I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 149: The Class of Scholars!

Soldiers fight the world!

This is the major theme that runs through the Spring and Autumn Period and connects the Warring States Period during the five hundred years of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Great Qin!

The vast Central Plains!

Soldiers fight the world!

It can be said that the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were dominated by scholars.

Especially after the Warring States period, when large-scale wars broke out, the role of the class of scholars became more and more important.

Therefore, as long as the class of scholars is mentioned, as long as they are kings, they are all afraid.


Compared with the peerless force of the Great Qin Dynasty, the Great Qin Empire's cultural undertakings were sluggish, and it was not worthy of the current prosperity of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Mikawa University is a start!

It is the beginning of the Great Qin Empire's transition from peerless martial arts to cultural prosperity and eternal prosperity.

Because of this, Ying Gao knew that Sanchuan University and Daqin University had different meanings, which was why Ying Gao had been delaying and wanted Ying Zheng to take over.

After all, only Ying Zheng, the lord of the great Qin country, can control the civil and military affairs and respect the great Qin alone.

However, he, the third son, is not qualified enough.

Some things seem simple, but they are as heavy as Mount Tai, like thousands of boulders pressing down on the top. If you can't go to the end, climb to the top, you can't do whatever you want.

It's just that at this moment, Yingzheng's eyes are deep, like an eternal sinking pool, inside it seems to be thousands of mountains and rivers, and endless people of the country are rushing.

Soldiers fight the world!

Unlike Ying Gao, Ying Zheng only saw the mighty Spring and Autumn and Warring States, endless wars, and rivers of blood. The reason why the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period were like this is, in all likelihood, because of the scholars.

The monarchs of various countries can be said to love and hate the class of scholars.

No, not strong enough!

No, it is not enough to destroy the country and dominate!

However, any king only likes the scholars of his own country, not the scholars of other countries.

If a peerless person enters the court of another country, it means endless troubles.

"Soldiers fighting in the world means chaos in the world. Have you ever thought about this?" After a while, Ying Zheng said with a solemn expression.

"Father, when the Great Qin unified the world, if the scholar class wanted to survive, they had to rely on my Great Qin, otherwise they would even have problems eating."

Ying Gao's gaze was like a torch, and he said to everyone present, "When the Great Qin unified the world, there will be no Qi Chu Yan Han Zhao Wei..."

"At that time, scholars can only be scholars from Daqin..."

Ying Gao's stern words moved everyone. The scholars of Daqin, this is a lofty goal. After all, culture has always been a weakness above Daqin.

Although the officials of the Great Qin and even the King of Qin Yingzheng were proud of the Great Qin's warriors and killed with iron blood, deep in their hearts, they still knew that the Great Qin lacked foundation.


Nodding his head, a look of surprise flashed across Ying Zheng's eyes. He didn't expect his son to think more deeply than any of them.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng said, "Young Master Gao, please introduce the layout of Sanchuan University to Gu and the rest of you..."


Nodding his head, Ying Gao walked to the front and pointed to the lake on one side: "Father, General Meng, this is Sanchuan Lake, a place for students to relax in their spare time."

"In front is the Pagoda of the Gold List. Every student who takes the exam and enters the Great Qin Dynasty Hall will be engraved on it."

"This is the student dormitory..."


"That's where the lecturer's office is..."


Accompanied by Ying Gao's eloquent talk, the entire street of Sanchuan University was filled with yellow and green, and the autumn wind was blowing, creating a special artistic conception.

In simple terms, talk about state affairs.

Thousands of words, all summed up in one.

At this moment, everything about Sanchuan University became the core. With Ying Gao's words, everything about Sanchuan University,

exposed to the public.


"Young Master Gao, Sanchuan University should be prosperous!"

Walking out of the gate of Sanchuan University, Yingzheng's eyes were like torches, and the depths of his eyes burst into extreme fire. He passed Sanchuan University, as if he saw a constantly rising Daqin.

Daqin will become prosperous and prosperous because of Sanchuan University, and it will become a prosperous Daqin with both civil and martial arts.

"My son, thank you father for your praise!"

At this moment, Ying Gao was overjoyed. With Ying Zheng's support, Sanchuan University would naturally become famous throughout Daqin, and even shocked the six kingdoms of Shandong.

In this way, when scholars from all over the world enter Qin, they will arrive as chrysalis.

Yingzheng is the king of the Great Qin Dynasty. To a certain extent, Yingzheng's visit will definitely increase the popularity of Sanchuan University and make it known to the world at once.


The governor's office of Sanchuan County.

At this moment, Ying Zheng sat at the top of the seat, looking at Ying Gao and everyone with serious eyes, and said, "My dear friends, I am very satisfied with the development of Sanchuan County and Sanchuan University."

"What advice do you have for the future development of Sanchuan County?"


Today's Sanchuan County has millions of people, and it is nourished by Jiannan Chamber of Commerce and Sanchuan University. It will have great development in the future.

Even today's Sanchuan County can, to a certain extent, destroy Korea by itself.

Because of this, Yingzheng attaches great importance to Sanchuan County, which will be the main basis for the Great Qin East.

As soon as Ying Zheng said this, all the people present turned their attention to Ying Gao. Ying Gao is the governor of Sanchuan County, and if Ying Gao doesn't speak at this moment, the others dare not speak at all.

At this moment, all eyes were focused on one person.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ying Gao looked solemn, and explained the development strategies of Sanchuan County that he had already thought about one by one.

"Father, my son wants to develop Sanchuan County as the second center of Daqin culture, and at the same time, as a Daqin elite, come east as the foundation."

As for the positioning of Sanchuan County, Ying Gao had a basic plan from the moment he became the sheriff of Sanchuan County.

He will be determined to destroy Korea!

There is a rift in his relationship with Nei Shiten. As long as it reduces Nei Shiten's chance of gaining military exploits, Ying Gao will naturally not miss it.

As long as the enemy is weakened, it is a victory for Ying Gao.

"East out?"

For Ying Zheng, no matter how busy and trivial the affairs in the court are at the moment, his ambition has not changed from the beginning to the end.

Committed to the east of the Great Qin Dynasty, fulfilling the last wish of the ancestors of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Become the unique king in this world.

And Dongchu is the basis for all this to start. At this moment, Ying Gao's mention of Dongchu can be said to hit Yingzheng's heart. At this moment, all the officials in the county guard's mansion fell silent and looked at Yingzheng. With Ying Gao.

The strategy of going east is too shocking.

For Daqin, only the Sangong and Jiuqing are qualified to participate in the discussion. Among the people present, only Ying Gao and Meng Tian are qualified. Moreover, no one is a fool in the vast world.

Everyone knows exactly who Ying Gao's painstaking calculations are targeting. After all, many people are well aware of the uproar that happened back then.

Ying Gao, governor of Sanchuan County, and Nei Shi Teng, governor of Hangu Gate, were at odds.

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