I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 187 Jingshui Taotao, recasting the character of the Qin people.

A grand rush, because Yingzheng's joining is even more grand, in this world, the king is the belief of a country, and the king of Qin is the belief of Daqin.

The king of Qin drove the water head himself, and the mighty water dragon crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and thousands of Chinese people followed. The black long dragon with endless shadows swaying and the rushing water dragon echoed each other, becoming a unique landscape in this world. .

This move made the old Qin people crazy.

The appearance of Qin Wangzheng gave a different meaning to rushing to the water this time, and a special emotion emerged in the eyes of thousands of old Qin people.

The originally withered and yellow face began to become smooth, and the somewhat tired eyes were shining at this moment.

It seemed that at this moment, a special power was awakened and re-activated in the old Qin people.

Jiujiu Laoqin, let's go to the national calamity together!

There was no overwhelming cheers, no hysterical mourning, just such a trip of four hundred miles, so that the old Qin people burst into endless light.

This is the meaning of King Qin's participation in the rush!

And when the sky was full of sunset, Ying Gao and Tie Ying finally arrived at Luoshuikou.

At this time, Ying Gao also saw Ying Zheng, Zhao Gao and the others. At this moment, Ying Zheng was full of vicissitudes of life, and his face was so thin that he was so thin.

But after Ying Zheng's move, the old Qin people regained their ultimate radiance, which is self-confidence and courage.

This is unyielding!

It can be said that after this time of rushing to the water, although the old Qin people were not reborn, but the spirit of the old Qin people has also undergone great changes.

"I have met my father! Congratulations to my father!" Facing Ying Zheng, Ying Gao bowed solemnly and said.


Nodding his head with difficulty, Ying Zheng endured the pain and said, "Keqing, Hequ Ling, how is the water situation in the back?"

Hearing this, Li Si and Zheng Guo's face showed a look of joy, and they both bowed their hands towards Ying Zheng: "My lord, the whole line of the canal is solid and smooth, and all the branch canals and canals are filled with water!"

"Zheng Guoqu, it's done!"

"Hahaha, good..."

While speaking, Ying Zheng's legs softened, and he leaned directly on Zhao Gao's body. Ying Gao's eyes moved, and he said, "Political affairs are suspended during the camp, everyone rests, and we can talk about anything tomorrow."



Ying Zheng and the others trekked four hundred miles to catch the water, which required great physical strength. Now Ying Zheng and the others were physically and mentally exhausted, and they all relied on joy to support them.

If this joy is exhausted, it will leave a huge trauma, so at this moment, Ying Gao categorically ordered that the entire camp rest.


Resting all night is an absolute luxury for the officials on the Jingshui construction site, so after a night's rest, everyone in the entire ICBC camp is full of energy.

Ying Gao walked into the shogunate, looked at Ying Zheng with a smile on his face, and said, "Father, according to the reports from all parties, there are no breaks or leaks in the whole line, and all the branch canals have entered the water smoothly. .”

Hearing Ying Gao's words, Zheng Guo stared at the huge map in silence for a long time,

He paused every word, and said: "Jing water will be formed, and there will be no drought in Guanzhong from then on!"

Zheng Guo, as the order of the river canal, can be said to be the chief engineer of the Yinjing project. His words made everyone in the shogunate feel emotionally high in vain.

Even Qin Wang Yingzheng, who was sitting at the top, looked happy. At this moment, he turned to Li Huan and said, "Li Huan, how many fields can be irrigated after the Zhengguo Canal is completed?"

Li Huan was silent for a long time, and after some calculations in his mind, he said to Ying Zheng, "Your Majesty, Zheng Guoqu has directly benefited twenty-three counties, and the indirect beneficiaries are all eight hundred Li Qinchuan."

"According to the statistics of the government office, the dry land in Guanzhong has more than 4.6 million mu. After the opening of the Zhengguo Canal this time, it will become a fertile field with guaranteed harvest from drought and flood!"

"The more than 2 million mu of saline-alkali land on both sides of the Wei River will undergo earth-shaking changes after three to five years of irrigation and become a fertile field."

"Under ordinary circumstances, every mu produces one grain, and the national treasury can accumulate at least 300,000 dendrobium every year. Five or six years later, the wealth in Guanzhong will be the best in the world!"


This is the self-confidence of Li Huan and others, and also their pride. Looking at Jingshui entering Luo, they dare to say that in five or six years, the wealth of Guanzhong will be the best in the world.

Hearing this, Ying Gao also had a serious expression on his face. Ying Zheng was driving the water, and it wasn't like he didn't do nothing. During this period, Ying Gao and Tie Ying checked the canals in various counties.

He naturally knew that Zheng Guoqu did have the capital to guarantee income from droughts and floods.

The Jingshui River Canal is not just a main canal, but a water network made up of more than 3,000 branch canals. It can be said that Zheng Guo used ten years to weave a huge water network in Qinchuan, eight hundred miles away, and changed nature with the power of people.

"Zhao Gao prepare the car, go and have a look at the saline-alkali land!" After pondering for a long time, Ying Zheng ordered decisively.

Saline-alkali land has been a problem for Daqin since Duke Xiao. No matter whether it is Shang Jun or the successive prime ministers, they have planned to deal with it. If it is not bad luck or bad luck.

As a result, the saline-alkali land in Daqin has never been resolved. This point was originally a sore spot for the Qin government and the public. At this moment, Ying Zheng naturally cared.

"Father, my son thinks that inspecting the saline-alkali land can be replaced by Hequ Cheng. Father should return to Xianyang as soon as possible and sit in the capital!"

At this moment, Ying Gao's eyes were bright. Since ancient times, there has never been a monarch who has been away from the capital for a long time. This is undoubtedly very dangerous for a country.

Moreover, Ying Zheng was so thin that he became a bone, which made Ying Gao feel a little unbearable. He pondered for a while and said, "Father, only when Daqin is stable can everything go according to Father's wishes."

"The eyes of the entire Central Plains are now on Daqin, and at the same time, on the father. Therefore, the father can't make any mistakes!"

Seeing Ying Gao's opening, Wang Wan, who already had this meaning in mind, quickly stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I also mean the same thing. Now that the river and canal have been completed, it is important for the king to return to Xianyang last time. The county government offices will definitely deal with the saline-alkali flat. Play it as it is!"

"As the young master said, the king has been away from the capital for too long. If you continue to delay, there may be troubles. I invite the king to return to Xianyang!"

"Your Majesty, please return to Xianyang!"

At this moment, all the ministers in the camp shogunate unanimously persuaded Yingzheng, because they all knew that Yingzheng's body at the moment needed to rest and recuperate under the order of the imperial physician.

Otherwise, if this continues, the young King Qin's body will collapse.


At this moment, Ying Zheng shook his head helplessly. He naturally knew what everyone was thinking, but at this moment, he still felt unwilling.

"Young Master Gao, Wang Wan, Meng Tian, ​​Lao Tingwei followed Gu back to Xianyang, Li Si and Zheng Guo went to various counties, and checked the whole line of Zheng Guoqu by the way!"


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