I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 152 This general will go north to represent the Daqin royal family and be with the generals,

Winter hunting!

This is a term that makes the generals of the Great Qin Dynasty full of murderous looks.

These two words represent aggression and the death of the people of the country.

When Ying Gao said these words, the entire shogunate fell silent. They all knew what the annual winter hunting would mean.

Just being silent doesn't mean it's over. Ying Gao didn't say much, but just kept looking at Xu Wen. He wanted to know everything here. Only in this way could he suppress the northern border and maintain the safety of the place.

Under Ying Gao's cold gaze, Xu Wen didn't hold on for long. He was dissatisfied with Ying Gao's role as commander in chief, but he attached great importance to Winter Hunting.

Today's Great Qin, all its forces are guarding the six kingdoms of Shandong, and it has always been on the defensive stage against the Northland. It is precisely because of this that Great Qin will fall behind step by step, and sometimes it is even controlled by others.

The winter hunting every year makes the chief general of Jiuyuan very angry.

It is a disgrace to the generals that the Xiongnu went south.

After all, the Great Qin was at the height of the sun, constantly moving eastward, coercing the six kingdoms of Shandong, but in the north, it was overwhelmed by the barbarians. As the pride of the people of the Great Qin, the generals were annoyed and wished to send troops to destroy it.


"General, the Xiongnu in the north are nomadic people. When the snow comes in winter, countless cattle and sheep will be frozen to death. In order to survive, the general will go south to plunder!"

At this moment, a series of words came out of Xu Wen's mouth, but everyone's hearts sank. Even though they knew it a long time ago, they still felt depressed when they heard it again.

Ying Gao looked solemnly at Xu Wen, and said, "Every year the Huns go south for winter hunting? How about the casualties and losses every year?"

"There were heavy casualties, not only the soldiers of the Great Qin Army, but also the common people..."

Hearing this, Ying Gao fell silent. He did not expect such a thing to happen in Weiwei Daqin.

In Yinggao's heart, Daqin has always been aloof and unparalleled in combat power, and it has always been Daqin who conquered cities and land, not the barbarians who went south to herd horses.

"General Xu, how many troops are there on Jiuyuan?"

At this moment, Ying Gao was extremely angry, but he knew in his heart that only with enough troops could Da Qin survive this winter.

"General, the total number of troops in Jiuyuan and the major passes is no more than 30,000. If a war breaks out, the number of troops that can really participate in the war will not exceed 20,000."

Xu Wen, as the guard of Jiuyuan, naturally knew about Jiuyuan's affairs, so Ying Gao opened his mouth and answered without thinking.

"How is our intelligence collection work among the Huns? Has there been heavy snowfall in the Huns this year? Is there any sign of the other party sending troops?"

Ying Gao's question stunned the generals of Jiuyuan, because they have always been responsible for the release and did not pay much attention to the Xiongnu's intelligence.

Hearing this, for a while, I was quite at a loss.

"General, due to..."

Seeing Xu Wen's speech and stammering, Ying Gao knew that he must be ignorant.

Shaking his head helplessly, he had to admit that sometimes wars require famous generals to command, because famous generals take into account all the information that should be considered.

At this point, Ying Gao resolutely said: "The general order: the scout battalion is dispatched immediately, and every move of the Xiongnu will need to be eliminated, especially the tribes closest to the Great Qin."


"At the same time, the city recruited young and strong people to train and defend the city, distributed rations every day, and trained all 30,000 troops to prevent the Huns from going south to hunt for food!"

At this moment, Ying Gao looked at the generals present with his eyes straight, and said, "General Xu, pay attention, the imperial court will transport grain and grass to Jiuyuan, otherwise we will accept it!"



Following Ying Gao's successive military orders, the contempt in the eyes of Xu Wen and others became much less,

Obviously, Ying Gao is a man of real talent and learning.

"Young master, what should we do next?"

Wang Hu's eyes flashed, and he said to Ying Gao.

Hearing this, Ying Gao glanced sharply over everyone's face, paused every word, and said, "Go to the barracks first, I'm going to meet Beidi Erlang."


Nodding in agreement, Wang Hu turned to Xu Wen and said, "General Xu, get ready—!"



Ying Gao acted vigorously and resolutely, making it impossible for Xu Wen to say the words that came out of his mouth.

However, as a soldier of the three armies, Xu Wen felt a little more satisfied with Ying Gao like this. Although Ying Gao was airborne, at least Ying Gao didn't have the second-generation bastard aura of others.


The car rumbled and drove towards the Jiuyuan camp.

On the cart, Ying Gao looked at the endless green and yellow, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

In the previous life, the reason why Jiuyuan was famous in the world was because the general Meng Tian was more than 700 miles away from the Huns in the north, so that the Hu people did not dare to go south to herd horses, and the soldiers did not dare to bend their bows and complain.

Ying Gao believes that as long as Ying Zheng gives him time, Ying Gao's name will be heard in the northern border.

Standing on the general's podium, Ying Gao's eyes were fixed. He glanced at the various flags above the barracks, including the Daqin Xuanniao flag and various banners.

At this moment, Ying Gao's heart flickered with heat.

He knew in his heart that sometimes, a flag is a kind of faith.

Just like the Tiger Banner of the Meng Family Army!

As a commander-in-chief, one should have a unparalleled commander-in-chief.

Among the three armies, Shuai Qi is the most respected, and only Wang Qi can overwhelm him.

In the Great Qin, there is only one person who is qualified to use the Wang Banner, and that is Ying Zheng, and there is no Ying Gao at present.

On the school grounds, there were many Great Qin Ruishi.

All of them stared at the young man on the stage with fiery eyes. They knew what would happen at this time of the year, and there was excitement and confusion in their eyes.

With sharp eyes passing over everyone's face, Ying Gao said in a deep voice, "Soldiers and soldiers, this general's surname is Ying, his name is Gao, the prefect of Sanchuan County, the third son of King Qin, and the commander of Jiuyuan."

Watching the changes in the faces of the soldiers below, there were no nights, sneers, everything.

Ying Gao didn't care about this, but looked directly at the soldiers of the three armies, and said: "The reason why this general introduces you in such detail is not to show off your background and status, but to tell you that my Daqin royal family and everyone together."

"Originally Jiuyuan and his party came here in person, but my father needed to inspect the counties in Guanzhong and sit in Xianyang. In desperation, I will go north to Jiuyuan to defend the border for the country."

"My Great Qin has always favored martial arts. In the Great Qin, there are endless generals. The reason why Ying Gao came to him is not because I have no generals in the Great Qin, nor is it because I have no generals in the Great Qin. I need a young man to be the commander."

"The reason why this general came is to tell you, and even to the world, that I, Daqin, have never forgotten you. Today, Yinggao is the commander-in-chief of the three armies. The most important thing is that my surname is Ying."

"I will go north to represent the Daqin royal family with all the generals and guard the border for the country!"


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