I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 161 Qin Wangzheng's head is iron, wipe|fart|ass for his son!

Win high!

At this time, Daqin is like a comet, rising suddenly, shining with brilliance.

While Ying Zheng was surprised, he was also very moved.

After all, this majestic Great Qin needs monstrous talents.

Da Qin Ying's surname is even more needed.

Youdao is three years old, and Ying Zheng knows in his heart that compared to Ying Gao, both Fu Su and Jiang Lu are a little mediocre.

Only outstanding people can prosper.

Ying Zheng had great expectations for Ying Gao, and Ying Gao did not disappoint him.

This time when he went north and sent troops privately, Ying Zheng was not dissatisfied, but appreciated that Qin people were never afraid of war.

In Ying Gao's body, there is the blood of the old Qin people.


"Chen Mengtian has seen the king!"

Meng Tian walked into the study with a trace of surprise in his expression, he had already got the news on the way.


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng smiled lightly and said, "Qing Meng is here!"

"Your Majesty, don't you know that the summoners are here?"

At this moment, Meng Tian was a little tangled, he knew in his heart that if the delay was long enough, Ying Gao might not be able to come back. In this way, the eldest son Fusu would be the biggest competitor to lose.

When Yingzheng came to him, nine times out of ten it was Beishang Jiuyuan.

"Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Gao must have told you the specifics!" Ying Zheng took a deep look at Meng Tian and said, "I will give you an order to lead the capital army in Xianyang to the north."

"No matter what the price is, bring Ying Gao back to Gu -!"


The king's orders are issued, and those who serve as generals must obey them!

At this moment, all distracting thoughts in Meng Tian's mind disappeared, and there was only one thought, and that was to rescue Ying Gao.

"It's just my lord, if the capital army goes north, what will happen to Xianyang?"

Meng Tian couldn't help worrying, he knew in his heart that Ying Zheng had offended too many people, once the capital army was gone, it meant that Xianyang lost its last barrier.

"Don't worry, there is loneliness here!"

Ying Zheng smiled, patted Meng Tian on the shoulder, and said, "Bring Ying Gao back to me alive—!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, as long as Meng Tian is alive, Young Master Gao will be safe and sound!" At this moment, Meng Tian bowed deeply to Ying Zheng with a solemn expression, turned and left.



The strength of the whole country of the Great Qin Dynasty was based on the Yinjing project, and on the northern land, the flag of the python swallowed the dragon was hung high, and wars broke out everywhere, and the grassland was stained red with blood.

In Sanchuan County, Wang Jian and others were guarding against the six kingdoms of the Kanto, and the army lay dormant, sweeping across the entire Sanchuan County.

In the study room, Ying Zheng's eyes flickered, and he said to Zhao Gao, "Zhao Gao, if you recruit 50,000 soldiers alone, where do you think is the right place to recruit soldiers?"

"Where are there still soldiers to conscript?"

Hearing this, Zhao Gao's eyes flashed, he turned to Yingzheng, and said, "Your Majesty, Sanchuan County, the Daqin Guanzhong is now empty, and all the strong men are on the Yinjing Project."

"The only place that can conscript soldiers is Sanchuan County. After all, since the severe drought, there have been no less than a million hungry people from Sanjin who have fled into Sanchuan County. , in Sanchuan County."

"Now it's winter, and there is no production, maybe conscription is the best time."



After being silent for a long time, Ying Zheng's eyes were fixed: "Call Ma Xing, recruit 50,000 young men from Sanchuan County, and rush to Jiuyuan to support Young Master Gao. When the army arrives in Jiuyuan, it will be restrained by Young Master Gao!"


Nodding in agreement, when Zhao Gao turned around, he couldn't help but turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, in this way, the third son will have an army of 80,000 in his hands."

"I don't know!"

this moment,

Ying Zheng looked solemnly, and said to Zhao Gao, "After the battle in Mobei, the 80,000 army, it is a good thing to be able to return 40,000 to 50,000. After all, apart from the original 30,000 army, these 50,000 are just mobs."

"It's not so much an army, it's better to say it's five thousand farmers!"

Speaking of this, Ying Zheng's eyes were deep, he paused every word, and said: "Just take this opportunity to try how many secrets this lonely son still has to hide!"

For Ying Zheng, whether it is Ying Gao or any general, he will order rescue.

However, he is a little different for Ying Gao.

It's like a bear kid stabbing Lou Zi, as a father, he needs to take action to solve the finishing touch.


Zhao Gao left, but his heart was not easy.

Fifty thousand troops!

Fifty thousand young men were used to test Young Master Gao. Obviously, Ying Zheng must have moved his mind.

Storage spaces!

Daqin's reserve position is hanging high, and Zhao Gao knows that when the third son Ying Gao makes contributions and goes south, he will be closer and closer to Ying Gao.


On the side of Yinshan Mountain.

Ying Gao's eyes shone brightly. Although he didn't fight the enemy himself, he was the general after all in this battle. Now Ying Gao looked resolute, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Wang Xu, how much strength does our army have?"

"General, our army still has more than 12,000 troops ready to fight!"


Hearing this, Ying Gao's eyes moved, and he couldn't help it, and said: "According to the news from the scouts, King Youxian left an army of about 30,000 in the tribe, and the army chasing and killing us on top of the layoffs is also Only less than 20,000."

"Including those who died in battle, there are only 16,700 people who stop our army, and the maximum is no more than 18,000!"

"Everyone, I will decide to forcefully break through!"

When Ying Gao's voice fell, the three generals shouted one after another, "Please show me, General!"

"In this battle, I will personally serve as the commander-in-chief of the Chinese army and command the three armies to break through the encirclement. As the iron eagle sharp knife, as long as we tear a hole in the opponent's army line, our army will not have to fight, and immediately go south——!"

"If the situation changes, all actions will be subject to the general's order—!"



This is Ying Gao!

When he realized that the strength of the enemy and us were comparable, at this moment, he decided to attack forcefully.

He not only wanted to kill these people, but also drove Youxian King out of Jiuyuan.

Thoughts flickered in his mind. At this moment, Ying Gao looked at Tie Ying beside him and said, "Do you have the confidence to tear apart the army of the Huns?"


Tie Ying chuckled, and said: "As long as it's not Touman's personal guards, when the armies clash, within half a quarter of an hour, they can tear apart the enemy army, but can they keep up?"

At this moment, Tie Ying asked a crucial question.

He knew in his heart that in this battle, not only was the Tie Ying Ruishi like a sword, tearing apart the enemy's battle formation in an instant, but more importantly, the rest of the army could follow up in an instant.

Only in this way can the impact of the sudden explosion be used to kill the Quartet.

"Don't worry!"

Hearing this, Ying Gao condensed his voice and said: "Don't underestimate them. The continuous massacre of so many tribes in the Hetao area has already made them reborn!"

"What's more, we don't have to kill them all in one fell swoop. This vast river may be their burial place—!"

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