I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 191: 3 Sichuan Mengxue!

"No, it's just to bring back Lao Ling's people!"

Although Ying Zheng urged Ying Gao repeatedly, but Ying Gao's temperament made him feel unconfident.

After all, this is a guy who doesn't agree with one word, and dares to fight against a powerful enemy when Mobei is at an absolute disadvantage. Even Ying Zheng is shocked by his madness.

This time, Daqin Ruishi, who was carrying 200,000 Lantian camps, went to the New Deal. What will happen in it, at this moment, even Yingzheng is not sure.

Even if he sent Meng Tian to follow.

But Ying Zheng knew in his heart that both Qin Ge and Meng Tian had the same attitude towards war.

That is, as long as it is unfavorable to Daqin, starting a war is the kingly way.

However, at this time, Yingzheng has no one to send, and even in his heart, he believes that this battle will inevitably break out, and King Han will not compromise easily.


"If nothing can be done, maybe there will be a small-scale conflict!"

In fact, at this moment, both Ying Zheng and Li Si Zheng Guo knew that since Ying Gao was to go, war was inevitable.

The only difference is whether a war of extermination will be launched.

For a legendary general who brought down the entire Hetao at the slightest disagreement, anything could happen, let alone Xianyang General Meng Tian following him.

With the combination of Ying Gao and Meng Tian, ​​add the 200,000 Lantian army, and the army stationed in Sanchuan County to defend against the six kingdoms of Shandong, Wang Jian, Henggan and other generals.

It is not difficult to destroy Korea.

And Ying Gao can do this too!

"Your Majesty, I'm just a sinful minister, why bother to go to war for my minister, it's not worth it!" Zheng Guo sighed again and again, the feelings of family and country in his heart, and the plot of the monarch and his ministers were constantly intertwined, which made him feel like a mess.

"Lao Ling is a hero of Daqin!"

Yingzheng's words are as firm as iron, and his words are convincing.

"Old Ling rests at ease, we'll talk about everything when he recovers!"

Ying Zheng smiled lightly, comforted him, and said, "Gu came here this time to tell Lao Ling that he can rest in peace, and other matters will be resolved with Gu alone!"

"Thank you, my lord, for your compassion!"


At this moment, Yinggao's carriage had left Xianyang City and was running along the official road.

"General Meng Tian, ​​how many troops are there in the current Lantian Camp?" Ying Gao pondered for a moment, then turned to face Meng Tian, ​​and asked.

He knew in his heart that part of the army guarding against the six kingdoms in Shandong was the Great Qin warriors from the Lantian Camp.

"My lord, there are still 100,000 troops in the Lantian camp!"

"One hundred thousand troops?"

Hearing this, Ying Gao thought for a long time before he turned to Meng Tian and said, "General Meng, if the general will directly mobilize one hundred thousand troops, will the safety of Xianyang City be guaranteed?"

"The current situation in the Great Qin Dynasty is under the control of the king. The young master has mobilized an army of 100,000 and the city of Xianyang is as stable as Mount Tai, without the slightest influence!"

Meng Tian, ​​as the Commander of Xianyang and concurrently the General of Xianyang, seemed to know Xianyang clearly by heart,

At this moment, seeing Ying Gao asking, he quickly nodded and answered, saying.


Slightly nodding his head, Ying Gao said solemnly, "I will go directly to Sanchuan County, and General Meng will go to mobilize an army of 100,000 Lantian battalions to join me in Sanchuan County!"

"Walk by car, after all, it will not change, and the trip to South Korea should not continue to drag on!"



"Wang Hu, speed up—!"



The car was galloping on the road, and three days later, Ying Gao and his party finally arrived in Sanchuan County.

"This subordinate has seen the sheriff!"

Ma Xing and others came to welcome Ying Gao, and the officials of Sanchuan County were among them.

"Don't be too polite!"

Ying Gao nodded and said, "Let's go to the mansion first, this place is not a place to talk!"



The group returned to the official office, Ying Gao took his seat, smiled at Ma Xing and the others, and said, "While I'm not here, is there any major event happening in Sanchuan County?"

"I report to the governor that no major incidents have occurred. Officials at all levels are responsible. The people in Sanchuan County are happy. Moreover, a group of students from Sanchuan University have graduated and entered the major government offices of Sanchuan County as interns."

"This brings the efficiency of the entire Sanchuan County Government Office one step closer!"



Nodding his head, Ying Gao turned to Ma Xing and asked, "How is the enrollment status of the second batch of students in Sanchuan University?"

"Reporting to the governor, this time Sanchuan University's recruitment is mainly for the children of soldiers who died in the First World War in Mobei, and there are about 300 students of the right age!"

Hearing this, Ying Gao's eyes were deep, and he knew in his heart that this was just the beginning.

Moreover, in the Great Qin court, there is no shortage of officials at all, and there is no war, no expansion of territory, so naturally there is no huge gap to accommodate this group of students.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Gao murmured, and said, "Get in touch with Jing Yu and build a smaller college in the north of the city, called Sanchuan Mengxue!"

"From the age of six, I began to teach and study in elementary schools. The first batch of graduates were the lecturers. The students were mainly the children of the fallen soldiers, and then targeted at the children of meritorious service who made contributions to the Great Qin."

"As for the others, it is to be determined. After all, the scale of my Sanchuan Elementary School is not large. Since there are too few graduates this year, it cannot be large!"


Nodding in agreement, Ma Xing looked at Ying Gao and said, "My lord, Sanchuan University is still running out, if it wasn't for the financial subsidies from Sanchuan County and the supply from the Jiannan Chamber of Commerce, it might have stopped already. "

"Now, once the Sanchuan Mengxue is established, not only the investment, but also the annual operation will cost a huge amount of money. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Sanchuan County's finances to pay!"

Ma Xing's worries are not unreasonable. Ying Gao knows in his heart that education has lost money in the early stage and even all the time. This is a system established by the imperial court for operation.

Education is not a business.

Even if you lose money, you have to do it.

Ying Gao knew this point from the very beginning, but he insisted on it without hesitation.

Now he has no way to advance, and the rest of the places are also doing the same, but once the accumulation reaches a certain level, countless forces will erupt.

This mighty torrent can even make Great Qin more prosperous, and no one can stop it.

If Daqin wants to live forever, education is the foundation.

At this point, Ying Gao's eyes were fixed, and he said: "Now is the stage of investment, not the stage of income. Once the opportunity comes, Sanchuan University and Sanchuan County will be famous forever."

"You can discuss this matter with Jing Yu, and implement it as soon as possible!"


Nodding in agreement, Ma Xing raised his head and said, "Young Master, you won't be leaving this trip, will you?"


Shaking his head, Ying Gao looked at Ma Xing, smiled, and said, "You have also heard about Datian Ling Zheng Guo, and I am the envoy to South Korea on this trip!"

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