of Sanchuan. This trip to the north will only take three months. After the time for the Huns to plunder, Young Master Gao will continue to serve as the governor of Sanchuan."

Ying Zheng glanced at everyone with sharp eyes, and said in a serious tone: "The current Daqin is all focused on the Jingjing diversion project, and the whole country is tense about it. At this time, there must be no chaos at all."

"That's why young master Gao went north to Jiuyuan to inspire the morale of the army and the people. After all, his surname is Ying!"

"In this matter, I went north alone, but I don't feel at ease about Guanzhong. I can only sit in Guanzhong and patrol the counties to protect Daqin's safety."

"The minister waits to obey the edict!"

When Ying Zheng talked about this, they could only agree. Almost everyone knew that Ying Gao's rise was unstoppable, especially in the northern border, and building military exploits was the key.

The Great Qin established the country with martial arts, and if Ying Gao made military exploits, the entire government and the opposition would truly be unneglectable.

"The generals will make their own preparations, and Meng Tian will accompany Sanchuan—!"




Sanchuan County.

This is Yinggao's site, a site built by a nine-year-old child with painstaking efforts.

Both Meng Tian and Ying Zheng were extremely curious and wanted to see what Sanchuan County looks like now, and Ying Zheng wanted to see Sanchuan University even more.

This place is known as the Jixia Academy of the Great Qin Dynasty.


The car rattled, Ma Xiaoxiao.

It was carried out on the avenue, and a day later, the brigade entered Luoyang, the seat of Sanchuan County, in this world.

Due to the early blockade, there were not many pedestrians on the street. Ying Gao and Ying Zheng were very excited when they saw the earth-shaking changes in Sanchuan County.

"After a while, this Luoyang will be as prosperous as Xianyang!" Meng Tian couldn't help sighing as he looked at the continuously built houses and the huge Jiannan Square and other places.

At this time, he became even more curious about the third son.

Hearing Meng Tian's exclamation, Ying Gao chuckled lightly and said, "Actually, if the world is merged with Daqin, Luoyang is the best choice for the capital."

"In the world, Zhou Gongdan's vision was extremely sharp."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng couldn't bear it, and said: "There is Hangu Pass in the east of Xianyang, and a dangerous place like Wuguan, isn't it the first choice for the capital?"

"Father, the land of Guanzhong belongs to my old Qin tribe. As long as the surname Ying is in power, it must be as stable as Mount Tai. But once the father merges the six kingdoms of Shandong, Luoyang is the best place to educate."

"In the world, it should run through the Kyushu of the world—!"

Ying Gao also talked too much, but he still held a hope in his heart.

He hoped that Yingzheng would listen to his words. After all, Luoyang's position is extremely important, sitting in the world, enough to control all parts of the world.

Bashu has long been the land of Qin, so is Guanzhong? The most dangerous place is the land of the six kingdoms of the East.

If Luoyang is the capital of Qin, not only can it calmly retreat into the pass after the world changes, blockade Hangu Pass and Wuguan Pass, and keep it in a safe place. Similarly, it can also suppress the survivors of the six kingdoms in Shandong and live in fear all day long.

The most important thing is that Ying Gao remembers very clearly that whether it is the Chidao of Emperor Shihuang or the canal of Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty, Luoyang is the center.

Daqin not only needs to run through the east and west, but also connects the north and the south.

"I have seen the king, the county guard, and the Xianyang order!" Ma Xing led the officials of Sanchuan County to greet him, saluted Ying Zheng and the others, and said.

"I don't want to go to the city yet, I just want to visit Sanchuan University."

Ma Xing glanced at Ying Gao, saw Ying Gao nodded, and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, this way please—!"


A moment later, the bronze chariot was parked in the carriage field in front of Sanchuan University. Ying Zheng and others were surprised to see the huge, almost vast Sanchuan University.

This is the largest building in Daqin apart from Xianyang Palace.

Even the Jiannan Square they passed by was far beyond comparison.

Ying Zheng raised his head, glanced at his handwriting, which was already hung on the door of Sanchuan University, and said, "Young Master Gao, this is Sanchuan University?"


Seeing Sanchuan University at this moment, Ying Gao was also very happy, but he did not get carried away, and quickly turned to Yingzheng, saying, "Father, it is better to be the principal of Sanchuan University, which is more beneficial to Daqin."

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