I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 246 Then play a big one!

In the past, Wang Li and Ying Gao had a harmonious relationship and were inseparable. It was only because he had too many thoughts at the moment that even though they were not strangers, they lost the harmony they had before.

One more thing Wang Jian knew was that Ying Gao planned to let Wang Li control the 30,000 python army, but his unfilial grandson rejected it righteously.

In the first battle in Mobei, Wang Ben and Meng Tian were crowned Marquis due to meritorious service. Wang Jian and others knew that neither Wang Ben nor Meng Tian had the highest military exploits in that battle.

It was Ying Gao who stepped into the battlefield for the first time!

However, Ying Gao gave the credit to Wang Ben and Meng Tian. Because of this, the generals of Daqin actually prefer to go out with Ying Gao.

Wang Jian knew in his heart that if Wang Li followed Ying Gao, with Ying Gao's character and ability, Wang Li would definitely have a better development.

As an old owl in the officialdom, he knows that sometimes ability is far more important than choice.

Sometimes, a choice can take a person to the sky in one step, and he can enjoy endless glory and wealth. And such a choice was presented to Wang Li in vain, but Wang Li refused.

It can be said that if Wang Li has always had a good relationship with Ying Gao, it means that Wang Li now has a knighthood and has become a leader among the younger generation of Daqin.

But this opportunity was taken by a side branch.

Wang Jian knew that with Wang Hu's military exploits, the rise of this branch was just around the corner.


With a long sigh, Wang Jian didn't think too much, as long as Ying Gao still admitted that he was a teacher, the relationship between Wang Li and Ying Gao could be eased.

However, making contributions will be postponed!


When it was dark, Wang Jian had already arrived in Xianyang.

After arriving in Xianyang, Wang Jian did not stop at all, and directly entered the Xianyang King City without even entering his house. The war had already begun, and a huge game of chess was laid by Ying Gao.

At this time, even Wang Jian did not dare to be careless, but he knew exactly how crazy this teenager was.

Succeed or benevolent!


"My lord, Wang Jian, I have met the king!"

Walking into the Xianyang Palace study, Wang Jian bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng and said.

"Wang Qing?"

Hearing the sound, Ying Zheng lifted his head up like a hill, with a hint of surprise in his eyes. He knew that Wang Jian was in the Lantian Camp and training the new army.

Without his order, it is impossible to go to Xianyang, but Wang Jian went to Xianyang Palace in person without saying a word, and came to the study at this point.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and almost immediately, Ying Zheng knew that there must be something big happening in the camp outside the pass.

"You came here late at night, but something big happened?"

"Your Majesty, I have to come to Xianyang in person for the military report about the foreign camp. I don't feel at ease when other people come..." Wang Jian's eyes were burning, and he knew in his heart that this matter was related to him everywhere, so he had to come.


Standing up tall, Ying Zheng couldn't sit still at this moment. He knew that the Qin army had already been defeated once, and this time the attack,

He returned to Xianyang, so that he didn't know the news of the camp outside the pass.

"Wang Qing, how is the battle in the camp outside the pass? What's happening with Li Mu?"

Yingzheng also attaches great importance to the news of the camp outside the pass. After all, it is related. The next deployment of Daqin is about the final deployment of Daqin's unification of the world.

There is no room for negligence!

"Your Majesty, the camp outside the pass is not dominated by General Henggan, but by Young Master Gao!"

Wang Jian smiled slightly at Ying Zheng: "Young Master Gao is in charge of the camp outside the pass, together with the Mang Sparrow Army and the Wan Sheng Army under his command, there are a total of 120,000 troops, which is the same number as Li Mu's army."

"It's just that in the previous battle, 20,000 troops were lost today, and morale was frustrated..."

"It's this kid?"

Ying Zheng was somewhat interested in how Ying Gao persuaded Heng Gan. After all, Ying Gao was his son, and according to the current development, Ying Gao was his best son.

A teenage boy, commanding an army of tens of thousands, confronting the famous general Li Mu, Ying Zheng was also a little curious.

"Wang Qing, since you are here, what must happen is not just Ying Gao taking charge of the camp outside the pass, right?"

Ying Zheng understood it at a glance. He knew in his heart that with Wang Jian's personality, he would never go to Xianyang King City easily unless he was really undecided.

So, he went straight to the point!

Ying Zheng knew his confidant minister very well. He knew in his heart that Wang Jian was extremely calm and would only enter Xianyang unless something happened suddenly and he had to.

"Your Majesty, Young Master Gao uses General Henggan as a fake commander to remotely control the soldiers of the three armies in the camp outside the pass, and at the same time, formulate a battle plan."

"With a large depth, we will carry out a large roundabout operation in an attempt to directly break through Handan, but Gong Zigao intends to mobilize the Lantian camp to join the battle!"

"The big camp outside the pass is the main attack on the surface, but in fact it is just a feint attack in conjunction with the Lantian camp. He wants to use his ministers as generals, and the king will personally conquer."

"Use the Lantian Camp as the real main force, break through Handan County in one fell swoop, and shake the kingdoms of Shandong!"

"At the same time, all the money and food consumed will be paid from the treasury of the State of Zhao..."


After looking at the map for a long time, Ying Zheng looked serious. There is no doubt that Ying Gao's heart is too big. This is simply to attack Zhao State with the power of the whole country of Qin Dynasty.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng's eyes were like swords, he took a deep look at Wang Jian, and said in a deep voice, "Wang Qing, what do you think of Ying Gao's plan?"

"Your Majesty, there are not too many loopholes in Young Master Gao's plan. The 100,000 frontier troops in Li Mu's hands have lost 20,000. This is Zhao's most elite army."

"If everything goes according to Young Master Gao's wish, Li Mu and the 100,000 frontier troops can be held back, I have the confidence to lead the army to break through Handan, and let the king host a banquet at the Zhao Palace."

Yingzheng's memory of Handan is the deepest. At this moment, there was a gleam in his eyes: "Wang Qing, if you are alone as the commander, cooperate with Gong Zigao, and the Lantian camp is dispatched, how sure is this battle?"

"Your Majesty, as long as Young Master Gao stops Li Mu and the 100,000 frontier troops, I'm 80% sure!"

Wang Jian's imposing manner was like a sword, his whole body was revived like a ferocious beast, bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said: "With the high talent of the young master, and the camp outside the 120,000 pass, it is only less than 20% to defeat Li Mu."

"However, there is a 50% certainty of holding Li Mu. This is still the case that there are no powerful generals among the young masters. If Meng Tian goes there, it is about 60% sure!"

Walking in the study room, Ying Zheng stopped suddenly, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes: "Chuan Zhao, General Meng Tian, ​​General Nei Shi Teng, Li Xin, Feng Qujiu rushed into Zhao's land, and joined Young Master Gao."

"At the same time, the general will lead the Lantian battalion to personally attack. This battle will only take Zhao Guo within ten years, and there will be no more troops!"


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