I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 159 The young master is sincere, I am not as good as waiting!

The car is rumbling.

Overnight, they all ran on the vast grassland.

Although Ying Gao was wearing enough clothes, he still felt the biting cold of the north wind. Marching in the snow was already a kind of difficulty.

However, Ying Gao knew in his heart that marching in the snow had disadvantages, but it also had advantages.

Marching in the snow, the enemy is bound to relax their vigilance.

It is precisely because of this that when the army led by Yinggao slaughtered three tribes in a row, no one noticed that the Hetao area seemed to have been so quiet.

"General, there is still an hour before dawn, and the battlefield has been cleaned!"

Glancing at Wang Xu, Ying Gao looked up at the sky. Before dawn, it is often the darkest.

After pondering for a moment, Ying Gao turned to Wang Xu and said, "Send out scouts to disperse around this tribe and push forward thirty miles."

"At the same time, order the army to eat here. After half an hour, the scouts sent back will be replaced. The whole army must eat and rest within an hour."


Nodding in agreement, Wang Xu turned and left.

After this night's march, the generals in the army became very convinced of Ying Gao.

After all, along the way, Ying Gao had no plans to spare.

In the army, say one thousand, say ten thousand, military exploits and victories are the easiest way for soldiers of the three armies to accept a person.

Especially the continuous victories will create a military soul with unparalleled bravery, and can also give birth to a peerless commander.

This scene began to be staged in Great Qin Beidi.

Qin Wangzheng never dreamed that his sudden decision would give birth to any terrifying existence.


"General, making a fire and cooking in the darkness of night is undoubtedly exposing the footprints of our army..."

Glancing at the worried Wang Hu, Ying Gao chuckled and said, "This is originally a tribe. There is no problem with making fire and cooking here, but it needs to be resolved within half an hour."

"Besides, it's almost dawn, and our army should go—!"


The army in the middle road was under the personal command of Ying Gao, so there were no dangers along the way, and it was smooth sailing. At this moment, Ying Gao was more worried about the situation of the front army and the rear army.

A pawn wants to survive on the grassland and in the vast snow, it can be said that it is trying to survive from death.

Just like the glorious division that walked 25,000 back then.

"Tie Ying, do you think the other two armies can withstand the cold on the Hetao grassland and the death-defying pursuit of King Youxian's army?" At this moment, Ying Gao was a little worried.

His plan to divide the troops was to abandon the front and rear troops.

However, after all, it was his first time on the battlefield, and he was not as hard-hearted as a veteran on the battlefield.

Hearing this, Tie Ying fell silent.

He was very optimistic about Ying Gao, and after a while, he said to Ying Gao, "Young master, righteousness does not control wealth, and compassion does not control soldiers. Sometimes, it is a last resort."


With a chuckle, Ying Gao said, "Let's go, drink broth to warm up."


Ying Gao knew that what Tie Ying said was not wrong, but he was not completely right.

In the art of war, there is indeed a saying that kindness does not command soldiers, but if you want to be the commander in command of tens of millions of troops, you must have kind thoughts in your heart, otherwise you will not be able to be called a peerless commander.


After eating a large bowl of mutton soup, Ying Gao felt his whole body warm up.

Wang Xu, who drank two bowls of mutton soup in a row, walked over, looked at the map drawn by Ying Gao, and said, "General, our army is in this position now, and the front and rear armies have lost news."

"And this location is where King Youxian's army is located, and it is also the largest tribe in Hetao."

Speaking of which,

Wang Xu raised his head and glanced at Ying Gao, and said, "General, do you want to send scouts to contact the front and rear armies?"

"no need!"

Without thinking too much, Ying Gao refused: "Our army has a small number. At this time, if we send out scouts, it won't work if we don't have less. It's just to die."

"Too much will weaken the combat effectiveness of our army. In this way, the loss outweighs the gain."

At this time, it is not suitable to divide troops at all.

"The army entered the Hetao, life and death are in peace, I would have believed that they would be able to come out—!"

Ying Gao set his eyes on the map, and after a while, he said: "This is where King Youxian's army is located. Once the news spreads after dawn, it will only take an hour to reach the army of Youxian King." middle."

"So, our army only has two hours left."


"General, the scouts have changed a batch, and there is no news."

Wang Hu came over and said to Ying Gao.

"Let them eat quickly, after a quarter of an hour, the army will leave here—!"

Speaking of this, Ying Gao glanced at Wang Xu and said, "This time the army will be led by Wang Hu. I have only one request for you, to lead an army of one thousand, and to end the army."

"After the break?"

Hearing this, Wang Xu was startled, and couldn't help but turned to Ying Gao, and said, "General, our army is advancing without pursuing troops, how can we break the rear?"


With a chuckle, Ying Gao pointed to the map on the snow and said, "Look, this is King Youxian's army. It's about an hour's journey away from where we are at the moment. If you go east, you will enter Touman's territory." among."

"And the real direction of our army is to go directly to King Youxian's own tribe and make a detour on the side of the Yin Mountain. I will give you a task to erase the footprints of our army and restore them to their original state."

"Then follow the direction of taking Touman's territory to the east, create a route for the army to advance, and try to delay Youxian King for an hour."

"In this way, our army will have three hours to get out more easily."


Hearing this, Wang Xu was stunned.

He didn't expect such a showy operation to exist. What Ying Gao did was very different from the military strategists of this era.

Military strategists in this era pay attention to integrity, and Ying Gao's journey is basically all conspiracy and trickery.

"General, use your troops to be upright. In this way, it will have a very bad impact on the reputation of the general..." Wang Xu knew in his heart that Ying Gao was not an ordinary person, and his reputation was very important.

It is difficult for a person who kills too much to ascend to the throne.


Compared with Wang Xu and others, Ying Gao did not have such worries. He knew in his heart that this era was an era in which strength was king after all, and the Huns were of a different race. This would have an impact, but not very much.

After all, it is not the massacre of the Chinese people on the land of the Central Plains.

"Border troubles must be eliminated. If there is a need for a person to bear the heinous slaughter and the infamy of the world, for the sake of Daqin, it will be obligatory."

Ying Gao looked resolute, with an air of fearlessness.

At this moment, Wang Xu, Wang Hu, Tie Ying and others were all moved.

They are all soldiers, so they naturally know how much the impact of such infamy and killing will have on Ying Gao.

After thinking about it, everyone bowed solemnly to Ying Gao and said, "Young master is sincere, I might as well wait-!"

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