I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 184 The stele is stained with blood from the king, and heaven and earth are united.

From Hukou to Pinyang, following the mighty flow of people, Ying Gao and his party walked for three days. During the three-day long journey, each one was more embarrassed than the other.

The only one who is better than Meng Tian is Ying Gao. After all, Meng Tian is a general, and Ying Gao has just experienced the baptism of the Battle of Mobei.

After all, the environment above Mobei is no better than that of the Central Plains. It can be said to be as cruel as possible, so that Ying Gao was trained.

At this moment, among the group of people, one child's Ying Gao is much better than the others.

The rest are civil servants, even though they have been trained, their physical strength cannot be compared with military generals, and with the dust along the way, they all look miserable.

It's like a group of desolate people who have fled in a hurry, and the dust is condensed on the face, which is very unbearable.

Even King Qin is the same!

King Qin, who was fair and heroic before, has now become dark and thin, with disheveled hair, like a refugee on his way, with no trace of nobility and imperial aura left on his body.

There was dust all over his face, and he was in a mess.

But fortunately, after three days, they finally trekked for more than a hundred miles from Hukou to the top of Pin Mountain, and the stone inscription of breaking the water of Weishui Qingbing Battalion was right in front of them.

On the endless hillside, pine forests towered like ancient mountain gods, guarding the order of the world. After the hillside, thirty-six carved stones.

Thirty-six carved stones, like thirty-six gods, majestic and invincible, walked from the ancient times to the world, just to protect the martyrs behind them.

After the thirty-six carved stones, there are eight hundred and seventy-nine new earthen tombs of light soldiers who died.

One by one, behind the hillside, there are all lonely graves.

In front of the thirty-six stone carvings, there is a long line of Chinese people standing. Their faces are painful and cannot be expressed in words. They follow a specific posture and call out every three steps.

"Brother! Come home with me—"

After calling, they spread out, rubbed their palms with stone stubble, waited until blood flowed out, then pressed hard on the engraved stone, and then left without looking back.

just a moment,

This time it has been staged countless times, and the scene is shocking. The blood on the thirty-six carved stones has been stained bloody.

This scene shocked Ying Gao and the others.

At the same time, everyone on the hillside also noticed Qin Wangzheng's arrival. In an instant, the entire hillside became quiet, as if the pause button had been pressed.

The screen paused for a while, and they all looked at Ying Zheng. At this moment, Ying Zheng suddenly bowed deeply to thousands of people, and then walked towards the engraved stone without saying a word.

The long sword cut through the palm of the hand, and the blood was dyed red one by one. Thirty-six carved stones, thirty-six carved stones, blood flowed from all of them, and a piece of blood-red carved stones was thrilling under the summer sun.

The monument is stained with blood!

At this moment, on the hillside, the eyes of the mighty and endless Chinese people were moist again.

"Great Qin Wannian, Wang Shangwannian..."

The endless chants swept across, and the momentum shook the sky. At this moment, the hearts of the king and the people are the same.


At this moment, Ying Gao suddenly raised his sword: "Tie Ying ordered: Blood stained stone carvings, bring your soul back home!"



When Ying Gao and others were blood-stained one by one on the carved stones, Ying Zheng suddenly raised his head to the sky, and shouted: "Jingshui sharp men, frequency mountains are gods! Guard my rivers and canals, and enrich my Daqin!"

"Jingshui Ruishi, frequency mountains are gods! Keep my rivers and canals, and enrich my Daqin!"

"Jingshui Ruishi, frequency mountains are gods! Keep my rivers and canals, and enrich my Daqin!"

"Jingshui Ruishi, frequency mountains are gods! Keep my rivers and canals, and enrich my Daqin!"


Thousands of people from all over the country cheered, and the huge sound shook the wilderness, and the whole frequency mountain seemed to tremble among these thousands of people.

The occurrence of this scene brought tears to Ying Gao's eyes.

This is an era full of miracles. The people of the old Qin were just built in a simple and simple way. They only want to make the country rich and the people strong, and they only want to survive.

The six hundred years of struggle had formed the old Qin people with a strong sense of family and country, and this moment of outbreak was like that.


"Father, we should go!"

Glancing at Ying Zheng, Ying Gao persuaded him, "Now that the people are returning home, it's time for Hequ Ling and Hequ Cheng to prepare for the water diversion ceremony."


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng's eyes were bright: "Li Si, Zheng Guo, how are the preparations for the water diversion ceremony going?"


Hearing this, Zheng Guo and Li Si looked at each other, and then Zheng Guo said impassionedly, "Your Majesty, the water diversion ceremony is almost ready."

"The specific date is set before the summer planting, and the water diversion ceremony can be held in five days!"

This date was calculated by the Yin Yang family, and it is a day of great auspiciousness, and this date is close to Xia Zhong. For Daqin, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

"It's so good. After the water diversion ceremony, Jingshui rushes in, and it can irrigate Qinchuan for 800 miles, just in time for farming!"

Ying Zheng was also very satisfied with this day. After all, if Xia Zhong was missed, countless grains would be missed, and countless people would go hungry again.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng said, "We must keep up with the preparations for the water diversion ceremony, and then I will participate alone—!"


Standing behind him, Ying Gao could feel the excitement and pride of Ying Zheng. Such a huge project, the only one in the past, was comparable to Li Bing's Dujiangyan.

Even worse than that!

Once the current water diversion project diverts water, it will surely be a blessing for all generations. From then on, the entire 800-mile Qinchuan will become a fertile field and a natural granary.

This is the same as when Shu County became the granary of Daqin after Dujiangyan in those years.

Today's Great Qin not only has Bashu, but also Qinchuan, which makes Yingzheng's confidence continuously strengthened.

As the saying goes, if you have food in your hands, you don't panic.

As long as the Daqin granary is sufficient, whether it is a famine or a bumper harvest, the Daqin warriors can be dispatched at any time to sweep the world and achieve the feat of being the only one.


"Gao, in your opinion, will this diversion project be passed on to the world?" Ying Zheng suddenly said with emotion, looking at thousands of rivers and mountains in the lonely shogunate.

"of course!"

Ying Gao's eyes were hot: "There are hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of living people. Such miracles will naturally be passed down to future generations!"

"Your Majesty, the river canal has been completed. Please give it a name. It has been recorded in the history of the country and passed on to future generations!" Seeing what Ying Gao said, Li Si hurriedly said.

"Name the canal?"

Ying Zheng walked around in the shogunate, he was full of thoughts, but the moment Ying Zheng was about to blurt out, he saw Zheng Guo's old face, and his heart was shocked.

He knew that although Zheng Guo was a hydraulic engineer, he was only a little older than Li Si, but at this moment, Zheng Guo seemed to be a generation older than Li Si.

At this point, Ying Zheng knew that Zheng Guo almost gave his life for this canal, the corner of his mouth twitched, and said.

"Just name it Zheng Guoqu!"


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