I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 252 It is Daqin's blessing to have such a peerless general!

"Tie Ying, write an imperial edict in the name of King Zhao, and advertise it to the world, asking Li Mu to lead his army to surrender..."

Casting a glance at King Zhao, Ying Gao turned to Tie Ying: "Today, I want to see if Li Mu cares about King Zhao's life!"


Hearing this, King Zhao's heart sank, he felt a clear loss of vitality, he knew Li Mu too well, and Ying Gao's strategy was simply not feasible.


"Come here, imprison the king of Zhao and the officials of the Zhao state separately. No one is allowed to visit. Anyone who violates the order will be killed without mercy!"


At this moment, King Zhao was in despair.

When encountering a reckless man like Ying Gao, he didn't know how to deal with it for a while. One moment he asked him to order Li Mu to surrender, and the next moment he planned to fake it.

King Zhao knew in his heart that the most dangerous people are those who act like this without bottom line.

"Ying Shuai, do you think Li Mu will surrender?" Heng Gan glanced at Ying Gao and couldn't help probing, said.

Hearing this, Ying Gao smiled, and turned to Wang Jian: "Teacher, if Xianyang is destroyed and King Father is captured alive by Li Mu, will you surrender?"


Wang Jian's tone was firm, and he turned to Ying Gao and said, "Firstly, Li Mu didn't dare to kill the king. Second, surrender means the destruction of the Qin State. Only with a large army in hand can the Qin State be revived."

"The royal family of Qin has a large population, so just set up a new king!"



With a chuckle, Ying Gao nodded to Heng Gan: "General, Li Mu actually thinks the same way. No matter what, Li Mu will never surrender."

"Now that Handan has been breached and King Zhao has been captured alive, Li Mu has become the last hope and spiritual support of all Zhao people. Therefore, Li Mu will not surrender."


"General, count the casualties of our army, and count the money and food in Handan City. This time, even the Handan Palace, my son will be evacuated."

Speaking of this, Ying Gao suddenly paused: "Especially, the dossier and yellow book about Zhao Guo must not be let go!"


Nodding his head, Heng Qian said, "I'll deal with it now, it will be safe!"

Before this, Heng Gan looked down on Ying Gao, but after this battle, he was completely convinced by Ying Gao. After all, it was Ying Gao who kept the big camp outside the pass and his Hengqian.

At this moment, Heng Gan was extremely grateful to Ying Gao, because he knew how much pressure he was under before the war, and he also knew how much pressure Ying Gao was under.

Fighting against huge risks made Yinggao what he is now, and saved his reputation from being ruined, and at the same time saved the camp outside the pass.


Xianyang Palace Study Room.

At this time, Ying Zheng was flipping through the memorials, and the memorials on the long case were piled up as high as a hill, directly covering Ying Zheng's figure.

"Your Majesty, the Jinling Arrow Messenger has arrived, and he is outside the palace right now!" Zhao Gao's voice sounded, and he bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, saying.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng raised his head from the memorial as high as a hill, looked at Zhao Gao, and said, "Please come in, prepare hot rice wine, let the envoy drink first, and answer!"


The envoy of Jin Lingjian ran all the way, so he was naturally extremely exhausted and weak. Ying Zheng ordered to drink hot rice wine at this moment, also for the sake of the envoy's health.

Every Jin Lingjian envoy is the wealth of Daqin, they are extremely loyal and powerful.



The envoy of Jin Lingjian raised his head and drank a bowl of hot rice wine in one gulp, then put the pottery bowl on the long case, bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said.

"I congratulate the king, our army broke through Handan and captured King Zhao alive. This is the military report of Commander Ying!"

"Our army won?"

As soon as he received the military report, Ying Zheng was overjoyed. He knew better than anyone else that this victory or defeat would have a huge impact on Qin and on him, the King of Qin.

"Victory, our army has won a big victory!"


"Zhao Gao, send an order to all civil and military officials to enter the court!"

Ying Zheng shouted loudly, then nodded to the envoy of Jin Lingjian: "The envoy goes down to rest first, and will bring the edict back soon!"




This battle was won!

This is especially true for the Qin State. It can be said that it was a hearty victory. At this moment, even the mature Qin King is extremely emotional.

After all, Daqin won this battle!

And the commander in chief of this battle is his son, the peerless general who rose from the Great Qin royal family.

"I'm waiting to pay my respects to the king, the king lasted ten thousand years, the great Qin ten thousand years—!" After a while, Li Si and others walked into the study room, bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said.

Looking at Li Si, Wang Wan and others who came in, Ying Zheng smiled brightly: "My dear friends, the camp outside the pass has won a big victory. The Lantian camp and the python army broke through Handan and captured King Zhao alive."

"Now, I have summoned all my dear ministers to discuss how to deal with King Zhao. I don't know what your dear ministers think?"

"Congratulations, my lord, congratulations, my lord!"

After being taken aback for a moment, the officials suddenly stood up, bowed deeply to Yingzheng, complimented him, and said, "Young Master is the star of the world, this is the blessing of Great Qin!"

None of the people present were fools. They knew in their hearts that the position of Crown Prince of Qin had always been vacant, and at the very beginning, the eldest son Fusu was the most suitable candidate.

For a long time, the King of Qin never let up on Fusu's education, and the ruling and opposition parties also praised the eldest son Fusu.

But starting from the grand ceremony where the King of Qin took over the government, the third son Yinggao suddenly emerged, shining brightly like the sun.

If the previous actions in Sanchuan County and Mobei narrowed the distance between Yinggao and Fusu, then breaking Handan this time would be doomed to be the crown prince of Qin. Qualified to get involved.

After all, the current Ying Gao is only less than fourteen years old, but he has already become a famous general. After this battle, Young Master Gao will definitely be on the list of hundreds of generals, and even enter the top ten.


Laughing loudly, Ying Zheng did not hide his joy. After all, it is a comfort to have someone succeed him. What makes him value Ying Gao most is not his ability to conquer wars. After all, Daqin has never lacked generals who can conquer wars.

It is that Ying Gao can judge the situation and clearly know where the bottom line and limit of a matter are. This is the most important point.

Facing a crisis, what Ying Gao thinks of is not to shrink back, but to stand at the forefront, face it bravely, and take responsibility bravely.

The prince of Daqin must have the courage to take responsibility, otherwise the majestic Daqin will crush a person. Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng waved his hand and said.

"Same joy, same joy!"


It is indeed a happy event for the court to have a peerless general in the Great Qin Dynasty, and this general has no possibility of betrayal, which reassures them even more.

Young Master Gao's reverence for the King of Qin was seen by everyone in the government and the public, and he has always abided by the way of a monarch and his ministers.

This kind of Yinggao is what the Qin Dynasty needs, and it is also what the Qin officials are happy to see.

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