
Famous generals!

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was the time when famous generals were most likely to appear and achieve success. Today, Great Qin Weiwei is all due to the merits of famous generals.

Great Qin Ruishi, who will fight for the front!

Although the Daqin Ruishi has excellent training and excellent equipment, he is known as the best in the world, but it is Wu An Jun Baiqi who has the name of the Great Qin Ruishi Peerless.

There is a saying that it is easy to get a thousand troops and hard to find a general, that is the case.

In the Great Qin Dynasty, military generals emerge in endlessly, but even if they are talented, invincible and invincible, Lord Wu'an Bai Qi, who has never been defeated in his life, is not inferior to Ying Gao at this moment.

At least, Wu An Jun Bai Qi was not ten years old, so shocking.

Tie Ying seemed to see a general star rising slowly in the Hetao area, accompanied by the flag of the python swallowing the dragon, and finally shocked the world.

Ordinary people go to the battlefield and see blood, even if they don't tremble, they will appear extremely uncomfortable. However, Ying Gao does not have such characteristics.

On the contrary, Ying Gao became very excited!

From Tie Ying's position now, he could see the flicker of blood in Ying Gao's eyes, which was the killing that happened deep in his bones.

Such a person belongs to the battlefield!

Tie Ying has followed the King of Qin for many years, so he naturally knows that there is a kind of praise for people like Ying Gao who are excited to go to the battlefield but maintain absolute rationality.

Born to grow!

It's just that when Tie Ying thought of Ying Gao's actions in Sanchuan County, he suddenly woke up. It turns out that there are really people with both civil and military skills in this world.

And this person is by his side, close at hand!

For a moment, Tie Ying was even more in awe of Ying Gao, he knew in his heart that such a Ying Gao would have an absolutely extraordinary future, that superior position.

Must belong to such a peerless arrogance!

And as a guard, he followed all the way, this is his luck, one day, the young man will be named commander, and he will be honored with it.



On the battlefield, duels on the battlefield are like gold and iron horses, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger. Such an environment is the easiest to enhance a person's courage. "

Tie Ying's eyes were sharp, and at this moment he was extremely fierce: "Young master is born to grow, and it is a good thing to feel the blood boil when the war comes."


With a chuckle, Ying Gao was also slightly taken aback. He didn't expect a guard to say such a big truth.

After all, no one would have thought that Ying Gao was also very surprised that a captain of the Tie Ying Rui Shi would say such a level of compliment.

"I hope so!"

Ying Gao looked at the endless white snow with his eyes like torches, and said in a low voice, "How far is our army from the Huns at this moment?"

Now that Ying Gao is facing the army of the Huns, he is also worried. He knows in his heart that this is not a game. Once the sword comes to him, he will definitely die.

Because of this, he wanted to know the distance even more urgently, and then calculated it to make himself feel at ease.

"There are still about five miles!"

Ying Gao's eyes flashed, and he ordered decisively, saying: "The army has reached two miles away in cavalry assault formation, using the sharp iron eagle as the blade, tearing the enemy army apart."


As the car rumbled along, thoughts flickered in Ying Gao's mind. He knew in his heart that there was no radio, and in this world, he could only command with the five-color flag.

Among the cavalry, most of them are messengers.

No matter which one it is, there is a possibility of losing control. Once on the battlefield, anything can happen. Thoughts flickered in his mind. At this moment, Ying Gao tightened the dagger in his hand.

He diligently practiced the Tiger's Thirteen Stances, although he had no ability to kill the enemy, he had the power to protect himself under certain circumstances.

At this moment, it seems that in his eyes, even the army can't give him a sense of security. The only thing that can give him a sense of security is this small dagger in his hand.

"The whole army obeys the order, form an assault formation, and kill—!" When they reached two miles away, Tie Ying shouted and took the lead.





The army is like a dragon, coming out mightily.

At this moment, Ying Gao did not choose to make a surprise attack. On the battlefield, no one is a fool. The Xiongnu army did not attack for a long time because they were waiting for King Youxian.

They wanted to kill Qin Jun in one fell swoop, not without knowing Qin Jun's movements.

After all, this is a grassland, and the Huns are far more familiar with the grassland than the sharp warriors of the Great Qin Dynasty. As long as there are clues, they will definitely gain insight.


"Little Wang, the Qin Army has already arrived two miles away, and King Youxian has not yet responded, we..."

Before he finished speaking, the strong man in the big tent suddenly got up, shouted, and said: "Send an order, go up, this king is going to destroy the people of Qin!"


At this moment, the Huns were arrogant.

In their view, on the Hetao, on the vast grassland, the Huns are gods, and when they meet the Qin people, they just slaughter them.

At this moment, they all thought that I was invincible!



The ground began to vibrate, and two cavalrymen rushed towards each other. On the cart, Ying Gao could see an extremely elite army, shooting directly at the iron eagle warriors.

"As expected of the Huns, born on horseback, the ability of cavalry is really amazing!"

With a sigh of emotion, Ying Gao focused his eyes: "Send the order, shoot—!"


Endless arrows rolled out, covering the Xiongnu army with fierce murderous intent. At this moment, Tie Ying shouted: "Protect your son, Yu!"


A thousand iron eagle warriors charged, and at the same time, a shield wall appeared in front of Yinggao, blocking all the arrows.



At this moment, there is no unnecessary topic. It is said that the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet, and when the Huns meet the Great Qin Ruishi, there is only death.

After a round of arrow shooting, the two sides fell into hand-to-hand combat.

On the chariot, Ying Gao looked at the battle on the battlefield, holding the dagger tightly in his hand. At this moment, the two armies rushed forward, and the guards of the three armies walked on the chariot.

Seeing the formation being torn apart, Ying Gao's eyes flashed, and he said to Wang Hu next to him, "Wang Hu, lead five hundred iron eagle fighters and kill the king!"


Nodding his head in agreement, Wang Hu's eyes flashed, and he shot out the long spear in his hand: "Brothers, I will kill the king as I want—!"


With a loud shout, five hundred iron eagle warriors accompanied him, and at the same time, two thousand Chinese soldiers followed quickly, and went straight to Xiao Wang's place, intending to behead him.

"Puff puff……"


The war has reached a fever pitch.

But at this moment, Ying Gao was idle, and even the five hundred iron eagle warriors did not continue to participate in the war. They were in the middle, guarding Ying Gao.

"My lord, can Wang Hu kill the opponent?" Tie Ying's eyes flashed, and he said to Ying Gao, "Looking at his attire, the opponent is probably the little king of the Xiongnu."


Ying Gao looked at Wang Hu, who was like a god, with eyes like torches, and said, "Wang Hu is already unparalleled in bravery, and I have taught the thirteen moves of the tiger, and he has made rapid progress."


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